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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Threads of Vibration (PASSIVE)
Skarner Passive Ability
Hey guys! It's a long time ago now that I've created this guide and after the recent buffs he (Skarner) has received, I felt like updating my guide and bringing it back to life again. To all the people who are new here and have never heard anything about me, my name is DerCrazyEde and im currently Diamond 3 on EUW [10.01.2018]. During Season 5 I reached Diamond 4 by maining Skarner. Skarner is my most played and favorite champion. I felt the need to create a Guide for Skarner to share my knowledge i've gained by playing more than 400 games with him. Season 7 was quite a poor season for my main Skarner, that's the reason why I didn't update the guide, nor was I playing him during that time. However, with the recent changes he received and the new season 8 starting next week, I'll start spamming Skarner again and make sure to keep this guide up to date (asap). Please keep in mind that the Builds/Runes/Pathing etc. could get some improvements and it also depends on each and everyone's playstyle. If you want to discuss certain stuff (like Item Build Order, Runes, etc.) don't hestitate to join
our discord channel: or pose your question in the discuss section.
Lolking Profile:
Notable Achievements:
My overall KDA with Skarner : 6,6/3,0/11,0 (5.9 KDA)
Skarner #3 EUW #12 World (7.08.2015)
These videos are kinda outdated, I will surely update them soon.
Before you get started to learn a lot about skarner, these videos I made could already clear up some things.
Also read the descriptions under my Youtube videos since I didn't manage to explain everything in my videos,
(and I'm sorry for no sound on that ganking one D:)
Before you get started to learn a lot about skarner, these videos I made could already clear up some things.
Also read the descriptions under my Youtube videos since I didn't manage to explain everything in my videos,
(and I'm sorry for no sound on that ganking one D:)
Hey guys, since you've enjoyed my last Skarner Gameplay so much, I started a new series called
"Carrying as Skarner in ... ELO".
I will try to upload new games every week to show people, how to carry with Skarner in lower Elo, even when your team isn't doing well!
More videos will be added to this series whenever I start spamming Skarner at the start of a new season!
Let me know in the comments whether you enjoy the series or not!
OP.GG Main Account:
OP.GG Smurf Account:
Carrying as Skarner in DIAMOND Elo
Carrying as Skarner in GOLD Elo
"Carrying as Skarner in ... ELO".
I will try to upload new games every week to show people, how to carry with Skarner in lower Elo, even when your team isn't doing well!
More videos will be added to this series whenever I start spamming Skarner at the start of a new season!
Let me know in the comments whether you enjoy the series or not!
OP.GG Main Account:
OP.GG Smurf Account:
Carrying as Skarner in DIAMOND Elo
Carrying as Skarner in GOLD Elo
The Crystal Vanguard
Primary Tree: Inspiration
Unsealed Spellbook: This rune is what Skarner has always needed. Even despite the nerfs to it's cooldown down to 15 % it's still allows you to switch between Ghost and Flash and is really good on Skarner. People have always questioned whether it is worth to run Ghost or Flash with Skarner. I have always preferred Ghost over Flash, but this rune is really what we where all waiting for. I suggest to run ghost for the early - mid game and after you finish your Turbo Chemtank you can switch Ghost to Flash and vice versa. During late game you can analyze what your winning condition is and choose between flash or ghost.
Magical Footwear: After several changes it's better to get free boots instead of Perfect Timing. This rune basically gives you free boots and reduces the costs of the boots aswell. Since you will still be aiming for the Trinity Force rush it's good to have some free boots available and if you badly need Tier 2 Boots, it's a cheap upgrade.
Future's Market: I really prefer to run Future's Market right now because i tend to do a full clear on Skarner and can back at ~ 860 gold, wait 2 seconds in spawn and be able to instant get my Sheen. This is a huge powerspike for a Skarner at 4 minutes already!
Cosmic Insight: People forget that you always take 10 % CDR Runes with the old system. Getting 5 % for free and reducing the Summoner Spells and Item Cooldown helps Skarner overall.
Secondary Tree: Sorcery
Celerity: More MS means Skarner can catch up easier, also having this rune means more MS = more Damage overall. It's a great rune overall, even some mid laners take it to avoid getting hit by skillshots.
Waterwalking: Skarner gets free Attackspeed on his Passive and he will spend lots of time in the river to gank and to be able to move even faster = faster ganks = more success for ganks. Also the river provides some AD , so if someone is fighting against you in the river while you are on your Threads of Vibration, you should be able to win the fight.
The Item Build which I'm using, offers everything: tanky stats, insane damage because of Sheen passive, Enchantment: Cinderhulk passive and of course your Q.
It's hard to counter Skarner's damage because he's dealing mixed damage.
Against full AD:
Instead of going for Spirit Visage you buy Randuin's Omen for more health and armor, this makes you an immortal beast.
Trinity Force once again is the best item on Skarner because you get 20 % Cooldown Reduction AND 40 % more attack speed. Iceborn Gauntlet gave you 60 AR, 20 % Cooldown Reduction and bunch of mana.
However, Trinity Force now is way better on Skarner since it gives 20 % CDR and the additional 40 % Attackspeed helps you to spam your Q more often and with the 200% AD Sheen proc (instead of 100% from Iceborn Gauntlet), you deal significant amount of damage.
The Trinity Force changes encouraged me to play Skarner more often with my old item build and playstyle and it worked out so far!
After Ghost got changed and buffed, I tried using Ghost on Skarner and it worked out way better than Flash.
As you can see in my last gameplay video (where I used ghost), ghost synergizes just well with your engage from your W. You can use your W, pop Ghost and drag an enemy even further away from his team because of Ghost. But don't be sad if it doesn't work out, you can use both now with runes reforged or just stick to flash if you like it.
Max order is R>E>W>Q
Now this section received quite some changes.
Note: These changes are for Cinderhulk Skarner!
Max E first. After the recent buffs to his E it helps Skarner with his general clearing (which was in a good spot anyways) but having the 1.5 second stun and passive duration is huge. Not to mention the slow you are getting.
I max W second because of the shield and the movement speed. It helps you with clearing the camps while staying healthy, also it offers great ganking pressure because movementspeed is the only way skarner can catch up. With 40 % CDR late game you will have a shield of around 800 HP which lasts for 6 seconds, and your W will be on a 6.6 sec Cooldown, which means it will be up all the time!
Max your Q last now. Q was never doing much damage for a tanky item build and was only used to proc the Sheen passive. If you are maxing Q last and have Sheen, you will always have your next Sheen proc up when your Q is up. Whenever you had Q max'd and had 40 % CDR and were spamming Q, you missed every second Sheen procs.
If people are going for the Warrior Enchant, I'd suggest to max Q first and E last, since it scales of bonus AD.
As Skarner, it is most common to take a full clear early game before going back.
However, if you see an opportunity to gank PRE 6, go ahead! I suggest ganking after your 3rd camp!
You can start on either site you want, but I suggest to start botlane so you will get an even bigger leash.
Then you continue to do your buff and your side camp. Use your first Refillable Potion when you start Wolves or Raptors. After that you go to your Second buff and do it. If it's the Red Buff Smite it, if you are on Blue use a potion. If you are on the Red side, do your Gromp next and Smite it for the Poison, use a Refillable Potion afterwards. If you are on the Blue side you do Krugs afterwards Red Buff and go to Raptors. Go back and buy Stalker's Blade and maybe a Pink Ward.
Stalker's Blade helps you with ganks, since you steal movementspeed from the enemy and you gain it, so you are even faster to get in position for your ultimate!
Always check the lanes and if you see an opportunity for a gank, go for it! If not, keep farming till 6 and when you reach 6 YOU create opportunities. A small hint when using the ult: When you ult someone, immediately press W and grab him into tower range or away from his tower, don't just stand there and do nothing! Also use your Q when you ult!
Route 1:
Route 2:
Skarner is a great team player. He can either be the main engage and focus the carries down, but he can also peel for his ADC pretty heavily because of his low Cooldown stun on e and ultimate!
Also read the descripton under my Youtube videos since I didn't explain everything in my Videos,
(and sorry for no Sound on that ganking one D:)
PS: I will soon upload more videos here about ganking, jungle clearing, full gameplay and late game. Simply: how he interacts in a team. So watch out!
Thanks for reading my guide! It's my first guide and I know there's still a lot to improve, so don't hesitate to tell me what I could improve!
Make sure to subscribe to my Youtube Channel and to follow me on twitch so that you're always up to date.
If you really enjoyed reading my guide and feel like the effort I put into it needs some kind of reward, I have created a link for you guys to support me with donations on paypal
Thank you very much for any kind of donation and every donation will be mentioned underneath!
Huge Credits go to MrGrom222, for helping me out with his amazing pictures, designed by himself! And for everything else, thanks dude!
Here are some screenshots I'd like to share with you guys!
Screenshots for the upcoming season will of course be added very soon! :P
Some games in March 2016 with the new item build and masteries!
Some games in March 2015
Season IV
Season V
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