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Recommended Items
Runes: Glacial
+8 Ability Haste
+6 Armor
+65 Base Health
Ability Order
Ki Barrier (PASSIVE)
Shen Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Long range
This is such a strong combination. You are able to chain cc, you have crazy damage, and Jhin is safe even when you R away to help other line. Any high mobility adc will be fine, Shen is a roaming support.
This is such a strong combination. You are able to chain cc, you have crazy damage, and Jhin is safe even when you R away to help other line. Any high mobility adc will be fine, Shen is a roaming support.
Champion Build Guide
My general advice would be...Try to get your jungler fed within first 10 minutes. Help him in river, or invade or on roams if possible. Give him love and that role can carry. In my elo at least. in yours it could be mid. So play around midlaner or even ADC. After level six, you can go anywhere, even to help toplaner, but...DO not use your ultimate just as a safe measure. Use it more pro-actively, to catch enemies unprepaired. Your taunt and big shield can neglect ganks around the map.
Most importantly, HAVE FUN
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