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Runes: Personal "For Fun" Variation
+10% Attack Speed
+6 Armor
+65 Base Health
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Camille does everything you can do but way better. You don't out-damage or out-shield her and you can't escape from her ult. However, you can stun her when she tries to hookshot you, which makes for slightly better trading. Time your E's so she can't land the second Q.
Champion Build Guide
About Me
I was the original creator of Divine Sunderer Nautilus. I know this because I tested every AD Item on Nautilus, then posted my results on Reddit, which is the first instance of this build being used.
After I saw someone else copy it on Mobafire, I decided to make a guide based on the original build. I have a few hundred hours using Divine Sunderer Nautilus, a few thousand reports for using it, and many, many angry teammates. Don't use this in Ranked, it's not viable over Camille, who simply has wayyyy more damage, even if you have a little more utility in some areas.
Divine Sunderer Nautilus is a lot weaker than when I first started using it due to the durability update, but it still works fine.
After I saw someone else copy it on Mobafire, I decided to make a guide based on the original build. I have a few hundred hours using Divine Sunderer Nautilus, a few thousand reports for using it, and many, many angry teammates. Don't use this in Ranked, it's not viable over Camille, who simply has wayyyy more damage, even if you have a little more utility in some areas.
Divine Sunderer Nautilus is a lot weaker than when I first started using it due to the durability update, but it still works fine.
How Does It Work
The goal as Sunderer Nautilus is all about short-trading and roaming. Your abilities have a very different use than Support Nautilus, and all are useful for this short-trade method.
Dredge Line is used for both engaging and disengaging. For Sunderer Nautilus, it's mostly for disengaging fights you can't win under current circumstances, then waiting until you can win.
Titan's Wrath is used whenever you need to trade (unsurprisingly), as the shield and damage can make you have a positive trade versus most champs. W also allows you to disengage without taking too much damage from walking away.
Riptide is your main trading ability. Sunderer Nautilus needs to short-trade in minions, where Riptide can hit enemies, but they generally can't hit you. Also, you can zone enemies by keeping distance and using Riptide whenever they come close before they can damage you.
Depth Charge is mainly for team-fights and roaming and isn't great for the trading playstyle. While laning, it's best used if you get ganked or to disengage an enemy who is in an ultimate.
I took Sunderer on Nautilus with PTA at first because I thought it was funny. It ended up winning the game with 13 kills and around 4 deaths, because the magic penetration actually ended up working okay, and it allowed for better burst damage when you roamed Mid or Bot. PTA is mainly for fun, but you should take Grasp.
Dredge Line is used for both engaging and disengaging. For Sunderer Nautilus, it's mostly for disengaging fights you can't win under current circumstances, then waiting until you can win.
Titan's Wrath is used whenever you need to trade (unsurprisingly), as the shield and damage can make you have a positive trade versus most champs. W also allows you to disengage without taking too much damage from walking away.
Riptide is your main trading ability. Sunderer Nautilus needs to short-trade in minions, where Riptide can hit enemies, but they generally can't hit you. Also, you can zone enemies by keeping distance and using Riptide whenever they come close before they can damage you.
Depth Charge is mainly for team-fights and roaming and isn't great for the trading playstyle. While laning, it's best used if you get ganked or to disengage an enemy who is in an ultimate.
I took Sunderer on Nautilus with PTA at first because I thought it was funny. It ended up winning the game with 13 kills and around 4 deaths, because the magic penetration actually ended up working okay, and it allowed for better burst damage when you roamed Mid or Bot. PTA is mainly for fun, but you should take Grasp.
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