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Runes: Standard Rune Set
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Ability Order
Power Chord (PASSIVE)
Sona Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Brand's burst is terrifying and his stun lasts for ages. Don't engage unless you know the champion well and know how to exploit his weaknesses.
Sona can synergize with anyone, but Jhin is my hard core pick of the litter. His 4 shot does so much damage and thus takes advantage of the fact you poked the enemy down with your Q Power-chord combo during lane-ing faze.
Sona can synergize with anyone, but Jhin is my hard core pick of the litter. His 4 shot does so much damage and thus takes advantage of the fact you poked the enemy down with your Q Power-chord combo during lane-ing faze.
Champion Build Guide
Your first back REQUIRES AND DEMANDS that you get a tier and focus on building Archangels Staff first! You need to do so to because it's the only thing that will save you and your ADC from losing trades and not being able to heal the damage that will be dealt to you.
Use your E to increase your Movement speed so you can get close to the enemy to poke them and then go back to your ADC before the enemy can do too much damage to you. Once you get your Ulti you need to start looking for plays. Poke them down till they're at around 50% to 25% of their health and damn near 3-shot range. Once you get them there you should be able to flash into them and your ADC can follow up and get a kill.
However, as Sona you are going to have to make sure that your teammates are aware enough to follow up on your aggressive plays. Your poke, your stuns, your slows, and such. If they routinely don't then you are screwed and there is nothing you can do about it. "Sup difference" doesn't matter, what matters is "Team difference".
Lower Elos are notorious for having the map awareness of a corpse and they will not be able to handle an enchanter like Sona, they don't know how to follow up your stuns and poke and will just completely ignore your efforts. If you are dealing with a team that is ignoring your efforts in an Elo where enchanters are viable, then you need to build burst.
If you are in such a situation build things like Ludens, Deathcap, and whatever whatever it is that you think will work depending on your situation. Upon getting your build go for picks on the squishiest of targets you can find. Ensure they are alone and their allies are distracted, pay attention to the situation and evaluate what will work and what wont. Remember, it's all about critical thinking and knowing when to go in.
Make sure you target the squishest members of the enemy team, and the ones whom dive your carries. For example:
If a Zed ults your ADC and doesn't have a means of escape, ult him and then use your Q Power-Chord Combo so that way you can turn that dive of his into a mistake. BUT this requires extremely precise timing and practiced execution. It's a roll of the dice but a Sona that can pull it off is a Sona that will turn an entire game around.
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