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Nocturne Build Guide by Luxieai

Jungle Embrace the Darkness | 9.18 JG Nocturne

Jungle Embrace the Darkness | 9.18 JG Nocturne

Updated on September 24, 2019
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Luxieai Build Guide By Luxieai 8,996 Views 0 Comments
8,996 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Luxieai Nocturne Build Guide By Luxieai Updated on September 24, 2019
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Lethal Tempo
Presence of Mind
Legend: Alacrity
Coup de Grace

Cheap Shot
Ultimate Hunter

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


LoL Summoner Spell: Chilling Smite

Chilling Smite

LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


Threats & Synergies

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Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
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None Low Ok Strong Ideal
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Champion Build Guide

Embrace the Darkness | 9.18 JG Nocturne

By Luxieai
Why Nocturne?
So why Nocturne? He is an assassin jungler that has global presence once he reaches level 6 and gets access to his Paranoia. His early sustain with his passive Umbra Blades, he is able to be on the map looking for plays all the time.

A lot of his damage comes from his passive, Umbra Blades. This is what makes him a great dueler it extended trades. It has a static CD of 10 secs and basic attacks against champs reduces it by 2 secs, so be careful in prolonged trades.

With access to Duskblade of Draktharr and Lethal Tempo, he has high burst damage when he gets on top of someone.

Nocturnes thrive against isolated targets with his 100 - 0 potential with Paranoia. So he teaches you to track the enemy jungle and constantly look at the minimap for plays whenever his ultimate is up.

His weaknesses is that without Shroud of Darkness he's extremely squishy. He's also not great in team fights if you're all grouped up, since if he dives in too greedily, you can just burst him, and he is also not that great when he is behind, but there are always opportunities to come back with how you decide to play it out.
About Me

"Their twilight approaches".
Hi, I'm Luxieai from the Garena Singapore/Malaysia Server and welcome to my Nocturne guide. I'm a relatively new player, started around end of 2017 when the runes got reworked and started picking up jungle at the start of this year.
I got into the jungle role mostly because I didn't get ganks or i got ganks when it was bad timing. Picked it up with mostly Kayn and Jarvan IV but now I have been loving champions with global presence. His playstyle got me interested but the lore was what kept me staying. Who doesn't like being the incarnation of nightmare?

I stream a lot on the weekends, mostly League nowadays but sometimes I do stream other games. If you want to catch some Nocturne gameplay, follow me on twitch!
"Embrace the darkness."


This is my go-to keystone for every matchup. The build does not include that much attack speed aside from his Shroud of Darkness passive and the jungle item so this helps you when you want to fight and burst someone down very fast.

I want to say that this rune is broken on Nocturne but I know it's not. The snowball potential is amazing with this. For example, you kill/assist botlane and get to kills, 20% cooldown off your ult from the start, that's basically walking up to toplane, clearing a bit of vision and having your Paranoia up again. Most players don't expect the cooldown to be that low after you get a kill, so surprise them.

Like I said, attack speed is key, you want any attack speed where you can get it for free since he builds mostly attack damage and no attack speed aside from jungle item. It also helps with his clear.

Self-explanatory, you're an assassin.

I know I said to take the attack speed wherever you can get it, but this is too good to pass up especially for early levels where Lethal Tempo and Shroud of Darkness can basically give you enough before you get any attack speed items.
Secondary Runes
Summoner Spells
Flash is mandatory, Nocturne does not have any dashes outside of using his ult's flight, so if you find yourself in a sticky situation, you need this. Or you can use this to follow up an enemy's Flash if they're trying to break the tether of your Unspeakable Horror.
Jungler, smite. Nothing else needs to be said.
Champion Info
"Afraid of the dark?"
Ability Explanations
UMBRA BLADES (Passive): Nocturne's passive is really good for clearing and keeping him sustained in his early clear as when you combine the lifesteal from the jungle item and the lifesteal from the passive itself, it heals significantly. This passive is also what makes Nocturne a great dueler as it reduces its cooldown by 2 against enemy champions, so with Lethal Tempo proc, you attack them so fast you can proc his passive two times in a short trade. Some people do like building attack speed for this passive but it's really preference, that's why you see a split choice between Stalker's Blade - Bloodrazor and Stalker's Blade - Warrior items.

DUSKBRINGER (Q): This is part of Nocturne's clear factor. Some people don't know but his Duskbringer trial gives him extra Attack Damage so you don't want to pull camps out of your trial in the early levels, it'll slow down your speed significantly as it gives 20 AD in level 1. This skill is maxed first as it helps in the jungle a lot as it's an AOE and it helps you gank much better with the extra stats given.
DUSKBRINGER (W): The spellshield ability. Your main defensive ability with the added passive of attack speed. This skill is what splits the good and the bad Nocturne players. If you use this skill randomly, it's obviously going to be inefficient. Try to keep a lookout on the big CC enemy skills or big spells during teamfight, or even a random skill when you go in if you want to activate the bonus attack speed when you succesfully block an ability. For dragon, its autoattacks count as spells so use it when you know you don't need it for an upcoming fight to get the bonus attack speed.
UNSPEAKABLE HORROR (E): This is Nocturne's main CC spell outside of his ultimate. Landing this on an enemy is key when you're in a 1v1 or 2v2 because you get to freely attack them and reposition yourself from the passive you get from feared enemies. Be wary of enemy mobility spells as once you cast this and they blink away, it does nothing.
PARANOIA (R): The reason why you pick Nocturne. This global ability is amazing for SoloQ as people don't count cooldowns or keep track of them and they always expect a fair fight but with Nocturne, it rarely is very fair. Paranoia is a two-click ability, first cast makes enemy near-sighted globally, the next cast is used on an enemy that is sighted by your team (wards, fighting in a lane, etc.) and you will fly to them and deal massive damage upon reaching. You can cast anything during the flight, cast Duskbringer right before arrival to avoid the cast time. Sometimes when you get on top of someone already, it's good to save the ult as a means to execute them if they flash or gets a Dark Passage.
Ability Order

6 / 11 / 16


1 / 4 / 5 / 7 / 9

Shroud of Darkness

2 / 8 / 10 / 12 / 13

Unspeakable Horror

3 / 14 / 15 / 17 / 18
> > >

This is what I feel is the best order for ability skills. Some people used to max Unspeakable Horror first for the extra damage and extra second on fear, but most of the time they're already dead before you're able to fully utilise the fear. So I decided to max Shroud of Darkness first for the 20% extra attack speed that feels good in the mid-game.
"Do I scare you, summoner?"
Starting Items
Slice The Monsters
The most efficient start on Nocturne as he values the lifesteal for him to sustain enough for a full clear from level 1.

Gulp Gulp
This potion is way better than the normal Health Potion for junglers. You don't need to spend extra gold whenever you back and it's very efficient.

Please, do not bring a Stealth Ward when you start jungling, you can start with a trinket and place one and then back for an oracle lens but do not go and gank with a trinket, it's useless. You always want an Oracle Lens to help spot enemy wards as well as protect your jungle from enemy jungle warding/counter-jungling.
Core Items
Speed is Flashy
Some people like going Skirmisher's Sabre - Warrior, it's viable and totally find with you if you want more damage instead of attack speed, but I find that the attack speed given is amazing in all stages of the game. It helps your clear better, your objectives ( dragon, rift herald) faster and you can proc Umbra Blades at least once more in a skirmish.

Execution is Key
This item is so good for Nocturne, gives him the stats he really wants and the passive will do bonkers damage when you ult with it, the burst is sky-high. This item also helps clear wards faster, which is great when you want to control vision with your Oracle Lens. I recommend building this item every game after jungle item is complete as it offers the perfect mix of damage, CDR and vision control.

Life is Fulfilling
NEVER SKIP THIS ITEM. It is so key for Nocturne when he gets to the point where everyone can burst him down as fast as he can burst them down, this will allow your team to respond and kill everyone else when you killed the enemy DPS. Once you revive, you're able to turn to the Baron Nashor or Dragon like nothing ever happened. Also, why would you not want this item, you always need armor and he likes more Attack Damage. What's not to like?
Speed is Flashy
More cooldown reduction! More Paranoia! More kills for you and your team! This is my go-to boots, I rarely go other options unless the matchup really calls for them.

Execution is Key
This item is my 2nd most build boots, primarily because most of the enemy junglers are usually AD and sometimes their whole team is full of AD. Simple cost-efficient solution.

Life is Fulfilling
This is only bought when the enemy team has multiple sources of CC, never buy this just for the magic resist.
Other Items
More Damage

Bruiser Items
"Cut them from this world!"
Early Game
The route for Nocturne is very simple. You always want to plan for a full clear of your jungle so that they can respawn sooner. Sometimes you would see a gank oppurtunity in one of the lanes, drop all the monsters as a successful gank is so much more worth than one camp (make sure to get some of the lane EXP, this is crucial so you don't fall behind).
So the path is to full clear red buff side for level 3, look for ganks, go to blue buff, take scuttle and then clear wolves and gromp if there are no gank oppurtunities.

The earliest you want to gank as a Nocturne is level 4, with 2 points in your Duskbringer. People say level 3 is the best but it only takes one scuttle (if you started red buff and clear red side and blue buff) to reach level 4.
Before level 6: First you have to ping at least 3 times on your laner's lane on top of the enemy to show that you're coming for a gank, obviously if you're low or your laner is low, don't attempt it unless the enemy is really overextended. You can either walk up to them or use Duskbringer to get to the lane faster. First, autoattack them to apply red buff slow and then you can cast your Unspeakable Horror, this will most likely burn their Flash or even get the takedown. If you think it is worth to flash-predict their flash to get the kill, make sure that you get the kill and not the laner, if it's first blood. Most of the time, jungler first blood's are what snowballs the game.
After level 6: This is where you get access to the Paranoia. This allows you to completely bypass wards since you don't have to use the standard gank paths which are usually warded. Make sure your laner is in position to follow up on your gank because when you cast Paranoia, your target will likely walk away. Also remember to check Paranoia's range by hovering your mouse over the ability before starting the gank. Use Duskbringer immediately after you arrive at your target to reduce any cast time. If you think you can gank a lane through a standard gank path, you can save the ult. The first Paranoia cast is always the most important one. Make sure you've plan for it and get the kill(s).
Mid Game
For mid game, it varies a lot. If you're ahead, you want to look for objectives, dragons, herald. Make sure to hover over the laners since they're most likely to be trying to hard push to get the tower plates and even the tower itself. If you're behind, try to gank as much as you can so that you can help your laners to get the lead for you. Nocturne is very bad when he himself is behind so make sure to not be greedy or try to go for stupid plays when behind and get your laners ahead.
Invading: If you're ahead, you definitely want to start invading the enemy jungler. Make him feel pain and not being able to even farm. Most of the time you're able to kill the enemy jungler if you play it right and you're ahead on some items, make sure to also account for the laner priority.
Behind: Nocturne being behind is pretty bad, especially pre level 6, try to get some exp by hard farming if you can or spam gank one lane so that the lane is so ahead you can be pulled in with the momentum
Late Game

Try to get your vision game right, Nocturne and basically the whole team will benefit when you control the vision. Of course, this only happens when you're ahead and you're able to clear enemy jungle and put wards in there to control. Get your Control Ward always stocked up.
If you do get behind, the only way to win is to use your ult to get a pick, or counter-engage. Hover over your laners, when they clear the enemy minion waves, support the team with your ult. It's very hard to comeback as a Nocturne when you you're down.
Elderwood Nocturne
Thanks for reading my Nocturne guide. This is my very first time making a guide for a champion in league of legends. I know I'm not the best for using guides for but I do what I want I made sure that none of these tips I have shared are going to make you demote. If you appreciated it, please do hit the green up vote button to help spread the guide to more people!
Be sure to follow my Twitch and my Twitter for more updates on my streams and real life stuff
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