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Just try to dodge his q's, go ignite so he can't heal a lot from his r.
W his q's, I recommend going ignite, if you trade always be careful with his barrels, try to destroy them and always take short trades, avoid engaging with e, you want to run away with it.
Just dodge everything she throws at you, specifically her root, if she lands it she is going to all in you and delete A LOT of your hp, go TP.
Never get hit by the outside part of his q, go teleport because you are going to get low (his passive burn dmg).
Dodge his e, if he starts running at you with the q move speed, e away and pray to not get obliterated from existence.
Be careful with all her abilites, dont get hit by her passive auto attack, or deny it with w, always short trades, dont all in if she has r.
As xPetu says, "Either you dodge the E or you dodge the game".
Engage her with e, block her empowered auto attack with w, without that she has no dmg, you hard win trades even with her r.
You arebe able to win trades if you dodge his q or w, be VERY careful at lvl 6 if you are low.
Dr. Mundo
Dodge his q poke, then engage when the q goes back, be careful with his w stun and shield.
Be aware of her passive so she doesn't get that dmg.
Engage with q, when he q's just deny it with w, if he e's then you taunt out.
Be careful with his q and auto attack poke, if he is in mega gnar mode just run, but if he is in "tiny, cute, normal gnar mode" you should be able to get some grasp auto attacks and get worth trades.
You hard win trades always, BUT if she has the full passive stacks dont even try to trade with her (unless you are 2 kills ahead).
Engage with q, if he e's just taunt away, do that and you win.
You just hard win trades.
Kayle is weak in early, be careful when she gets lvl 11.
Kennen is a hard matchup, you should be careful with his q's and if you cant dodge them, try to avoid the dmg of them with your passive. Be careful with his autoattacks, you should w them because you dont want him to get stacks to stun you with his passive and then kill you.
Be very careful with this matchup, just short trades and DONT DIVE HIM.
Be careful with her passive burn, lvl 6 dont everextend a lot, you dont want her to sleep you with r and then kill you.
Get passive shield when he tries to poke you with q, malph usually goes arcane comet so try to dodge that thing as well.
Engage with taunt, win.
Dodge his e, and win. Be very careful at lvl 6.
You hard win trades, most of the times is a kill. DONT LET HIM FARM, IF YOU LET HIM FARM A LOT YOU JUST DIE.
This is a hard matchup, you should take short trades, and dont engage with e, just aproach him with q, get some auto attacks and disengage with e.
Try to get the passive shield when she gets the blind thing onto you, look for r oportunities so you can get ahead.
Your w denies her third q, you should be able to win trades unless she has r.
He pokes a lot with his auto attacks, try to deny that dmg with w, engage with q and disengage with e.
You always win trades unless he has passive stacks, try to deny farm so he can't get a charged up passive and destroy you.
He is an auto attacker, if he wastes his dash-shield thing just engage him.
If he pushes you he always wins, avoid that.
You win trades, avoid his empowered auto attack with w and dont chase him if he runs away with his clone thing.
Engage, win, try to be aware of his windwall position so he can't block your sword to go to you.
Same as Yasuo, just the easy wind brothers, with yone you always win trades, try to predict his e recast.
Engage and you always win, dont take free dmg with his shadows, if he has r be careful.
Hecarim and Shen is a very fun synergy, he just goes fast to the enemy and you r him and its just very fun and op.
Invisible Shen r? I like that
Same as Evelynn
This is just the cc synergy, very fun if you r him when he is going at 1000000 km/h and you kill the enemy adc. Both together have a lot of cc so the enemy cant defend himself.
Hecarim and Shen is a very fun synergy, he just goes fast to the enemy and you r him and its just very fun and op.
Invisible Shen r? I like that
Same as Evelynn
This is just the cc synergy, very fun if you r him when he is going at 1000000 km/h and you kill the enemy adc. Both together have a lot of cc so the enemy cant defend himself.
Hello, I'm a mastery 7 Shen OTP, this is the guide that I created to help shen newcomers to learn this amazing champion and enjoy it more. The builds are created from my own experience, but some of the things from this guide are things that i learnt from reading guides and watching videos (xPetu or Shending Help, I hope you like it as much as I like this champ. If you have any doubt or question, you can ask it in the disscusion page of my guide, and if you have any tip to make my guide better I will really apreciate it!
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