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In the times I've fought Mordekaiser I've always had a bad time, so I rank him high. Early is alright but it's such a pain when he reaches level 6
I haven't fought or even seen a Renekton for quite some time, but from the past times against him I've always been destroyed by him. He has a lot of burst and he can break your shield with his stun. Bone plating is a good choice but even then he still does lots of damage
Aatrox has free poke and lots of healing, but he can be outplayed. Always dodge the sweet spot, even if it means walking closer to him. If he lands W, try your best to get out by walking to him or to one side. If he ults, don't fight him unless you are ahead and confident or can take him under tower and ignite
I've fought many Dariuses before and I have become used to his threat level and how to counterplay him, but he still is and can be a huge threat if you mess up. Don't engage if he already has passive stacks on you, back off and let them wear off. Best thing to do is to let him get cocky and drag him under tower. If he uses Q on minions punish him for it, his Q is his most threatening ability
Fiora is a tough matchup early, especially if you play it wrong. The best way to fight her is to bait out her Riposte when landing an e, then you're free to ult and murder. DO NOT let her kill you early, she will snowball out of control. Prioritize not dying even if it means giving up plates
Gangplank's a jerk, he just plays passively until he gets Grasp up and there's really nothing you can do about it. The orange sucks because he can just get out of your ult for free plus a heal. If you're looking to drag him under tower, try to stun him and get the orange out of the way, otherwise just let him push and keep farming
Yorick's main threats are his cage and his split-pushing potential. You don't have an escape from the cage aside from flash or destroying it but it takes precious seconds and health. Try to dodge his E and punish him for it. If he traps you in the cage, stun him and use the attack speed to break it down quickly
Illaoi can be a bitch to fight but she is very slow and you have to capitalize on that. Never attempt to fight her while she has your spirit and you in ult range. If she does ult, simply run away or drag her away from the spirit. The best time to fight is when there are little to no tentacles around and she missed her E. If you have a gank and she gets spirit plus ult on the two of you and the spirit, don't fight. Let the jungler die if they want
Believe it or not, Irelia is not much trouble for Skarner. I actually love going up against them because it's so much fun fighting them. The best way to beat her is to dodge her stun, if you can predict her stun that drops huge damage because she can't Q you for free and build the passive
Gwen's not too hard, her true damage does sting though if she lands it properly or if you let it hit you. Keep moving around so she can't land it and you should be fine.
Sett's tough, but I find myself doing much better than him as the game goes on. He has the early lead because of his regen, his max HP damage of his fists, and his true damage, but the key to beating him is to dodge the W true damage at all costs. If he ults you into your tower you can counter ult him and you should get the kill unless he has W ready
Cho'Gath is really not much of a problem. His Q's are easy to predict and dodge and his silence doesn't do too much since you are more auto attack based than ability based. Save your shield for when you start getting near the ult threshold
Shen's magic max HP damage from his Q hurts, especially after a good taunt, but after that he doesn't have much to defend him when his abilities are down. Only thing with Shen is that he will be all over the place with TP and ult, so try to keep an eye on him and flash or ult if necessary to stop his ult
Jax is pretty tough because of his evasion ability and his burst with his Q and E. The R's passive doesn't help either, and it's a pain fighting him once he's got the ult up. Try to drag him under tower if he jumps on you, but beware that he can dodge the stun lock under tower
Whether it's in the jungle or in the top lane, Volibear is a serious threat. He can literally shut off your best shot at a kill and he has a strong engage with a stun. Shield when he stuns and if you're jungling, just avoid fighting him unless you're ahead
Sion's very slow and you can easily stop his Q by just stunning him. He shouldn't be trouble, just remember that he can stun lock you for a while while his jungler kills you
Like Sion, Ornn is slow, but he does more damage more reliably. His fire breath is unstoppable and does max HP damage and the auto afterwards hurts, but the thing with Ornn is that you can cancel his ult recast by stunning or ulting him, which is insane in a teamfight.
Yasuo is very squishy early and you can beat him out early. Break his passive with an auto or Q and once lethal tempo is up, go for the stun and damage. If you see the tornado coming and he is in range, ult him so that way he can't ult while you are airborne
Tahm Kench
Tahm is a tank with huge damage output and CC potential, so it's best not to fight him. It's crucial to dodge his W so he doesn't get the mana and CD refund on it. Play safe, don't let him get close to you
Singed is not a problem, don't follow him, avoid his poison trail at all costs and you'll do fine
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