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Take exhaust and build Tabis after Sheen. Good to go if you can dodge his Q. Just make sure he can't get off good roams
Not much of a threat early on. Try to shut him down before he can scale. To do that just don't tank his combo and don't let him roam for free.
Tabis after sheen is a MUST.
Keep your distance from minions she can execute with Q to get to you.
It doesn't matter if you W her stun, she gets a free dash onto you so she will opt to execute a minion with Q, Auto, Q, Auto weave while she E's, and Q's you again.
Her auto range is deceptively long which means she can auto a barrel while out of its range.
If you're desparate, get Sheen, Tabis, then Sterak's.
She CAN and probably WILL dive you ate level 3 if the opportunity shows itself, so be aware.
YOU WILL NEVER WIN THIS LANE UNLESS HE IS ROLE PLAYING THE MONKEY ITSELF. TURTLE. FARM. Do not int him, that's all. Not even Tabis will do anything for you.
Poke with Grasp Q, walk forward to dodge E, and hit a barrel. Easy when you get early Tabis after Sheen. Make sure to wait out her passive shield, it comes up when she autos a champion. Also note that she will not heal from her W if you get right up in her face, so the best way to deal with her is: Setup a barrel under yourself, dodge her E and get a free barrel to damage and slow her, walk up and tank the auto but don't attack until the shield is gone while running into her to mitigate the heal she gets from W (perfect world scenario, I know)
He can't do anything to you, you will basically win this lane so long as you aren't cheesed by jg and can out wave-manage him. Keep him off you by placing barrels under your feet and
Q him lots so he can't heal. If he comes in with Q, be aware and step away just in time to bait him to E you without using Q. Best time to get passive off is after he has E'd, so passive Q wins the trade as you can run out of his E when you get MS from passive.
Early Tabis makes him useless. You can wait out his lethal tempo and he's useless. Keep in mind, your ult will keep him slow and ruin his spell shield.
You pretty much win without cheese once you have sheen and phage. Just be aware of his ult, some Nocturnes like to catch you by surprise by leaving lane, using honey fruit and ulting onto you.
If you dodge the Q she won't get hasted, deals less damage and can't heal off you so it's perfect timing to trade. To dodge the Q just don't stop moving and play evasive. You can easily poke her out early as she has no movement speed.
Buying boots and sheen together is perfect for this match up. Just beware of her cool down, keep trades short because she can Q about every 3 seconds. Otherwise fairly easy match up if you don't get kited and can bait the W (long CD early) and Q. You can easily W her ult.
Poke like crazy with grasp and ruin him with barrels, bait his E. Beware his early burst and dps. Don't let him scale in any way (Splitting, killing team).
Take ignite and fry the fish. He will either Q in to take your barrel out or bait you and E the barrel. Try to get a passive off while he Q'd onto you and either Q him and let him take the barrel or time it and out-bait him then proceed to fillet and cook this fish. Best way to go about it is to poke him to hell and bait the E with barrels. Don't forget, he can 100-0 you at 6 if you don't have a lead and can't manage to land 90% of your stuff. You can opt for a hexdrinker or make do with Nullifying Orb.
Waste of time to play into her, it's just too easy. Eat her E's with healing from runes and run her down if you land a barrel by W'ing her Q. Take ignite for free money
She may poke you out and push you in early on, but once you get sheen this match up is over. You can W her E so long as it's on you. No timing requires which means all her damage is just about gone and she has no escape so you can run her down. Easy to dodge her Q too as you get move speed from existing. Just don't get baited by her ult and miss a barrel (not that it really matters). A good tip is tat when she come in to Q the wave (second Q) that's prime time to clip her with a barrel. Other than this, don't let her roam for free and there you go, you shove her in and demolish her with trinity
You CAN mess this up once she gets 6, but otherwise it's too troll. Just W her Q and walk out of pool, BOOM no damage. She's squishy so you can kill her early on especially if she doesn't rush Zhonyas.
Be sure to wait for him to knock the enemy back before using a barrel if it's already to late to do so as you may get confused and use barrel on nothing
This support is SO OP. Do I need to say anything? CC is good synergy with any champion
Great CC and the ability to throw someone into you to get a potential double passive off for free
His passive makes any AP damage deal 10% more true damage to an opponent. This coupled with his catch potential and the potential to get a 5 man stun works wonders when you ult or just want to get a nasty combo off. Great team fight potential, but a little on the weak side early on, so help him out early
Miss Fortune
Great synergistic ults, damage and ability to WIPE OUT a team at a choke point in the jungle. Just requires a bit of cooperation
Either you flash out of the wall, or die. The fact that Veigar also has the ability to clean up the kill with his ult is icing on the cake
As GP is not a 1 shot machine, Jhin can clean up a good engage swiftly. Your ults compliment each other as well
Be sure to wait for him to knock the enemy back before using a barrel if it's already to late to do so as you may get confused and use barrel on nothing
This support is SO OP. Do I need to say anything? CC is good synergy with any champion
Great CC and the ability to throw someone into you to get a potential double passive off for free
His passive makes any AP damage deal 10% more true damage to an opponent. This coupled with his catch potential and the potential to get a 5 man stun works wonders when you ult or just want to get a nasty combo off. Great team fight potential, but a little on the weak side early on, so help him out early
Miss Fortune
Great synergistic ults, damage and ability to WIPE OUT a team at a choke point in the jungle. Just requires a bit of cooperation
Either you flash out of the wall, or die. The fact that Veigar also has the ability to clean up the kill with his ult is icing on the cake
As GP is not a 1 shot machine, Jhin can clean up a good engage swiftly. Your ults compliment each other as well
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