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Runes: Normal build
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Challenging Smite
Threats & Synergies
More tanky CC, avoid this little guy at all costs. I normally ban him every game I play as hec.
Easiest ganks of your life if you have this guy on top
Easiest ganks of your life if you have this guy on top
Champion Build Guide
Hecarim isn't the biggest farming jungler, and once you have your E + R you can gank like a madman. How you do it is you run out with your E, then once you knock them away from the group you R to make them flee right into your allies. You can then start rampaging on them while your laner pitches in as well and they will lose every time. While your ult isn't up, you can still gank but generally it's better to farm for a bit then.
After the laning phase, conserve ults for teamfights to knock the whole team into your allies. Not much else to say here, go for drakes/rifts when possible of course and prioritize ganks over farming generally. Go for the earlier ends possible as well because hecarim does fall off a bit in late/ultralategame. GLHF!
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