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Runes: Standard
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Ability Order Standard
Power Chord (PASSIVE)
Sona Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Poke and Shield more efficient than yours.
If he plays well, you'll crush botlane !
If he plays well, you'll crush botlane !
Champion Build Guide
Doing this, you're ready to cast + empowered Q aa + Q + Aerhy.
And that's a good level 1 output of damage :)
You'll get out of base at 0:15 to take vision in your tri-bush (your midlaner is supposed to cover mid) and help your jungler get 1st buff if he start on your side.
Play the 1st minion wave normally, or really agressive if you're late (depending of what the enemy killed of your minions).
When 2nd lane comes, hit the minions the fastest as possible.
If you have level 2 before your enemies, you have a free kill or they waste all sums.
In both cases, your emporewed Q + W by themselves gives nothing.
But your adc have one more spell, and we both have more stats !
You also have an ignite ;)
You can either : put their wave under their turret so they miss them and you enjoy roaming (or ward/secure scuttle) , or setup a freeze so you'll zone them out of xp/gold.
- If you're ahead, Bane Lich & early Black Seal, then Ardent Censer !
- If your behind, buy Ardent Censer, Black Seal (to fill-out with roaming) ! (Both share a common sub-item)
Ardent Censer is strong for it's passive especially on Sona!
Let me break it down :
- It gives up to +30% attack speed (lvl 18) on WHOLE team in your W !
This is very efficient for taking objectives (drakes/nash/turrets/inhib/nexus) - It gives some burning damage to those shielded allies.
Once T1 is taken, rotate mid with your ADC for turret and ward their jungle in order to get that T1 top also.
Now, the game is open GGWP
- You carry the hell out with Bane Lich, Meijai & Rabadon.
- You carry the hell out by healing.
In both cases, watch on minimap who you can help on the map.
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