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Choose Champion Build:
Ability Order
Triumphant Roar (PASSIVE)
Alistar Passive Ability
There are a lot of Alistar jungle guides, and there should be! He is amazing in the jungle and provides a gank threat at an amazing lv 2. First blood? Almost always...
What can my guide add?
I've used this build a lot, it works. This is a build i have yet to see in any of the jungle guides for Alistar... Which means as soon as this guide gets posted other more popular builds will be "updated" with my build included...
Are my masteries and runes right for everyone? Is this a fool proof build? No... But what i can promise you is that the build works and is viable... If you want to improve and change and adapt as you see fit, great! This is a great starting point from which you can then jungle with Alistar as you like. This guide provides a build that fits Alistar jungle into the team as more of a support, CC, tank, and aura's role.
Why do i build

Some of his geatest strengths are his CC abilities and his natural tankiness. His biggest weaknesses are his long cooldowns on abilites as well as his slow movement/lack of excape mechanisms. His greatest needs are CDR and excape tools, hands down. The build adds to his strengths while strengthening his weakness, giving him the absolute must of his 40% CDR with tools to allow him to keep himself alive. I hope you enjoy!
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The Different Builds...
The builds are for different styles of jungeling (AD,AP, and Fed) as well as a "Support" build for those wanting to forgo the jungle and play support bot! Enjoy!
- You can tank from start of game to end. Provides you with massive amounts of HP and massive amounts of cool down reduction which means you get to CC the **** outa fields of justice...
- The auras are progressive, as the game goes on the auras kick in at the times you and your team would benefit the most from them...
- Doesn't lose ganking power during the ganking period, allowing you to rain down ganks that deal death without fear of you falling behind in power as lv's go on...
- Support support support... Ali's CC is what makes him so useful, allowing him to tank and deal massive CC while providing great auras in team fights means success... Health, cooldown reduction, and auras... Powerful...
- Heal ability + Passive use equals decent clearance of jungle with little loss of life...
- Great movement speed and abilities means Ali can counter jungle and defend well...
- THIS IS HUGE! You do not need another strong support bot... Your support bot can take on more of a damage dealing role, like a
Lux or
Teemo in which they dont have to be solo support, but can build AD/AP heavy...
- There is only one con that can be a game breaker for this build... It is support... Meaning this, if your AD carry and AP carry are failing then you die. Your strength lies in keeping the whole enemy team tied up with your CC and your health while your team uses your auras to finish them off... If they are failing to deal damage you will find that you lack the damage to finish enemy champs off 1v1 most of the time...
For Jungle Builds:
Max out in Defense:
Summoner's Resolve
Veteran's Scars
Tough Skin
Bladed Armor
Max out in Utility:
Summoner's Insight
Expanded Mind
Runic Affinity
Should be 0 offense-21 defense- 9 utility.
Note: Cooldown reduction has a cap at 40%, if you know for sure that you will be building more CDR than going with a more defense based mastery tree would be better as the extra 6% CDR from
would be wasted. This being the case and the build maxing CDR, I opt for the extra beef from def masteries. It helps in the jungle...
For Support Builds:
Max out in Defense:
Summoner's Resolve
Veteran's Scars
Max out in Utlity:
Summoner's Insight
Expanded Mind
Improved Recall
Should have 0 offense- 9 defense- 21 Utility
Note: You dont need
as your build caps the CDR once again. The extra gold is important as it allows me to get my
Regrowth Pendant right off the get go with either the sight ward or 2
Health Potions if I so choose. The extra 2 gold per minute means that with my 3
Greater Quintessence of Gold i have 5 gold/10 secs proc gear from masteries/runes from the very start of the game. Thats 600 gold for shortest game possible by surrender (20 mins). Throw in your other two gold proc items (
Heart of Gold and philosopher's stone) and you really feel the effects mid game! 15 gold/10 secs= 90/minute... The extra xp is also a must for support!
Max out in Defense:

Max out in Utility:

Should be 0 offense-21 defense- 9 utility.
Note: Cooldown reduction has a cap at 40%, if you know for sure that you will be building more CDR than going with a more defense based mastery tree would be better as the extra 6% CDR from

For Support Builds:
Max out in Defense:

Max out in Utlity:

Should have 0 offense- 9 defense- 21 Utility
Note: You dont need

Jungle Runes:
Greater Seal of Armor or Greater Seal of Defense
You need the defense to be jungling, if you want it to scale so you get more end game that's your call... If you know you can get a good leash/pull at blue go with scale runes as you wont take the early damage anyways. If you are unsure about team quality of leash, the flat runes are always safe.
Greater Glyph of Scaling Magic Resist
I would go with the
Greater Glyph of Scaling Magic Resist with this build as your CDR is maxed out in the build, and the extra magic resist helps with both support and jungle!
Greater Mark of Attack Speed or
Greater Mark of Magic Penetration
Both help with jungle clearance, just in different ways. Both help with more damage output just in different ways! Overall
Greater Mark of Magic Penetration i would recommend over the other if you really want wanted to maximize your ability damage to enemy champs. Doesnt really help all that much end game, but does help with early gank damage allow you to pick up the early kills. If you want the solid jungle clearance go with the
Greater Mark of Attack Speed!
Greater Quintessence of Attack Speed or
Greater Quintessence of Movement Speed
Both help with jungle clearance speed, just in different ways. Both help with more effective ganks, just in different ways! I would say if you want faster jungle clearance go with
Greater Quintessence of Attack Speed as it will help with the blue and red buffs, but if you want even more versatility go with
Greater Quintessence of Movement Speed. A good trade off would be to get the versatility from
Greater Quintessence of Movement Speedwhile getting the jungle clearance from
Greater Mark of Attack Speed.
Support Runes:
Greater Mark of Armor
Greater Glyph of Scaling Magic Resist
Greater Seal of Scaling Mana Regeneration
Greater Quintessence of Gold
Note: This is a great set of runes for anyone trying out support bot. They provide you with the extra armor/magic resist to help you lane, mana regen for sustain in lane, and 3 extra gold/10 secs... Lot of people bash the
Greater Quintessence of Gold as they do take up a your Quins, but dont seem to mind the gold producing items such as
Heart of Gold which gives you 5gold/10 and take up an item slot... Couple things to note...
1. A GOOD support doesnt take bots minion kills, so you have no extra gold from cs.
2. 3 gold/10 is 18 extra gold a minute, and in the shortest game possible (20 mins) that means you get 360 extra gold... That's 5 extra sight ward just from your
Greater Quintessence of Gold
3. What is really THAT much better for a true support that you can get in your quins that equals 5 sight ward
4. Items slots have more value than a quin
Bottom line is that they are YOUR RUNES, you like something better and have the IP to buy the runes, go for it!

You need the defense to be jungling, if you want it to scale so you get more end game that's your call... If you know you can get a good leash/pull at blue go with scale runes as you wont take the early damage anyways. If you are unsure about team quality of leash, the flat runes are always safe.

I would go with the


Both help with jungle clearance, just in different ways. Both help with more damage output just in different ways! Overall


Both help with jungle clearance speed, just in different ways. Both help with more effective ganks, just in different ways! I would say if you want faster jungle clearance go with

Support Runes:




Note: This is a great set of runes for anyone trying out support bot. They provide you with the extra armor/magic resist to help you lane, mana regen for sustain in lane, and 3 extra gold/10 secs... Lot of people bash the

1. A GOOD support doesnt take bots minion kills, so you have no extra gold from cs.
2. 3 gold/10 is 18 extra gold a minute, and in the shortest game possible (20 mins) that means you get 360 extra gold... That's 5 extra sight ward just from your

3. What is really THAT much better for a true support that you can get in your quins that equals 5 sight ward
4. Items slots have more value than a quin
Bottom line is that they are YOUR RUNES, you like something better and have the IP to buy the runes, go for it!
This is going to be a small section... There really are only two options for spell use with Alistar jungle and that is:
Smite: You will not be getting a
Wriggle's Lantern so damage from your
Smite is a must. Plus the added gold makes this spell a no-brainer for the jungle Ali... The pro's of having this spell on this build with
Alistar dwarf any other spell you might go with in the jungle... It is a must!
Flash: I cant stress enough the danger Alistar is for the other team if you know how to use flash with Alistar. The use of flash to PASS an enemy champ only to ram him back is priceless. There are possibly countless ways to use flash with his CC abilities that it makes taking this as his second spell also a "no-brainer"... Did i also mention that it will save your life atleast once a game? Yeah... Use
Flash on Alistar... If you want to know more combos with
Alistar read the Combos section below...
Note: There is also only a few great support spells, they are:
Clarity- a must if you desire that lane sustain. Allows you to heal with
Triumphant Roar indefinitely and keep your carry in lane as you and your carry will always have full hp/mana. Mana is tight early on, this makes it not an issue as by the time you run out of mana the CD on
Clarity is done. Great for lane sustain...
Clairvoyance- Utility, simple as that. Taking that spell allows me to get my
Health Potions vs getting the early bird sight ward if i so choose, which in itself makes the spell priceless. If you are going to be playing support, this spell is almost a must.
Heal- Great spell for saving your carry when in sticking places. With your
you will be able to use it more often. I love to rock lanes with a good
Ezreal going with
Heal and
Clarity. Almost impossible to get us out of lane
Exhaust- a lot of carries will like you to take this. I think it is a total waste on
Alistar as his CC is much more dangerous with a
Flash then with an
Exhaust if you wanted to play more aggressive...
Note: There really is no point in going through and explaining why all the other spells are not good, as these spells are just flat out better in the build. Insted of saying why something is terrible, read what makes these the best choices.

Note: There is also only a few great support spells, they are:

Note: There really is no point in going through and explaining why all the other spells are not good, as these spells are just flat out better in the build. Insted of saying why something is terrible, read what makes these the best choices.
Items to Start: 3
Health Potion and
Start with a point in your
Pulverize and get your blue buff first... If you can get a strong pull the better, because as soon as you kill and get your lv 2 and
Headbutt you can gank and get first blood right away... use a potion if have to, just make sure you are full health and check your two closest lanes- ie mid and top if you are on blue team or bot and mid if you are purple team. (AFTER BLUE GANK) If the enemy is even remotely pushed out then ping and take a gank RIGHT THEN. You will be lv 2, they will still be lv 1... With your
Headbutt first, ram the enemy back towards your teammate and follow up with a
Pulverize when you get beside them. It really isn't hard to get a first blood doing this, attacking them on their side as they try to run back to their tower. If they
Flash and you think you can finish them,
Flash with them. Remember that after you use any ability your passive
Trample might just be enough to finish them off... After that, or if there was no gank just continue to jungle, going wolves, wraiths, and then red buff... (AFTER RED GANK) On third lv get a point in
Triumphant Roar so that you can heal yourself in jungle, as well as provide an excellent way to max out your passive damage vs the neutral monsters...
Tips on jungling with Alistar: Something to note is that using your
Headbutt at a bad time will cause you to send the neutral monster you are trying to kill through the trees... The best way i have found to deal with this is to start with your
Pulverize and then take some steps back AWAY from the neutral monster, causing him to run after you, and THEN use your
Headbutt... This will keep him from jumping trees... If the neutral monster isnt going to jump the trees (ie the red buff seems to have a nice solid rock back that makes it almost impossible to
Headbutt him out) and you want to keep you passive going continuous, start with
Headbutt and wait for the 3 seconds of passive to wear, then use your
Pulverize, wait for its 3 seconds of passive to wear, then use
Triumphant Roar, wait for the 3 seconds off passive to wear take 3 steps back and
Headbutt again... This method allows for continuous use of his passive. Finish them off with
Smite when applicable.
Skill Order: max out your
Pulverize first as this is your major damage dealer, as well as it having a longer cool down vs your
Headbutt. Max out
Headbutt next and finish with your
Triumphant Roar. Taking your points in your ult
Unbreakable Will at 6, 11 and 16...

Start with a point in your

Tips on jungling with Alistar: Something to note is that using your

Skill Order: max out your




[*] Used as an excape tool,



[*] One of his hardest combos because if you spam

[*] One application is to stop fleeing enemy champs. If you go to

[*] This is also a great initiator to fights as you can fly into the whole enemy team from a good distance with

[*]Hit your

Note: You will notice I do not mention anymore
Health Potions, sight wards,
Vision Wards,
Oracle's Elixirs, or any other useable item... Does this mean dont buy them? No... Get them when you feel you need them and can afford them. Putting them in the build as if you buy them at the same time every game would be outright stupid and ignorant on my part. (Unless they happen to be STARTING items...)If you have some extra coin throw in some
Health Potions into your inventory before heading out. If the enemies are really starting to make you pay with their sight wards get your
Oracle's Elixir and start making money killing them. If you have the money and you currently have no vision on baron or dragon then get some sight wards... Simple as that! I will say this though, do not underestimate the use of
Vision Wards vs
Oracle's Elixirs, they are cheaper and can help you kill unwanted wards hurting your ganking abilities while at the same time warding for your team. I find
Oracle's Elixirs expensive and risky! Use at your own risk! (I have marked on the picture below in PINK my favorite location for the
Vision Wards)
If you want detailed explanations on how to and where to place wards, there are amazing guides right here at MOBAfire that specifically go over just that. I will say this though, if you watch the pro's play, and I mean pro's, not just "ranked matches", you will notice that EVERYONE WARDS, not "just support"...
To say that support wards everything is outright... silly... To expect someone from bot to go all the way to top to ward baron for you? GG, that's all forks you've already lost... Now you have a totally worthless support who has spent most of his money on wards, and has fallen behind on lv's because he is wandering the map aimlessly placing wards. Because of all that they can no longer really help in team fights at ALL, (and go 0-8 and rage) and all you have gained from it is possibly a few extra items for your carries who are picked apart easily and early in teamfights because support can't keep them alive... No, everyone wards... That includes the jungle...
Jungle's most common ward placements include Baron, Dragon, and Blue/Red buffs (for both your buff and the enemies buffs), support wards bot, solo top wards his river bush, and mid wards his area as he desires. If you honestly don't know where those locations are and need a picture... Ummm... There, a picture... The stars marked in RED are where jungle should be warding most often, with Baron and Dragon being the two most important...

If you want detailed explanations on how to and where to place wards, there are amazing guides right here at MOBAfire that specifically go over just that. I will say this though, if you watch the pro's play, and I mean pro's, not just "ranked matches", you will notice that EVERYONE WARDS, not "just support"...
To say that support wards everything is outright... silly... To expect someone from bot to go all the way to top to ward baron for you? GG, that's all forks you've already lost... Now you have a totally worthless support who has spent most of his money on wards, and has fallen behind on lv's because he is wandering the map aimlessly placing wards. Because of all that they can no longer really help in team fights at ALL, (and go 0-8 and rage) and all you have gained from it is possibly a few extra items for your carries who are picked apart easily and early in teamfights because support can't keep them alive... No, everyone wards... That includes the jungle...
Jungle's most common ward placements include Baron, Dragon, and Blue/Red buffs (for both your buff and the enemies buffs), support wards bot, solo top wards his river bush, and mid wards his area as he desires. If you honestly don't know where those locations are and need a picture... Ummm... There, a picture... The stars marked in RED are where jungle should be warding most often, with Baron and Dragon being the two most important...
This is my prefered route...
First Recall: Get your philosopher's stone
(Mana begins to be an issue, gold proc)
Next Major Buy: Finish off your
Mobility Boots
(Clearance, gank threat)
Next Major Buy: Build your
(Mana begins to be an issue again, damage output)
Next Major Buy: Build your
Aegis of the Legion
(Armor begins to be an issue,health, team aura)
Next Major Buy: Build your
Soul Shroud starting with a
(CDR, health, team aura)
Next Major Buy: Finish your philosopher's stone into
Shurelya's Battlesong
(CDR, health, team active ability)
Next Major Buy: Build your Zeke's Herald starting with the
Kindlegem again
(CDR,health, team aura)
These items should basically take you to the end of the game... once again with the understanding that most games don't actually get into the "end game" as people wish to surrender, the game is actually over, etc etc... If the game isn't over this is what I would recommend building next when and why...
More Armor:
I would go with this option if these two things where happening.
[*] Their AD carry was fed, was causing issues, and/or is targeting you in fights...
[*] Your AD carry and/or AP carry are dealing massive damage and doing their job well...
Then you build...
Last Major Buy: Sell your
Sheen or
Aegis of the Legion and buy
Frozen Heart
Last Major Buy: Sell your
Sheen or
Aegis of the Legion and buy
This will give you the defense you need to keep on tanking and providing the CC your team needs in the team fights...
Note: If someone on your team already has
Frozen Heart, then a getting
Randuin's Omen insted of
Frozen Heart would be a smarter choice as your CDR is already at 40% with build.
More Magic Resist:
I would go with this option if these two things where happening.
[*] Their AP was fed, was causing issues, and/or is targeting you in fights...
[*] Your AD carry and/or AP carry are dealing massive damage and doing their job well...
Then you build...
Next Major Buy: Sell your
Sheen or
Aegis of the Legion and buy
Force of Nature
Next Major Buy: Sell your
Sheen or
Aegis of the Legion and buy
Guardian Angel
This will allow you to hold your own agaisnt the burst AP that is causing you issues, allowing you to still provide the CC your team needs and the second chance of
Guardian Angel.
More Damage Output:
would go with this option if these two things where happening.
[*] Their AP/AD carries are not targeting you, you are frequently the last person left alive, they are having a hard time bringing you down as it is...
[*] Your team needs a little more damage output as your AD/AP carries are not finishing people off fast enough
Then Build:
Next Major Buy: Finish your
Sheen into
Trinity Force
This give you that extra kick in your attacks and allows you to deal more killing blows when used with your
Unbreakable Will...
First Recall: Get your philosopher's stone
(Mana begins to be an issue, gold proc)
Next Major Buy: Finish off your

(Clearance, gank threat)
Next Major Buy: Build your

(Mana begins to be an issue again, damage output)
Next Major Buy: Build your

(Armor begins to be an issue,health, team aura)
Next Major Buy: Build your

(CDR, health, team aura)
Next Major Buy: Finish your philosopher's stone into

(CDR, health, team active ability)
Next Major Buy: Build your Zeke's Herald starting with the

(CDR,health, team aura)
These items should basically take you to the end of the game... once again with the understanding that most games don't actually get into the "end game" as people wish to surrender, the game is actually over, etc etc... If the game isn't over this is what I would recommend building next when and why...
More Armor:
I would go with this option if these two things where happening.
[*] Their AD carry was fed, was causing issues, and/or is targeting you in fights...
[*] Your AD carry and/or AP carry are dealing massive damage and doing their job well...
Then you build...
Last Major Buy: Sell your

Last Major Buy: Sell your

This will give you the defense you need to keep on tanking and providing the CC your team needs in the team fights...
Note: If someone on your team already has

More Magic Resist:
I would go with this option if these two things where happening.
[*] Their AP was fed, was causing issues, and/or is targeting you in fights...
[*] Your AD carry and/or AP carry are dealing massive damage and doing their job well...
Then you build...
Next Major Buy: Sell your

Next Major Buy: Sell your

This will allow you to hold your own agaisnt the burst AP that is causing you issues, allowing you to still provide the CC your team needs and the second chance of

More Damage Output:
would go with this option if these two things where happening.
[*] Their AP/AD carries are not targeting you, you are frequently the last person left alive, they are having a hard time bringing you down as it is...
[*] Your team needs a little more damage output as your AD/AP carries are not finishing people off fast enough
Then Build:
Next Major Buy: Finish your

This give you that extra kick in your attacks and allows you to deal more killing blows when used with your

This is my fed route...
First Recall: Get your philosopher's stone
(Mana issues, gold proc)
Next Major Buy: Finish off your
Mobility Boots
(Clearance, gank threat)
Next Major Buy: Build your
(Mana issues, damage output)
Next Major Buy: Build your
Heart of Gold
(health, gold proc)
Next Major Buy: Finish Off your
Sheen into
Trinity Force
(Health, mana, damage output, clearance, gank threat)
Next Major Buy: Build your Zeke's Herald starting with the
(Health, CDR, attack speed, team aura)
Next Major Buy: Build your
Soul Shroud starting with the
(Mana issues, health, CDR, team aura)
Next Major Buy: Build your
Shurelya's Battlesong
(Mana issues, CDR, team active ability)
Next Major Buy: Finish off your
Heart of Gold into a
Randuin's Omen
(Health, health regen, armor issues, team ability)
I would only do this if these things were happening:
[*] I would have to be fed as
Aegis of the Legion is cheaper and provides great support.
[*] The enemy AP users are weak, and/or causing me no trouble
[*] The enemies AD users were stronger, and/or causing me issues
[*] I was being fed and thus the team needed me to start dealing more damage and be less support
If those three things are not happening then going with this build will not help you in the long run, as
Randuin's Omen is a more expensive item and is geared more towards countering just AD users (when used with
Frozen Heart and/or
Thornmail...) This is also a complete build which means less flexability end game for how the enemy is actually playing.
First Recall: Get your philosopher's stone
(Mana issues, gold proc)
Next Major Buy: Finish off your

(Clearance, gank threat)
Next Major Buy: Build your

(Mana issues, damage output)
Next Major Buy: Build your

(health, gold proc)
Next Major Buy: Finish Off your

(Health, mana, damage output, clearance, gank threat)
Next Major Buy: Build your Zeke's Herald starting with the

(Health, CDR, attack speed, team aura)
Next Major Buy: Build your

(Mana issues, health, CDR, team aura)
Next Major Buy: Build your

(Mana issues, CDR, team active ability)
Next Major Buy: Finish off your

(Health, health regen, armor issues, team ability)
I would only do this if these things were happening:
[*] I would have to be fed as

[*] The enemy AP users are weak, and/or causing me no trouble
[*] The enemies AD users were stronger, and/or causing me issues
[*] I was being fed and thus the team needed me to start dealing more damage and be less support
If those three things are not happening then going with this build will not help you in the long run, as

This is my AP route...
First Recall: kage's lucky pick
(ability power, gold proc)
Next Major Buy: Finish off your
Sorcerer's Shoes
(Build caps CDR so these boots are a MUST to get magic pen up...)
Next Major Buy: Build your
(Damage output, mana, ability power)
Next Major Buy: Build your
Will of the Ancients
(AP, spell vamp, team aura)
Next Major Buy: Buy a
(health becomes an issue, CDR)
Next Major Buy: Finish your
Soul Shroud
(much needed health, Mana regen, team CDR aura, THIS ITEM IS CHEAP!)
Next Major Buy: Build your
Athene's Unholy Grail
(ability power, CDR, mana regen)
Next Major Buy: Finish your
Deathfire Grasp
(AP,caps CDR, active ability)
Next Major Buy: Finish off your
Sheen into
Lich Bane
(more burst, ability power, mana)
Note: This is an AP build which mean less flexability for how enemies are playing.
Will of the Ancients is the only item i have switched out in the past due to someone else (or multiple other people) on team getting the item (
Evelynn and others who are not mid will sometimes throw this item on themselves...) If this happens then i would build a
Rylai's Crystal Scepter or a
Rod of Ages at that point in the build insted of the
Will of the Ancients. This means i can have more sustain with my total HP.
First Recall: kage's lucky pick
(ability power, gold proc)
Next Major Buy: Finish off your

(Build caps CDR so these boots are a MUST to get magic pen up...)
Next Major Buy: Build your

(Damage output, mana, ability power)
Next Major Buy: Build your

(AP, spell vamp, team aura)
Next Major Buy: Buy a

(health becomes an issue, CDR)
Next Major Buy: Finish your

(much needed health, Mana regen, team CDR aura, THIS ITEM IS CHEAP!)
Next Major Buy: Build your

(ability power, CDR, mana regen)
Next Major Buy: Finish your

(AP,caps CDR, active ability)
Next Major Buy: Finish off your

(more burst, ability power, mana)
Note: This is an AP build which mean less flexability for how enemies are playing.

This is my support route...
There are three solid options for what to buy to start:
[*] 1. A
Regrowth Pendant and a sight ward
[*] 2. A
Faerie Charm, sight wards, and
Health Potions.
[*] 3. A
Regrowth Pendant and
Health Potions.
Depending on your carry with you and how they play determines what i would buy. Also i would never go with the option without the sight wards unless i had
Clairvoyance spell on. Also note ONCE AGAIN that there will be no more mention of sight wards or
Health Potions, buy them when you have money and need more! That could be ANY RECALL!
First Major Buys: philosopher's stone and
(Gold proc, mana+health regen, movement speed)
Next Major Buy:
Heart of Gold
(health, gold proc)
Next Major Buy: Finish off your
Boots into:
Build these shoes when:
[*] Build
Mercury's Treadsif there is heavy AP abuse going on in your lane
[*] Build
Ninja Tabi if there is massive AD abuse going on in your lane
[*] Build
Mobility Boots if you are not taking much abuse and mid is needing some fast helping ganks
Next Major Buy:
Aegis of the Legion
(heath,armor, magic resist, team aura)
Next Major Buy:
Soul Shroud
(THIS IS A CHEAP ITEM! health, CDR, mana regen, team aura)
Next Major Buy:
Warden's Mail then
Randuin's Omen
(Armor, health, health regen, CDR, active ability)
Next Major Buy:
Shurelya's Battlesong
(health+mana regen, CDR, active ability)
Last Major Buy: Zeke's Herald
(caps CDR, health, attack speed, life steal, team aura)
There are three solid options for what to buy to start:
[*] 1. A

[*] 2. A

[*] 3. A

Depending on your carry with you and how they play determines what i would buy. Also i would never go with the option without the sight wards unless i had

First Major Buys: philosopher's stone and

(Gold proc, mana+health regen, movement speed)
Next Major Buy:

(health, gold proc)
Next Major Buy: Finish off your

Build these shoes when:
[*] Build

[*] Build

[*] Build

Next Major Buy:

(heath,armor, magic resist, team aura)
Next Major Buy:

(THIS IS A CHEAP ITEM! health, CDR, mana regen, team aura)
Next Major Buy:

(Armor, health, health regen, CDR, active ability)
Next Major Buy:

(health+mana regen, CDR, active ability)
Last Major Buy: Zeke's Herald
(caps CDR, health, attack speed, life steal, team aura)
This is my least prefered route...
First Recall: Get your
Heart of Gold
(Health, gold proc)
Next Major Buy: Finish off your
Mobility Boots
(Clearance, gank threat)
Next Major Buy: Build your
(Mana issues, damage output)
Next Major Buy: Build your
Soul Shroud starting with the
Mana Manipulator
(Mana issues, health,CDR, team aura)
Next Major Buy: Build your
Aegis of the Legion
(Armor issues, team aura)
Next Major Buy: Finish off your
Heart of Gold into a
Randuin's Omen
(Health, health regen, armor,CDR, team active ability)
Next Major Buy: Build your Zeke's Herald starting with the
Kindlegem again.
(CDR, health, team aura)
Note: I build the
Soul Shroud starting with the
Mana Manipulator before
Aegis of the Legion in this build as i find mana regen issues are more of an issue with the
Heart of Gold route.
These items should basically take you to the end of the game... once again with the understanding that most games don't actually get into the "end game" as people wish to surrender, the game is actually over, etc etc... If the game isn't over this is what I would recommend building next when and why...
More Damage:
I would go with this option if these two things where happening.
[*] Their AP/AD carries are not targeting you, you are frequently the last person left alive, they are having a hard time bringing you down as it is...
[*] Your team needs a little more damage output as your AD/AP carries are not finishing people off fast enough
Then Build:
Next Major Buy: Finish your
Sheen into
Trinity Force
Next Major Buy: Sell your
Aegis of the Legion and buy
Frozen Heart
This give you that extra kick in your attacks and allows you to deal more killing blows when used with your
Unbreakable Will... As well as bring up your CDR cap to 40% while not killing your armor and slowing their attack speed...
More Magic Resist:
I would go with this option if these two things where happening.
[*] Their AP was fed, was causing issues, and/or is targeting you in fights...
[*] Your AD carry and/or AP carry are dealing massive damage and doing their job well...
Then you build...
Next Major Buy: Sell your
Sheen or
Aegis of the Legion and buy
Force of Nature
Next Major Buy: Sell your
Sheen or
Aegis of the Legion and buy
Guardian Angel
This will allow you to hold your own agaisnt the burst AP that is causing you issues, allowing you to still provide the CC your team needs and the second chance of
Guardian Angel is always nice.
More Armor:
I would go with this option if these two things where happening.
[*] Their AD carry was fed, was causing issues, and/or is targeting you in fights...
[*] Your AD carry and/or AP carry are dealing massive damage and doing their job well...
Then you build...
Last Major Buy: Sell your
Sheen or
Aegis of the Legion and buy
Frozen Heart
Last Major Buy: Sell your
Sheen or
Aegis of the Legion and buy
This will give you the defense you need to keep on tanking and providing the CC your team needs in the team fights...
First Recall: Get your

(Health, gold proc)
Next Major Buy: Finish off your

(Clearance, gank threat)
Next Major Buy: Build your

(Mana issues, damage output)
Next Major Buy: Build your

(Mana issues, health,CDR, team aura)
Next Major Buy: Build your

(Armor issues, team aura)
Next Major Buy: Finish off your

(Health, health regen, armor,CDR, team active ability)
Next Major Buy: Build your Zeke's Herald starting with the

(CDR, health, team aura)
Note: I build the

These items should basically take you to the end of the game... once again with the understanding that most games don't actually get into the "end game" as people wish to surrender, the game is actually over, etc etc... If the game isn't over this is what I would recommend building next when and why...
More Damage:
I would go with this option if these two things where happening.
[*] Their AP/AD carries are not targeting you, you are frequently the last person left alive, they are having a hard time bringing you down as it is...
[*] Your team needs a little more damage output as your AD/AP carries are not finishing people off fast enough
Then Build:
Next Major Buy: Finish your

Next Major Buy: Sell your

This give you that extra kick in your attacks and allows you to deal more killing blows when used with your

More Magic Resist:
I would go with this option if these two things where happening.
[*] Their AP was fed, was causing issues, and/or is targeting you in fights...
[*] Your AD carry and/or AP carry are dealing massive damage and doing their job well...
Then you build...
Next Major Buy: Sell your

Next Major Buy: Sell your

This will allow you to hold your own agaisnt the burst AP that is causing you issues, allowing you to still provide the CC your team needs and the second chance of

More Armor:
I would go with this option if these two things where happening.
[*] Their AD carry was fed, was causing issues, and/or is targeting you in fights...
[*] Your AD carry and/or AP carry are dealing massive damage and doing their job well...
Then you build...
Last Major Buy: Sell your

Last Major Buy: Sell your

This will give you the defense you need to keep on tanking and providing the CC your team needs in the team fights...
Other Worthy Mentionables for Jungle Ali:
Spirit Visage- Cheap... It provides cooldown reduction and added healing on your abilities... It is built off the
Kindlegem which makes it an easy add in if you feel like you need it... Loses late game appeal in my book as ali's
Triumphant Roar becomes less and less useful and your CDR is already at cap...
Banshee's Veil- Hp, mana, magic resist all good... Most important would be your blocked spell... Very useful tool like
Thornmail is for AD carries,
Banshee's Veil is for CC champs... Dont find I am targeted often by CC while playing with
Alistar that being said...
Sunfire Aegis- If you know you are NOT going
Trinity Force for sure, you can try picking up a
Sunfire Aegis insted... It will help with jungling just like the
Sheen would and keep a late game appeal while
Sheen you either upgrade or have to sell, (selling costing you money...) so bottom line is if you dont want
Trinity Force you can try
Sunfire Aegis...
Note: I didn't mention any AP strong items as i feel they reflect a poorer build overall for Alistar. Regardless if thats the route you want, look up AP Alistar builds as they are not included here as building solely ap strong lands you in the damage dealing/killing blow role while my builds focus on putting Alistar in the support/auras role...



Note: I didn't mention any AP strong items as i feel they reflect a poorer build overall for Alistar. Regardless if thats the route you want, look up AP Alistar builds as they are not included here as building solely ap strong lands you in the damage dealing/killing blow role while my builds focus on putting Alistar in the support/auras role...
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