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danger danger we lost top call the jungler or leave till late game, never duel this man level 3 or even 1, his grasp proc can do damage buy tabi after tiamat :o
holy fuck run away from his q never duel him only with lifesteal.
jesus christ the counter to many dashing champions runn
this boi pain like a rock send help!!
He is faster than you watch out don't blink. If he gets his movement speed buff, don't even think of landing a W on him. Dodge his Q's with Camille's E and that should either win the fight or a trade.
not beating him in death realm late game win with lifesteal.
this.. same as akali wait out W and get executioner's
dodge her e and r with r or speed easy clap if dodged, not easy clap if hit
This is just.. Lethal Tempo may either destroy you or be useless against you. Beware the Vitals and you can win her late game, dangerous mid game to early game.
quite scary huh. beware his E to engage in a trade or fight.
can dodge his E quite easily with fleet, he dodges your Q however so beware of that.
Akali is basically going to be inclosed within her shroud and do be careful of her W as it has a devastating effect on Camille due to her Q procs whereas she can wait it out. Even so her duration of W is short and the cooldown is long. Save your E for the fight after her shroud has wore off.
Aatrox even after nerfs can beat you anytime even if you are ahead. Be careful of his Q's. The only phase of the game where we beat him is when we get Executioner's Calling. Phage + Fleet can destroy his aim with speed.
dont get combo'ed and beware of her tendency to engage into you.
Darius can stomp you or you can stomp him. I'm not saying it really depends on the player, this matchup is one of the most even and balanced one for Camille. His E can destroy Camille's E where if he pulls you out of the first E, you may need to choose to run away. Beware of his Q healing and poke him down to win the lane.
He has damage and cc, beware of his E as it is his full damage combo to kill or to trade. Try dodging the taunt as well and should easily win this matchup late game. Buy some lifesteal for his taunt ^.^
oh my gawd get magic resist same to gragas!
beware his passive and damage from w.
Get some magic resist, he boutta bop you to the defeat screen.
This Dinosaur stands close to zero chance when you go Fleet to maintain health just equal to his passive. True damage will destroy him but be careful of his Q, nothing else only the knockup and the slow is annoying, any other abilities have close to no effect when fleet is in play.
Honestly, barrels gone, Gangplank gone. Destroying his barrels can allow you to duel him even better but when he gets a sheen you have to be careful of his Q damage output.
stay away from her R and tentacles dodge the E with SPEED and you should be good. Do not engage in long fights, Camille loses them with Fleet.
win him with true damage easy clapperino beware his ult.
His Q hurts but Fleet can dodge his E
Dr. Mundo
ok doctor calm down healing is not enough for Camille's true damage, get executioner's after tiamat and you should be able to duel him no problem.
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