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Ability Order
Adaptive Defenses (PASSIVE)
Camille Passive Ability
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She's really annoying. I hate laning against Illaoi and I ban her nearly every game. She can bully you into your tower. If you find yourself against Illaoi, ask your jungler to come help you before she hits 6 because of her tentacles. If she gets ahead, be careful.
Who am I?
(OUTDATED GUIDE) Hello everyone!
My name is Loafy and my summoner name in League is Looafy. I'm currently Plat III in Solo/Duo and usually play normals actually; so if you only want help from a high ELO player then this guide is definitely not for you! I wrote this guide when I was in silver lol... so it's definitely not updated at all
I am making this guide to help beginners to Camille, and by no means is this a really advanced guide. Please remember that the best guide is practice.
+ Very fun to play!
+ A lot of damage
+ Slightly tanky/fair bit of sustain
+ High mobility
+ Even if she falls behind in the laning phase, can still do a ton of damage and contribute well in teamfights
+ Shreds tanks/armour with true damage
+ Very good splitpushing potential
+ Shreds towers
- Hard to fully master
- Relatively weak early game
- Only one reliable escape/engage
- No AoE spells (weak wave clear)
- Mana hungry in the early game
- Long cooldowns early game
- Depends on items a lot.
+ Very fun to play!
+ A lot of damage
+ Slightly tanky/fair bit of sustain
+ High mobility
+ Even if she falls behind in the laning phase, can still do a ton of damage and contribute well in teamfights
+ Shreds tanks/armour with true damage
+ Very good splitpushing potential
+ Shreds towers
- Hard to fully master
- Relatively weak early game
- Only one reliable escape/engage
- No AoE spells (weak wave clear)
- Mana hungry in the early game
- Long cooldowns early game
- Depends on items a lot.
These are the spells that I'll take every single game as Camille.
Overall the best spell to take on any champion. You can engage, disengage, use it offensively/defensively and so on. Especially if you've used your E to engage and have to disengage, you can just flash out. There's nothing that can go wrong with taking Flash!
Teleport is a good spell because you can roam around in other lanes and get back into your lane faster if there's a wave pushing in for example. It's also good for splitpushing.
Overall the best spell to take on any champion. You can engage, disengage, use it offensively/defensively and so on. Especially if you've used your E to engage and have to disengage, you can just flash out. There's nothing that can go wrong with taking Flash!
Teleport is a good spell because you can roam around in other lanes and get back into your lane faster if there's a wave pushing in for example. It's also good for splitpushing.
I am not going to go too advanced into these, just give you an idea on what each ability is!
Adaptive Defenses:
Essentially what this passive does is give you a shield equal to 20% of your maximum health whenever you autoattack an enemy. It's great for trading in lane, as your extra shield will give you an edge. It's also good in the lategame because it's percentage health based.
Precision Protocol (Q):
This is an ability which gives you an empowered auto attack which deals extra damage and gives you a short burst of movement speed on the first cast, and if you cast it within the next few seconds you can have another auto attack reset (with extra damage). However the most powerful part of the Q comes from waiting - if you wait about 1 and a half seconds before recasting it, Camille will do a backflip and deal true damage to her target!
In the lategame, her Q has a really short cooldown, meaning you can do tons of consistent damage.
Tactical Sweep (W):
Camille slices in front of her in a cone shape, and enemies hit by the outer part of the cone are slowed and are dealt bonus damage. Camille also heals for a little bit of the total damage. This is a great skill during the laning phase, as you can poke your enemy and also kill minions that are far away from you. Note that you can also move while casting the animation.
Hookshot (E):
This is a really powerful ability. On first cast, Camille will leap towards a wall and hook onto it for a a short while. On second cast, she leaps towards a target area, and also leaps a little further to enemy champions. If an enemy is hit, they are stunned for a brief moment.
This is Camille's engage/disengage tool. You hook onto a wall and then off it to stun an enemy, then unleash your combo onto them. It can also go through terrain, meaning you can use it as an escape. Note that the cooldown is fairly long in the early levels, so if you blow it once and find yourself in a sticky situation, you're stuck!
The Hextech Ultimatum (R):
This point-and-click ultimate makes you unstoppable and untargetable for a moment, and then you'll lock down onto an enemy and imprison them in an area where they cannot leave by any means. They can't even flash out. Especially in low elo where Camille isn't very common, you'll find a lot of flashes being used as they try to escape your ult, but they can't. However, if Camille either exits the area or is displaced out of it, the area will disappear.
Camille will also deal extra magic damage to her target.
Adaptive Defenses:
Essentially what this passive does is give you a shield equal to 20% of your maximum health whenever you autoattack an enemy. It's great for trading in lane, as your extra shield will give you an edge. It's also good in the lategame because it's percentage health based.
Precision Protocol (Q):
This is an ability which gives you an empowered auto attack which deals extra damage and gives you a short burst of movement speed on the first cast, and if you cast it within the next few seconds you can have another auto attack reset (with extra damage). However the most powerful part of the Q comes from waiting - if you wait about 1 and a half seconds before recasting it, Camille will do a backflip and deal true damage to her target!
In the lategame, her Q has a really short cooldown, meaning you can do tons of consistent damage.
Tactical Sweep (W):
Camille slices in front of her in a cone shape, and enemies hit by the outer part of the cone are slowed and are dealt bonus damage. Camille also heals for a little bit of the total damage. This is a great skill during the laning phase, as you can poke your enemy and also kill minions that are far away from you. Note that you can also move while casting the animation.
Hookshot (E):
This is a really powerful ability. On first cast, Camille will leap towards a wall and hook onto it for a a short while. On second cast, she leaps towards a target area, and also leaps a little further to enemy champions. If an enemy is hit, they are stunned for a brief moment.
This is Camille's engage/disengage tool. You hook onto a wall and then off it to stun an enemy, then unleash your combo onto them. It can also go through terrain, meaning you can use it as an escape. Note that the cooldown is fairly long in the early levels, so if you blow it once and find yourself in a sticky situation, you're stuck!
The Hextech Ultimatum (R):
This point-and-click ultimate makes you unstoppable and untargetable for a moment, and then you'll lock down onto an enemy and imprison them in an area where they cannot leave by any means. They can't even flash out. Especially in low elo where Camille isn't very common, you'll find a lot of flashes being used as they try to escape your ult, but they can't. However, if Camille either exits the area or is displaced out of it, the area will disappear.
Camille will also deal extra magic damage to her target.
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