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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Illumination (PASSIVE)
Lux Passive Ability
I find that the extra health, doesn't ever save me with lux, while the extra mana regen helps me very well early game to get fed. instead of increased buff duration you could go for biscuiteer, for even longer sustain early game, your choice. Also, the reduce recall, highly underrated, this will give you extra time to farm every time, and give you an edge over your opponent after every kill/recall a must have for lux
Flash, for obvious reasons.
Clarity, this baffles my teammates every time, but there is method in my madness. Why take ignite, if i can deal extra damage with my q and e from mana i just recovered with clarity? ALSO, this is a great way for baiting, for example. You are poking teemo to the next world, until 'suddenly' you are out of mana, and he has 250 health left. What every teemo would do, is bully you. Use your clarity, ult him and you have a kill! Simple. So that is why Clarity helps, it also helps you sustain lane even longer, big lane sustain is big minion feed.
Clarity, this baffles my teammates every time, but there is method in my madness. Why take ignite, if i can deal extra damage with my q and e from mana i just recovered with clarity? ALSO, this is a great way for baiting, for example. You are poking teemo to the next world, until 'suddenly' you are out of mana, and he has 250 health left. What every teemo would do, is bully you. Use your clarity, ult him and you have a kill! Simple. So that is why Clarity helps, it also helps you sustain lane even longer, big lane sustain is big minion feed.
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