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Lux Build Guide by MissWitch

Middle Lux's Super Awesome Rainbow Guide! 2.0

Middle Lux's Super Awesome Rainbow Guide! 2.0

Updated on November 15, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author MissWitch Build Guide By MissWitch 68 27 174,241 Views 113 Comments
68 27 174,241 Views 113 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author MissWitch Lux Build Guide By MissWitch Updated on November 15, 2012
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Choose Champion Build:

  • LoL Champion: Lux
  • LoL Champion: Lux
  • LoL Champion: Lux

Pros / Cons


+ // Awesome Damage.
+ // Lovely Ultimate.
+ // Delightful Range.
+ // CC. Lots of CC.
+ // Best laugh in the game. Nuff Said.
+ // A snare AND a slow.

Finales Funkeln

- // Squishy
- // Harassed by melee
- // Mana trouble
- // Takes practice and skill to learn
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Masteries Fit for a Teenage Light Mage


Offensive Masteries

SPACE When Ignite is on cooldown, this supplies you with 5 AP and 5 AD. SPACE
SPACE A small boost to ability power. I take 3/4 because I already used one point in Summoner's Wrath . Because of Summoner's Wrath , you get 5 more AP. I you want, you could take these three points out of this and exchange it for Brute Force . SPACE
SPACE 4% Cool Down Reduction. Lux needs all the CDR she can get. SPACE
SPACE It equals more damage to slice through your opponent's magic resist. SPACE
SPACE Increases your damage dealt by 1.5%. SPACE
SPACE 18 Ability power at level 18. The more AP you have the better for your burst. SPACE
SPACE Increases your ability power by 5%. SPACE
SPACE Increases damage dealt by 6% to targets below 40% health. This helps you with last hitting a bit and with your overall damage. SPACE

Utility Masteries

SPACE I take this because I use Flash. SPACE
SPACE 144 Mana at level 18. This is a nice boost :3 SPACE
SPACE This is a nice mastery for Lux, Its always nice to have some speed. SPACE
SPACE With this, Blue buff last longer. Bluff buff is awesome on Lux as it give her cooldown reduction, and lot of mana regen. SPACE
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Preferred Runes

Other Marks

Other Seals

Other Glyphs

Other Quints

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Summoner Spells

The Good

Always a must on Lux. Your way squishy, and though you may have massive range, once you get into melee distance of someone like Master Yi or Jax your insta dead. This hopefully puts some distance between you so you can get off a Light Binding.

This ability is what most Lux players get with Flash. Its great on Lux because of your massive range. Unless the player backs away once they see the tele, more then likely you will be able to catch them with a Flash and a Light Binding. I get this when I feel that I can get bursted to fast and easily.

This summoner spell on Lux is unusual on Lux at best. The reason for this is because of the massive range as Lux. You would never get so close to the person to use this ability. That's what people would say, once they say me get Ignite on Lux. I get Ignite for two reasons. The first reason is that it can deal just enough damage for me to kill and the 2nd reason is that it gets rid of health, that could not allow me to kill with Finales Funkeln. Ignite sets up me to use Finales Funkeln since it deals damage over time and reduces heal. This allows me to hit them, and even if they survive Ignite hopefully kills them. Though this spell is of my own personal preference. If you feel that i'm a dumbass, choose a different summoner spell. Also DO NOT CHOOSE WHEN SUPPORITNG. Only use in the mid lane.

The OK

Since this guide is pushed towards being a AP carry. this ability should only be used when supporting. It's great for the bot lane, but not much else. Heal was greatly improved and is now very useful for supports because it does what any team needs: healing. Heal compliments Lux's abilities specially well due to her lack of decent healing spells.

This ability on Lux is ok. Subpar at best, but not the worst you can do. I would pick up Teleport or Heal then this ability really. I would try to avoid this ability altogether unless you choose one of those two other spells I listed to farm better. These are considered "training wheels" until you can manage your mana better.

Clairvoyance is still one of the best spells for a support. It lets you see a huge area anywhere the map which is usually used to track the jungler, prevent ganks, check for buffs, check for dragon and baron, peak at the jungle so you can move safely, etc.

Being a support is all about providing utility for your team, and almost neutralizing an enemy is a very good spell to have and can turn battles around or ensure a kill. There should be at least one exhaust on your team, so if no one's taking it you should consider it.

The EW!

Everything Else. For example, choose Revive and Promote in a ranked game. See how many fans you will get. :)
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~!Skill Sequence!~


- Lux's damaging spells charge any enemies hit with energy for 6 seconds. Lux's attacks or Finales Funkeln will ignite the energy, dealing 10 + (10 x level) magic damage when the target is hit with a basic attack.

- Always aim for Minions that are low and are illuminated (Or Marked) by Illumination. This will allow you to kill them.
- Champions that are illuminated take significant damage from being hit with a basic attack since you get bonus damage. If a Champion has a mark he/she takes more priority over low minions. This allows for early game damage, and allows later at level 6 for you to kill with an ultimate
- Be wary when trying to last hit a minion or champion when they are illuminated. You could die if you are tunnel visioned.

Lux releases a sphere of light in a line, dealing magic damage to the first enemy it touches and half that damage to a second nearby unit. Additionally, the first unit struck is immobilized for 2 seconds, and the second unit for 1 second.
Cost: 60 / 75 / 90 / 105 / 120 mana
Cooldown: 15 / 14 / 13 / 12 / 11 seconds
Magic Damage: 60 / 110 / 160 / 210 / 260 (+0.7 per ability power)

- Light Binding is a great way to set up ganks for you junglers, allow you to escape from ganks, and save teammates.
- Since Light Binding can hit 2 targets take this in consideration when setting up ganks and/or running away.
- Be careful on where you throw you Light Binding if you miss it could mean the death of you, since the cooldown is so long.
- Try to make sure before throwing Light Binding to a enemy champion there are only 1 or no minions at all to block it.

Lux shields herself for up to 3 seconds and throws out her wand to a target location, applying the same shield to friendly champions in its path. Her wand then returns to her, again shielding friendly champions and Lux herself upon touching it.
Cost: 60 mana
Cooldown: 14 / 13 / 12 / 11 / 10 seconds
Shield Strength: 80 / 105 / 130 / 155 / 180 (+0.35 per ability power)

- Prismatic Barrier can save you when ignited. Use it when your low and ignited.
- Take into account that Prismatic Barrier shields you two times. And just not you but your fellow champions also.
- If you see a fellow champion low on health and being chased, throw your Prismatic Barrier on him or her and then throw your Light Binding one the champions chasing him or her.
- Usually Mid game, you can pretend to attack by throwing it out and have your opponent dodge it. Then you can retaliate in the direction they are going to go with Light Binding.
- DO NOT SPAM. This skill is actually very important since it can supply a shield that essentially becomes health. Use it when you are low or when a fellow champion is low.

Lux sends an anomaly of twisted light to a target area, revealing it and slowing enemies within for up to 5 seconds. At the end of the duration or if Lucent Singularity is activated again, the zone will detonate and deal magic damage to enemies in the area.
Cooldown: 11 seconds upon casting
Cost: 70 / 85 / 100 / 115 / 130 mana
Slow: 20 / 24 / 28 / 32 / 36%
Magic Damage: 60 / 105 / 150 / 195 / 240 (+0.6 per ability power)

- Revels the area while traveling to the spot of the cast. Also reveals that spot.
- Holding out your Lucent Singularity to slow a champion is now viable, since the CD starts when Lucent Singularity is casted.
- Use this to zone your lane. It's potential zoning ability with your Light Binding is immense.
- Can use its large range to damage enemy champions from a long distance, without getting in range of the enemy.
- Never ever facecheck bushes. Use this. Throw it into the bushes to reveal all non-stealth characters/objects.
- Your main harassing tool.
Finales Funkeln
After gathering energy for half a second, Lux will fire a broad and long-range beam of light in a line that will instantly deal magic damage to all enemies in the area. Any enemies that already have the Illumination debuff have it ignited for magic damage, then re-applied.
Cost: 100 / 150 / 200 mana
Cooldown: 80 / 60 / 40 seconds
Magic Damage: 300 / 400 / 500 (+0.75 per ability power)

- You can help teammates in other lanes with this.
- A well placed Finales Funkeln can secure a kill from a long distance.
- It reveals the area.
- When you use your combo, make sure the enemy champion has been snared from Light Binding, and to use Finales Funkeln right after you snare the target because if you wait to long the snare could wear off allowing the enemy champion to move out of the way.
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Item Set

Item Sequence

Health Potion 50
Health Potion 50
Health Potion 50
Doran's Ring 400
Doran's Ring 400
Sorcerer's Shoes 1100
Doran's Ring 400
Rabadon's Deathcap 3600
Lich Bane 3200
Zhonya's Hourglass 3250
Void Staff 3000
Athene's Unholy Grail 2250
Elixir of Brilliance 250


Step by Step Explanation


No matter what people would tell me, I simply refused to start with boots. Mostly because I like to do things MY way. Yes, I am that stubborn. Anyway, I seem to like this build better.
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Item Set 2

Item Sequence

Boots 300
Amplifying Tome 400
Fiendish Codex 850
Sorcerer's Shoes 1100
Rabadon's Deathcap 3600
Lich Bane 3200
Void Staff 3000
Athene's Unholy Grail 2250
Zhonya's Hourglass 3250
Elixir of Brilliance 250


Step by Step Explanation
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Situational Items

Builds from Kage's Lucky Pick and gives CDR and AP. But the best part is the active! People might say: "But Lux range is way too big for that!". Wrong! Lux autoattack range is 550, the range on DFG is 750. Great item for a burst mage such as Lux! Use this if your enemy team is tank heavy as this item can benefit from the health they build.

This if you get annoyed by annoying spells like Morgana's Dark Binding, Karthus's Requiem, or maybe even Ahri's Charm
A rather good item, if you are doing very well. When it hits 20 stacks, and you have a Rabadon's Deathcap, well lets just say that lazer deals for more then 1000... Its also very easy to hold the stacks since you have such a long range, so you can escape easily, but also secure kills. I don't like this item, just because of its potential to fail you, if your doing poorly (For example 0/3/2 you would have no stacks and only have 20+ AP). But if you know your just to good to die, go for it.
Ever since Riot added Athene's Unholy Grail to the game. Playing with Lux has never been so much fun. But this is a good option if you want MORE cooldown reduction, AP and Mana Regeneration, but it seems that Holy Grail gives ALL of that but a little more. But if you're a cooldown abuser, go for it.
Abyssal Mask is a good item for Lux too, especially if you find yourself taking a lot of damage from the enemy's AP carry. It gives a nice chunk of magic resist and ability power, and also has an aura that reduces the magic resist of nearby enemy champions by 20, while giving some AP.
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Why Zhonya's Hourglass?!

Spaaace SPACE
_____The reason I chose this item is because its beneficial to Lux's survival. That spiffy armor boost is beneficial due to her squishiness (not that it matters anyway). It can also save from your butt from things like Karthus's Requiem, Ashe's Enchanted Crystal Arrow. Very useful if your trying to run away to find a save place to port back. Better yet, you get 100AP!
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Early Game Level 1-5

Start with a Doran's Ring or Boots. (Depending on which build you chose)
I highly recommend going solo mid to maximize the effectiveness of Lux. Number one rule:
Play Passive.
_____It's important that you play extremely passive with Lux at the start of the game. Don't use any abilities frequently and just try to focus on ONLY last hitting minions in your lane for the gold income. You don't want to use your Lucent Singularity unless you know for sure it will not hit any minions. Why? Cuz if you do too much damage to minions your lane will get pushed, and then it will be risky for you to travel too far away from your tower. It's best to just sit back and last hit until you are level 5. At level 5 is when you want to start to harass the enemy champ with E and Q. Always make sure if you land one of these abilities, you run in and try to auto-attack to take advantage of the extra damage on your passive.

_____Make sure to keep your distance and keep auto-attacking the minions. Your Lucent Singularity (which you should already have at level 1) has plenty of range. If the enemy is in that range, make sure to launch it and detonate it instantly to deal some damage. That might make them keep THEIR range instead -leaving you save to attack. If there isn't an enemy in the area, do NOT use your abilities often. You want to make sure that you save your mana. As soon as you have enough gold and port back, buy a Amplifying Tome or Boots (if you started with Doran's Ring)and if you can, buy two Health Potion
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Mid Game Level 6-13

_____As usual, roaming is done best when your lane is pushed (preferably to their tower). Lux has high potential with ganking top and bottom lane, especially after level six - well aimed lasers can give you between 1-3 kills, based on how many people there are in the lane (and whether you are counter-ganking with the jungler at bot as well).

_____You can either open with your Lucent Singularity to do damage and debuff them with Illumination, or if possible, you can use Light Binding from the brush and follow up with Lucent Singularity and your ultimate.

_____At approximately level 11, you should be able to one-combo (Q, E, R) squishy carries such as their AD, support and some AD carries. If possible, keep wards by their objectives such as Crest of the Ancient Golem and Blessing of the Lizard Elder as well as Dragon. Well timed Finales Funkeln shots and E's can easily steal them if their smite is down, or they have poor timing ;)
Remember to stay at the back during fights and definitely try not to get caught.
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Late Game Level 13+

_____Again, I cannot stress how important it is for you to stay at the back of fights. If you go in, you will often just melt due to being at no further advantage from being right in the fight.

_____If you have blue buff, it is important to continuously poke with your E, and ultimate if possible. As Finales Funkeln does significantly more damage with the Illumination debuff, you can halve the health of others or even kill squishy champions before the fight has even began.

_____As mentioned before, keeping wards by blue buff, red buff, Dragon and now Baron are all extremely important - if you are able to pull off a Baron steal, it can completely turn around the game, particularly with Lux's Lucent Singularity to sustain fights when the Baron buff is acquired.

_____With Lich Bane, it is also possible to push towers quickly - always make sure that you have teammates with you if the area around you is not heavily warded.
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_____Unlike Annie or Malzahar, Lux lacks huge amounts of burst without Lucent Singularity. Most will still use Lucent Singularity to farm creeps (I do). And why not? It deals enough damage for you to last hit since you can just auto attack and your passive deals damage to creep kill. Though creep farming is important, this is very inefficient. Therefore I always aim Lucent Singularity on top of the enemy champion AND creep. Since Lucent Singularity is a range AoE, this is simple and you should always do this, since you will be able to damage the champion and creep. This will allow for you to harass, while at the same time farm. But don't just do this all game. Later in the game Lucent Singularity does alot of damage to creep, and you can farm effectively. Also early game (early game meaning 1-6), you can farm with Lucent Singularity when the minions are low.
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How to NEVER get ganked while mid laning.

First of all. Be tactical. If you haven't warded the two mid bushes then you should resort to the picture below.

Green means that its okay to farm without worries.
Red is "GTF BACK!" if an enemy is mia.
But first. Here are some tips if you don't wanna get ganked....
  • Map Awareness! <--- If you're paranoid like me when you see a enemy not in their lane via the map. Run back to green zone of your lane if you think you cant handle a potential ganker.
  • Use wards! <--- Basically, if the mid bushes are warded. Screw the safety zone chart and just look at the map. If a enemy is heading toward mid you can easily run back to the green zone on your own.
  • Have members call mias! <--Get the heads up and be aware.
  • Use tab! <--Pressing the tab key shows the scores of ALL players. It even shows how long a enemy is dead! You can manipulate this to be in the red zone without worry. So as long as your aware of whos in their lane, you can destroy that turret!

To NEVER get ganked. Use all four methods. You may scroll down to the "Warding" Section if you have no clue on where to ward.
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In a team fight you should never stand and keep auto attack unless its 5 Vs. 1. You HAVE to move in order to be in the right position to either snare a fleeing enemy or snare a enemy chasing a low health teammate.

See a allied champion attacking a enemy with equal health? What do you do?:

A. Run away and let your teammate fight for him/herself
B. Light Binding, Prismatic Barrier, Lucent Singularity and Finales Funkeln (If possible Mana and cooldown wise)
C. Only Prismatic Barrier your teammate while running away.

Now, with a little common sense. If you chose the answer "B", then you're on the right track.

Of course if you see your teammates being weed-whacked down one by one, your job is to hover outside of the fight, Light Binding and run.

Now to be on the Offensive side. Your job is to automatically position yourself and use Prismatic Barrier and try to focus the same enemy your allies are fighting. Enter in with Light Binding then your passive, then use Lucent Singularity and then your passive, and spam your shield to help your teammates.
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Why no [Insert Item]?!

Rod of Ages isn't a really good investment. When you add up the AP it gives, It's just not as much as a Deathcap. The Hp is good.. But Lux is squishy enough to where it wouldn't matter.
This item may seem good, but it is fooling you. As an AP carry you should always have the blue. Yes you might not always have it, but Archangel's Staff takes up to much time and money to actually build. And blue itself should cover your mana problems if you have it.
Haunting Guise would not be something I would use. Yeah, it gives magic pen and health but, you get the magic pen from Void Staff, and better AP.
I used to build these boots just about every single game...until I realized that they became complete trash once I hit 40% cooldown reduction through Blue Buff, Elixir of Brilliance and Athene's Unholy Grail.
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Who you might face... (Mid Lane)

SPACE Ashe is not that big a problem to lane against. Everytime she tries to get close to you or see her standing idle in the same spot, throw your Lucent Singularity and detonate it instantly (Watch your mana). You will also be able to farm better in most matches, because you have your [E]. Just care when she turns level 6 and had stun. Try and get someone to gank her, so she can be denied as much as possible. This will give her a hard time as a carry. Try to babysit behind minions so her Volley wont get you. Babysitting behind minions is also a good way to piss Ashe off. SPACE
SPACE Anivia can really be a pain in the *** for Lux. Anivia has more damage than Lux early game and more survivability when her egg is up. Play safe and farm well, but I wouldn't recommend that you try to kill her 1v1. If you have a jungler, get him/her to gank Anivia. See if you can get the kill in order to be fed, so you have an advantage against your laning opponent. If you do get to kill her to the point to where you got her to her passive " Rebirth", Forget about it. No way Lux can destroy the egg without a partner. -and if you are about to kill her, please do NOT waste your ultimate on her unless she already used her passive. She will soak up that AP damage you deliver to her and revive as an egg. Building a Banshee's Veil can be beneficial. SPACE
SPACE She is really annoying, because it's hard to farm while she keeps trying to threaten you with her own attacks due to her blinks. She can get close to you, do damage and get back, and you won't be able to do as much damage on her, as she does on you. However, keep yourself behind creeps and farm with Lucent Singularity. SPACE
SPACE Annie is pretty easy for Lux to play against, since Annie has a very short range. Though she has tremendous burst, and she can out damage you, you out range her big time. Just never let her get close, and harass her with your Lucent Singularity and you should be able to beat her easily. Just remember, if she is straight up walking towards you, she is going to use Incinerate. So its best if you run away. SPACE
SPACE You can make him less dangerous, if you stay behind creeps, so his stun isn't gonna hit you. However, his burst damage is way higher than yours, so try to get your jungler to gank or try to become fed from killing other enemies with your ultimate. If you aren't doing as well as you thought, buy a Banshee's Veil SPACE
SPACE Annoying? Sometimes. Just keep your distance, farm and avoid her Piltover Peacemaker. Try to learn the cooldown of it to know when to be wary. If she is using her ultimate on you, make sure to run behind a nearby high health champion so they take the hit instead of you. Lux can't afford any hit from her. They hurt. Always go back for more health if you know you cant take a hit from Ace in the Hole. Can't hurt to buil Zhonya'a Hourglass early so you can force her ultimate to fail. SPACE
SPACE Karthus is very easy for Lux. His attacks are so slow, all you need to do is stay out of his Lay Waste and just use your Lucent Singularity to harass him. He's so squishy the amount of damage that is dealt is great. If your good with your, Finales Funkeln you should always win against Karthus. Having problems? Let me direct you to a Banshee's Veil SPACE
SPACE The infamous anti-caster, who just hurts. Unlike Kassadin, LeBlanc has the tendency to burst like a evil ex-wife on her period. 1 death could be the end... For any caster. She is really the counter to any mage and if you see LeBlanc just do not pick Lux or lane bot. Try to pick someone with a stun like Vieger. SPACE
SPACE Your range considering your techniques is bigger than Teemo's. Making farming a little safer. His Blinding Dart can sting, but your Lucent Singularity can sting more. If Teemo stands in one spot to where hes invisible, remember that just because Teemo is invisible, doesn't mean he not there. Teemo may be untargetable by your auto attacks, but he can still take damage from your Lucent Singularity. Keep spamming it IF you are SURE thats where hes standing. When I know I'm gonna face Teemo mid lane I tend to buy a max of two Vision Wards. Place them in the center of the lane so you don't have to worry about those pesky shrooms or Teemo being stealthed. SPACE
SPACE Boots are your best friend when going against Swain in mid lane. Your best strategy is to dodge. Nevermove and then go in and dominate. If he lands Torment on you, use Prismatic Barrier to avoid some damage. If you feel that it is time to try to kill Swain be sure to have Ignite up in order to cut down the heal that Ravenous Flock would give to him, and therefore make him easier to handle. SPACE
SPACE Going against mana hungry Ryze is all about taking advantage of your early burst and range. Often, I see Ryze early on spamming his abilities in order to charge Tear of the Goddess. This creates an opening for Lux to land some harassment. Also try to use the fantastic range of Lucent Singularity in order to get some safe harassment on him. SPACE
SPACE I can't say that she's easy. If played right, she is just so dangerous. Orianna is one of those champions that you underestimate, but when you see a good one, your like omg... For the most part, try to harass her as much as you can with your Lucent Singularity, and if you can make sure you can snare her whenever you get the chance. Really its a battle to see who can deal the most damage without being damaged. Have your jungle gank when you need help, or you can secure the kill. SPACE
SPACE Twisted Fate makes you happy to have gotten Boots. If he uses Wild Cards you will be able to dodge them most of the time. Otherwise, harass as you normally would, but be wary of his Pick A Card stun, if you see the yellow card over him, move back. SPACE
SPACE All of ZIGG's abilities are skill shots, which means you can dodge them. However, when it comes to his Hexplosive Minefield sometimes that is difficult. If you find yourself in the middle of Hexplosive Minefield, use Prismatic Barrier. The same goes for Mega Inferno Bomb, if you see it coming get out or shield up. In the case of his passive: Short Fuse, if he tries to approach you, use Light Binding + Illumination + Lucent Singularity + Illumination to make him think twice about doing that again. SPACE
SPACE This big guys is pretty good if played right. Gragas has a ability that cost nothing, and heals him. Harass as much as you can, so you can finish him off with your combo. Be careful of Gragas's ulti, since this allows him to set up ganks with much ease. But beside that, he's not that hard. SPACE
SPACE He's a scary one. He can get into melee distance and get out quickly , making it very hard for you to hit him if your new with Lux. If your a good Lux player you need to save your Lucent Singularity and Light Binding when he comes in with his utlimate flash (AkA His ulti). This will allow you to hit him while he does damage, but beside the point if you see Kassadin in ranked, don't choose Lux, unless you want to feel pain. SPACE
SPACE Kennen is not that hard to play against if you know what your doing. Use your Lucent Singularity to harass until Kennen uses Lightning Rush. When he does use his Lightning Rush use your Light Binding to bind him in place and move back. If you do this right, you should be fine. His ultimate is nothing to be scared of until he can get close with his Lightning Rush while his ultimate is going. Its actually pretty easy to keep him away, so if you feel comfortable playing against Kennen go for it. SPACE
SPACE Malzahar can be difficult and not difficult. For the most part Malzahar's skills revolve around you either being close or on top of a skill. If you play it right, you shouldn't be very close to him, but you also need to farm. If you want to farm, he becomes difficult, but if you tower hug, and farm under tower, and wait for gank, he is easy. But its up to you, in my opinion i would avoid Lux since its so hard for her to farm. But if you feel that you can win, go for it. SPACE
SPACE This guy is difficult if you let him farm. If you let him farm, you'll lose. It really is that simple. When Mordekaiser comes in to use his Siphon of Destruction make sure you hit him with your Lucent Singularity before he can use his siphon. Since siphon is Mordekaiser's main ability to farm, this will allow you to deal damage to him, before he gets his shield (Aka His bonus health). If you keep on doing this, this won't allow him to farm effectively, and will also allow you to kill him later with Finales Funkeln. SPACE
SPACE Ahri is actually not that difficult until level 6. This is basically a race to see who can harass each other and deal the most damage. It really depends on the skill level of the player. If the player can't hit skill shots, you win, if they can, it can get interesting. Since you have longer range then Ahri abuse it as much as you can. Make sure when use your ulti, make sure Ahri is light pinned with Light Binding BEFORE you ulti. This is because Ahri's Spirit Rush can get her away very easily, making your ultimate useless. SPACE
SPACE Akali is the counter to Lux after 6. The reason for this is because Akali can use her Shadow Dance to get into melee distance. As i've stated Lux can not win by getting hit by melee. And Akali also destroys squishes. If you see Akali getting picked, harass as much as you can pre 6 and hope you can beat her after 6. A good way to kill Akali after 6 is to do this. Q->E->R->(PoP E)->W. Hopefully, this kills Akali since Akali herself is squishy. -and remember, Akali's Shadow Dance is like getting raped in jail with no lubricant. SPACE
SPACE Morgana is one of the champions i've had the least trouble with. Sure her shield, protects her from snares, stuns etc. But she won't be maxing it by level 6. As Lux you are faster, and have spells that have a longer range. This will allow you to harass effectively, and also let you get away from Morgana's Dark Binding and Tormented Shadow. Also Tormented Shadow deals damage over time, so really you just have to dodge Dark Binding. You should win your lane for the most part. SPACE
SPACE The AD Kassadin, is what I like to call him. Talon is very good at mid, and should not be underestimated since he has a huge amount of CC. He can rip Lux apart sadly. If you see Talon have someone like your top, go mid, and you take top. Really only way, since Talon is a Anti-Mage. SPACE
SPACE I don't have much on him, but for the most part i've destroyed him. I might be wrong, but really all i do is do the combo i've described and well, he dies? Nothing really more to say. He cackles every time he uses his Hextech Ray so that should be a little hint to dodge. SPACE
SPACE I like to call him badimir cause he's so easy for Lux to win against. I've never had a problem against Vladimir even when he goes into pool. Just combo, and win, or just wait until he's out of his pool and lazer his bloody *** :3 SPACE
SPACE THE ULTIMATE RANGE TURRENT... Hard to play against, since he has a longer range, but not impossible to beat. Have your jungler gank at 4, and Xerath can not escape. The only thing he can escape with is Flash and if you try to get close, he will zap you. All you can really use ia Lucent Singularity. Farm carefully and call for many ganks. SPACE
SPACE Cassiopeia is one of the few champions I find easy. Most will disagree with this, since Cassiopeia is really good at zoning, and making it a living hell for csing. But just like Annie, Cassiopeia has to be close to do that. Never get close to her, and you will just be a annoying little blond mage, that will always go pew pew :). You can actually get in medium range with Cassiopeia since your Lucent Singularity stays out, which makes her not to come close, unless she is bad, or has a jungler coming up to gank. SPACE
SPACE Fizz is probably the most unique mid's you will face. His jumping ability, lunge, and passive make him very slippery, and very hard to hit. Though he can get into melee distance, if you snare him with Light Binding he won't be able to get in that close. Be careful of his Chum the Waters because it can leads to great ganks for him. Just don't get into melee distance and save your Light Binding for when Fizz gets close and you should be alright. SPACE
SPACE Crazy one indeed if you get to close. He will destroy you if your to close, but if you stay away, you should be able to win against him easily. Veigar has to be very close to do his burst, and since you have such a long range, you should be good to go! Just don't get close and harass him and your good. SPACE
SPACE Be happy you got your boots first when you go against Nidalee. Your best defense here is to dodge Javelin Toss while harassing with Lucent Singularity. If you happen to get hit with Bushwhack / Pounce throw out Prismatic Barrier to save your health. If she starts jumping at you in Aspect Of The Cougar use Light Binding in order to keep her at bay. If you harass right, you will have her using Primal Surge / Swipe quite often and burning through mana, which with the build that I'm using shouldn't be a problem that you would have with or without blue buff. SPACE
SPACE Heimerdinger is a pushing machine that can really do some damage if your not careful. In order to successfully lane against him, you must take advantage of Lux's range. If you try to get into an "argument" at too close of a range before you've made your "point", a quick CH-1 Concussion Grenade followed by Hextech Micro-Rockets will be his main "points" and you can't do much but agree. Fortunately, he is squishy early on and therefore you can beat him if you play smart and harass. SPACE
SPACE The majority of Zyra's damage is based around her plants. Deadly Bloom is a delayed AoE effect, similar to Karthus's Lay Waste. Rampant Growth plants a seed, which acts as a small Sight Ward, and can be turned into plants by Zyra's other spells. They can be removed by stepping on them. Grasping Roots is a snaring effect that has approximately the same range as Light Binding, but can hit several targets. Avoid being in Stranglethorns, as you will get knocked up when the effect ends. When you do get knocked up, prepare to be hurt by either her other spells or her plants. -and please remember to not follow a Zyra into the brush, she could be baiting you to her plants. SPACE
SPACE When laning against Diana, try to dodge her Crescent Strike, an arc that fires out from her right side. If you get too close, she may draw you in using Moonfall, and you will be slowed. Pale Cascade is a shield, much like Prismatic Barrier because it refreses itself. Once Diana gets to level 6, her gap-closing ability becomes devastating. Avoid Crescent Strike whenever possible, because she may follow up with Lunar Rush. The cooldown refreshes if you have been marked. SPACE
SPACE Syndra's skill set mainly revolves around her Dark Spheres, like the way Orianna relies on "The Ball". Her Dark Sphere cast is slow, and you should have enough time to dodge it. Force of Will allows her to manipulate things, and will slow you. Scatter the Weak stuns. Unleashed Power uses all her Dark Spheres, and does a massive amount of damage, depending on how many spheres are in use. Remember that every allied minion around you can be thrown at you. SPACE
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Playing as Support

When playing a support your team will rely on you for several things:
  • Warding and using Clairvoyance correctly.
  • Buying Oracle's Elixir to destroy enemy wards or see invisible champions.
  • Babysitting your Carry by ensuring he's allowed to last hit all the mobs.
  • Calling in misses and noticing gank possibilities for both teams to prevent and create ganks.
  • Provide as much utility as you can through heals, CCs, Buffs and other spells or items.
  • Never die unless it's to save someone else (but don't die if he's going to die anyway)
If you're playing support on solo queue it will be incredibly hard to carry or make a difference in the game since you're supporting the team. Your only chance of turning the games in your favour is to do your job perfectly and make no mistake.
  • If you provide proper map awareness then you will be able to prevent and arrange ganks.
  • If you destroy their wards then they can't gank as easily and are prone to making mistakes.
  • If your team mates are stupid and over extend you will need to warn them to fall back.
  • If they still over extend you will need to save them with whatever spells/items you have.
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Here is the jist of where you should ward, this section will be upgraded from the time being.
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Here are a few pictures of success between my early days of experimenting on what items are the best on Lux. (First three pictures were experiment games)

(This is OrangeCon's success! He's on page 11 of the comments!) (Added on 8/2/2012)
SPace(This is E1nHaNDer's success! He's on page 11 of the comments!) (Added on 8/14/2012)
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I hope you liked it ^_^
Please feel free to vote, comment and tell me what you think.

-Also, send me your pictures of success!~
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Recommendation Log

Have a suggestion that you feel should belong in a Lux guide? Well. If you suggest a witty idea in the comments followed by other people who agree, It will automatically added to my guide along with credits of the first person who suggested it.
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  • May 28, 2012 - Created a support build, for those who were curious.
  • May 28, 2012 - Added tips for laning!
  • May 31, 2012 - Added "Skill Sequence" section! Thanks to Asaki!
  • June 2, 2012 - Removed Chalice of Harmony from build to continue rushing Rabadon's Deathcap
  • June 3, 2012 - Revised my support build to make it extravagantly much more better than it was.
  • June 8, 2012 - Added Recommendation Log.
  • June 11, 2012 - Added team-fight section.
  • June 16, 2012 - Upgraded Masteries Section!.
  • June 18, 2012 - The "Who you might face...(Mid Lane)" section was heavily boosted.
  • June 20, 2012 - Added beautiful headers thanks to: Keondre! Visit her SigShop here!
  • June 24, 2012 - Added in "Item Set 1" & "Item Set 2"
  • July 7, 2012 - Added in "Warding"
  • November 15, 2012 - Back in business!
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To dem people who need dat credit:

-JhoiJhoi for: Making a Guide.
-Keondre for: Headers
- Myself
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