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Runes: The Usual
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Ability Order Standard
Deathbringer Stance (PASSIVE)
Aatrox Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Fiora is your worst matchup in top lane, no going around it, against a good Fiora the match is decided because she wont waste her parry, her Q easily dodges your Q even if you reposition with E chances are she will just parry. Best case scenario your jungler comes to help top often and she falls behind significantly. Focus on helping other lanes with Teleport when possible
The CC on her allows you to just destroy your lane opponent during ganks and even in teamfights her ultimate buys you a lot of time to get your ultimate resets or recover a lot of health.
The CC on her allows you to just destroy your lane opponent during ganks and even in teamfights her ultimate buys you a lot of time to get your ultimate resets or recover a lot of health.
+ Good waveclear + Great laning phase + Solid built-in sustain + Amazing during the early to mid-game + Great at dishing out damage + If ahead can potentially 1v5 + Great at exerting lane pressure + Amazing teamfighting with World Ender Aatrox does decently enough against his harder matchups to pull a lead over them even when he is behind if in the right hands, and can snowball into a unstoppable mosnter in the mid-game with a early lead. |
- Falls of late-game - Very telegraphed abilities - Easily crippled by Grievous Wounds - Very susceptible to CC - Heavily item dependant - Long early-game cooldowns - Teamfighting without World Ender is not efficent While Aatrox shines in the early to mid-game he really suffers if the game continues to late-game, his damage gets negated by armor and his enemies can burst him down before he can start healing. |
Early Game
Mid/Late Game
By now you should have both your core items or atleast one in the form of Black Cleaver which increases your DPS tremendously and Goredrinker which gives you enough sustain to be able to survive and finish your combo. Combined these items give a tremendous boost to Aatrox and his teamfighting potencial, when you have both these items you can look to 2v1 enemies like your laner and the enemy jungler. You should however start to exert your lane pressure at this point in the game, either by roaming down to mid, using Teleport to help bot or just pushing in top lane. When teamfighting occurs you should ideally wait for your frontliner to go in first so you can focus the enemy carries, if you are the teams frontliner make sure your team will follow up and engage with World Ender and try to make your way to the enemy carry through their team. Start counterjungling the enemy by taking their camps and try to take as many objectives as you can to further your lead as much as you can in an attempt to close out the game before late-game hits.
Late Game
When you hit late game around the 30 minute mark you should just focus on fighting with your team or flanking the enemy team to force a fight, since you can get taken out in duels by champions like Jax or Nasus easily. Teamfighting is where you will have any sort of impact this far into the game. The most efficent way to win as Aatrox even if the game got stalled to late game is the new dragon system in the newest patch. If your team manages to secure a dragon soul and then get the elder dragon, your team will steamroll the other even if you were outmatched in fights before due to the sheer power the new elder dragon gives. Or you can try to make a Baron play with your team for sieging the enemy base.
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