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Recommended Items
Runes: Lethal Tempo
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health
Threats & Synergies
Not much of a threat early game but once she gets a few items you're doomed (Get MR) so she can't one shot you with her ult
No introductions needed one of the best wombo combo champs to play while you are playing Yasuo
No introductions needed one of the best wombo combo champs to play while you are playing Yasuo
Champion Build Guide
The reasons of taking my Runes
The reason I would go Immortal Shieldbow is because of the survivability(Passive Shield)and massive lifesteal that comes with that item .
And the reason I would ever go Kraken Slayer is when I need to be the main damage dealer on my team or if the enemy has too much tanks on their team.
1.Tank Yasuo = Tanky with a good amount of life steal and crazy sustain when you
want to play Yasuo in the Top Lane
2.AP Yasuo = As you know Yasuo's E Sweeping Blade scales with AP even though
it is not the best way to build with Yasuo as its is his only AP
scaling ability it is still fun to play when you can deal crazy
damage when you dash through someone
3.Lethality Yasuo = This build will make Yasuo an Assasin but it will still give him
great lifesteal because of Eclipse and Sanguine Blade ;
But if you want to you can build Duskbladeofdraktharrinstead
of Eclipse
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