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Ability Order
Backstab (PASSIVE)
Shaco Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
DO NOT COUNTER JUNGLE focus on ganking before she is 6. Once she gets devourer clean your entire jungle so she doesn't get stacks. Gank as much as possible early game and try to get a few kills for your team till she ganks.
Who are you and why should I listen to you? You probably a virgin and 12 years old.
Haha no the reason why you should listen to me is because I have over 100 games of experience with shaco and I've got platinum thanks to shaco. I also have an 70% win ratio at ranked with shaco.
+ Amazing Assassin
+ He can flash. While invisible. Every 9 seconds.
+ Permaslow passive on Two-Shiv Poison and a fear from Jack In The Box
+ Very strong splitpush with Ravenous Hydra, Statikk Shiv, Deceive, Jack In The Box, and Hallucinate.
+ You can dodge almost anything with his ultimate; Hallucinate. Shaco is extremely fun, not to mention a he's a thriving solo queue champion. His kit makes him one of the most slippery champions, and having the potential to carry games. Personally, I think Shaco is one of the best gankers in the game due to his Deceive, Jack In The Box and Two-Shiv Poison. On the other hand, many people think Shaco doesn't bring much to offer in teamfights, but trust me, they'll change their minds by the end of the game.
- Very Squishy.
- No escapes after you Deceive
- Revealed by Oracle's Lens, Vision Ward, Sonic Wave, Tempest, and Duskbringer.
- Countered by Guardian Angel and Zhonya's Hourglass.
Ravenous Hydra is the core item on Shaco in this meta. Hydra has everything a Shaco could ever need with high attack damage, lifesteal, and the passive and active make him very scary assassin.
Infinity Edge the best damage item on shaco it stacks perfectly with Deceive with infinity edge you can pretty much 2 shoot + Two-Shiv Poison if he flashes and he dead.
Black Cleaver Makes you tanky + gives you damage + cooldown reduction this item is just perfect for shaco you'll have a crazy 9 second cooldown on Q.
Guardian Angel Rush this item if you are ahead or make it your last item if you are behind this item is just perfect on shaco due to the fact that he has Deceive when you respawn you can just Deceive away.
Randuin's Omen Tanky item in case they have heavy AD
Trinity Force I don't recommend it due to the fact that it's really expensive make it your last item or if you are really ahead you can rush it AFTER you have completed Ravenous Hydra
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