He just deals too much damage early. If you are not too far ahead do not 1v1 him. Wait for him to fall and get some items. He won't be a big issue in duels but may still stun you in teamfights so be cautious.
Make him cry. He can't deal damage as much as you do. The only 2 things you should care is dodging his third Q with your Q and his team coming to aid.
Her only threat to us is her W wasting time for our resets. If you are laning against her just get away from her shroud or meditate. She can't do much to us. You can all-in when her shroud is on cooldown, especially before Lv6 since she can easily escape after Lv6.
His early game is stronger than us because of his fear. Also his ganks are better, especially after Lv6. He won't be an issue after 2-3 items as you will most likely melt him in a second or two if you aren't too behind.
If you are jungler he won't be an issue as you will see him rarely and he will just fall off. You will melt him in seconds. But if you are laning against him you need to be super careful. You can get a kill at Lv2 with ignite and tempo. If you give any kills to him he will just stomp you so call your jungler for help. BotRK is a must. Dodge his Q with yours. Remember that you can't meditate his ult as meditating won't reduce true damage.
Most people see Jax as a huge threat to Master Yi because of his E. But actually he is not. If he uses his E, then just press W for 1-1,5 seconds and press Q. You will dodge his E than you can burst him unless he is fed. Do not let him get a lead though, you will be doomed until late game.
Dodge his knocking up Q with your Q and gg you win unless he is fed. If you have Guinsoo's, he can't even knock you up once if you can calculate his Q's and dodge them with your Q.
Very annoying lane. I recommend starting Doran's Shield + Potion. He will poke you hard, but when you all in and get blinded, just Meditate until the blind goes. Then burst him. DON'T FORGET, YOU CAN DODGE HIS Q WITH YOUR Q IF TIMED PERFECTLY.
Her stun can be the most predictable skill in the game. So when she uses her stun, dodge it with your Q and burst her. Must be a certain win. You can dodge her R with your Q too. Especially after her nerfs, she is now your easiest matchup. The reason you win is your autos being stronger than hers because of your passive and E.
Finish the game as fast as possible as he can be a big problem at late game. All in him every time when he tries to farm. Take ignite for maximum kill pressure. Lethal Tempo rune and on-hit core recommended.
Dr. Mundo
Laning against him is cancerous. Try to get kills pre-6. If you are the jungler or laner that didn't fall too behind you don't need to be concerned as you will melt him late anyway.
Her early damage is annoying. You melt him in late game anyway but watch out for her E as she can lock you down easily and you are dead if her team is nearby.
Try to all in him early. When he is around his minions, try to poke him with using your Q on the minions so he can't heal rapidly.
Has an annoying early damage but after first item, he's pretty easy to deal with. Dodge his Q with your Q but if you are already caught, then Q when his pull is about to trigger.
Use your Q for dodging her 3rd Q and use your W for reducing her ults damage. Generally freeze the lane. She will play aggressive, but her damage is no match of yours. Punish her if she plays aggressive.
Ask for ganks in early game. Use Q if she uses her E. Early game is equal but you can kill her after mid game easily.
Melt him with BotRK and Guinsoo's Rageblade. Mercury's Treads are recommended. Dodge his Q's with your Q and use your E BEFORE he uses is W. Never fight with low hp.
Early game is a bit problem but after mid game, you easily can kill her. The key is dodging her R with your Q.
Early game will be very hard and very annoying but you can duel any time in the late game. Use your Q if he uses his E. Then use your Q whenever it's up. GG. Don't chase him for too long because he is fast as you and because of his Q. Watch out for ganks. BotRK is a must-have. You can chase him with your Q's if you buy Guinsoo's Rageblade.
Try to all in him early, especially at levels 1-2. If you are ahead, you can kill him even in his Ult. If you are behind, buy Quicksilver Sash. After 2 items, it is impossible for him to kill you in a 1v1 even in his Ult.
Melt him. Dodge his knockup with your Q and gg. His poke can be annoying but if you start with Doran's Shield, you will negate some damage.
You destroy him when he's alone but if he's ahead or you are caught when his team is nearby then good luck. If he goes assassin build make sure to build early Death's Dance.
Who gets a lead wins the lane. If you are the jungler don't worry as you will melt him and there is nothing he can do about it. Dodge his E with your Q as you can do this easily, when he presses E he gains a shield. When you see the shield press Q. Don't let him proc all passive shots on you, stay at one side of him.
Due to his relatively weak early game, Master Yi struggles against most tanks and Malphite is too tanky. He will poke you hard and after some armor, you can't kill him. You will need at least 2-3 items to kill him. Luckily, you can dodge his Ult with your Q.
If he gets a lead your early game is over. Other than that it is easy to 1v1 him after 2-3 items, depending on how ahead he is. Be sure to get early Executioner's Call or Bramble Vest.
This champ is too annoying to lane against. Ask your jungler for help. Plated Steelcaps is crucial. You may consider building Frozen Heart after some items too. At late game he won't be much problem to you.
Pretty easy to deal with as you can dodge his Ult with your Q. Stay near minions to guarantee dodging his R. If he ults you and then uses his E, you can just Q the minions to dodge his R. If you can't do anything about it, just meditate right before the shark pops up to reduce %90 damage.
Dodge his W with your Q or by walking. His Ult is annoying so play carefully. You can use Meditate if he has 2 passive stacks on you so you can reduce the damage significantly. Play very careful.
Both can win. When he ults, try to use your Q right before he use his Q to dodge it. If you think that you can't dodge with Q, just use your flash to somewhere away from him and his shadows. Dodge his Qs from away and after he uses his Q, use your Q. So the key is dodging his combo. If you can't dodge anything make sure to press meditate just before his R damage.
Her range is a bit problem but you can catch her with your Ult or flash. Be careful, she can put a trap under her when you are about to use your Q. If you don't hit to traps, it's an easy kill.
Her E and tumbles can ruin your day. Especially after her buff, she is more cancerous. Never fight near walls. Use your flash for a surprise attack when she tumbles and when she uses her E, use your Q and burst her.
Tahm Kench
Can 1v1 and kill you at early game easily. His W is a huge threat. Try to dodge his Q's with your Q. You will need sustain. Go for the on-hit build. Keep in mind that his E will give a huge shield to him and consider twice before fighting him.
Destroy him. Only thing you need to care about is his Ult. Don't stick to your team if he is around as he will have a free ult on you.
Annoying poke but her Ult is predictable and you can dodge it with your Q. Start with Doran's Shield if you are the laner.
Her passive will be useless. Only care about her Ult and destroy her.
Annoying CC, so don't get caught and try to burst his ADC before he uses his CC kit on you.
His Q is predictable than Blitzcrank Q so he is a minor threat. So try not to get caught. You will destroy both him and his ADC.
Destroy her and her ADC. Dodge her Q by walking and dodge her R with your Q. If you can not dodge her Q, use your Q and for dodging her R, you can use flash.
A good Azir will be a huge problem. His E and R will waste your Q and R. And he would still be able to deal huge amounts of damage. Predict his Ult and don't hesitate to use your flash.
Both can burst. Who acts first wins but you are most likely to win. Try to assassinate him while alone. If he is not alone, ask for your team to help. In teamfights, use your flash to make a surprise attack on him and burst him before his team reacts.
He will try to catch his Q, so he can't kite you effectively. If he can't catch his Q, his damage will be reduced significantly.
Don't hesitate to use flash. You will need both flash and your Q to kill her as her range is a bit problem. Try not to get caught to her E.
A good Annie will use her Ult or W to stun you. So you can not dodge her stun and while stunned, you will take huge damage. But if she tries to stun you with her Q, you can dodge her Q with your Q. Assassinate her in teamfights.
Let her be aggressive against you and punish her if she uses her E. You outdamage her hard and after she pulls you, use your Q to dodge her Ult damage.
You can dodge her Q by walking or with your Q easily. But the actual problem is her Ult-Zhonya's combo. Get out of her R range and then destroy her.
Easy to melt mid to late but annoying early. Dodge his Q's and gg. Look out for his passive and try to push the lane because he is more likely to continuously push and destroy turrets. Teleport will be a good choice to prevent him from pushing.
Xin Zhao
Trash him after level 6. But remember, he is still a good duelist and can kill you if plays correctly.
Don't waste your Q and make her Ult trash. GG.
A major threat, Guinsoo's Rageblade is a must-have. Fight him when his W finishes if you must fight him. Don't be so confident if you get ahead because once he finishes his Thornmail, you will lose the fights. Just stay defensive. You can duel him with at least 3 items. Buying BotRK for first item is not good as you may think, so you can go for any build if his team is squishy. Buy items depending on his team. Tenacity helps a lot against him.
Super annoying if you are laning against him. Try to get a kill lv1-2 with tempo and ignite. Try to dodge his ult or E with your Q. He is not a problem mid to late, except his stun.
Her W is useless against you as you can dodge it easily. You outdamage her. Freeze the lane, do not go in for trades but if she attacks you just punish her with AA-Q-E-AAs.
Based on your reflexes. You must use your Q to dodge his W or Q, but if you are not confident just Meditate but it will result in his Ult becoming more powerful against you. If you are able to dodge, attack him and Meditate his Ult.
New Kayle is not even a threat, she is a minion in early game. Her Ult can be a problem but she has nothing to respond after that. Be careful at late game team fights as her Ult will deny your resets. Finish the game ASAP.
You will flee back to base. This is all he has got for you. But it is quite annoying.
Jarvan IV
Dodge his E-Q and he is no problem afterwards. Remember that if he Ults you, you can get out of there with your Q if some enemy is nearby.
Miss Fortune
She can't kite you and if she tries to poke you, just Q and all in her. Make sure you are not in her Ult area.
Strong 1v1 kit. Don't fight alone. His R is a huge problem. You can use meditate after he ults or when he jumps on you to decrease one of his Q's damage.
Dodge her spear and all in her. You can meditate when she transforms and jumps on you. Very easy to deal with.
Skillshot based, just pay attention and dodge his E and you are ok.
He can't kite you and he won't have enough burst damage to one shot you. Also will probably use his E when you rush him with Ult but you can catch him easily or Q him before he uses his E. You can meditate his empowered attack to reduce damage significantly. Only if he has great peel he can be an issue.
Beware of his post Lv6 engages. He is no problem 1v1 if you aren't behind but will interrupt you in teamfights.
Pantheon is much weaker against you after rework. You can dodge his W with your Q. Even if you can't dodge his W, you can still win as you outdamage him. Be sure to meditate one Q, especially if it is empowered.
Who gets a lead wins the lane. Dodge his W with your Q. He isn't a big threat without flash but if he has flash he can just ult you to his team and you will die.
I hate this champ. Her fear and burst are just too much. You must have great tenacity and an anti-burst item.
Although GP himself is a tiny threat, with his team he can easily melt you as your W doesn't reduce his passive true damage. So you are going to get that 1K true damage from just one AA without any shield.
I hate this champ. She can lock you down in any teamfight. Try to dodge her ult with your Q but you will have hard time doing this as she will wait for your Q in fights. Hope that there is another great carry in your team so she can't focus both of you. Other than that it is an easy 1v1.
You will outdamage him 1-18. The problem is, if you are dead he will melt your team with your form.
Too easy. Immobile, his W is useless, you can just walk to get away or dodge as you are too fast and you can negate %90 of his ult damage with your W. Counter-jungling is advised with caution.
Note: Your Q dodges his Ult too.
You will have a hard time in teamfights since you can't focus her when her ult and Zhonya's Hourglass is up and she just deals too much damage.
A good Soraka that denies your resets with her healing and placing wise Es can be a huge problem in teamfights. Generally wait for her to waste it. Either Mortal Reminder or Thornmail must be built.
Vladimir shouldn't be any problem 1v1 but when he reaches high CDR, gets Zhonya's and maxes W, you just can't kill him in a teamfight but he will be able to deal huge damage. If there is another great carry in the enemy, destroy them first.
If you are the laner, you will have a bad time. He just has too many options to trade with you and you really can't answer them all, also he is resourceless, meaning that he has nothing to lose but HP in trades. Ask your jungler for help. If you get a lead and finish your first item (BotRK recommenden) early, you can duel him. He is no problem late game as you deal too much damage for him to handle. Only stay away from his CC when his team is nearby.
I hate his ultimate. Forces you to buy QSS and lowers your damage output for the whole game. His teamfighting is not that great so do not focus him unless he is fed and deals decent damage. Priotorize other carries.
Nunu & Willump
Can't duel you. Can't deal huge damage to you unless his hard CC team is nearby. Two problems are that his ganks are so much better and he has more objective control. Remember to either Q or W his ult.
If you are the laner try to look for trades when his E is on cooldown. Never let him engage you post Lv6 when his team is nearby. Consider building tenacity if there are more CC threats in his team.
Dodge her E to win. You will melt her late so easily that she can't escape even with ult. She can be a problem if she is fed though, as her q deals true damage and you will simply lack damage to melt her. If you are not so confident you can just build tenacity or QSS.
No problem killing him but he will deal huge amounts of damage especially with his passive and if he has great peel. Try to kill/gank him early, especially when he is far from safety or his W is on cooldown.
She is a minor threat but the problem is her Q and W that denies your resets.
He gets a lead and you lose to him until 3 items. Also he will most likely save his ult for you in teamfights. No problem late but terrible early-mid if he is ahead. Try to dodge his ult or E with your Q.
Lee Sin
Starting Lv6, he is a menace until you get Death's Dance or another defensive item. Actually you can kill him easily with tempo and wise Ws in a duel pre 6 but if he gets too ahead, it will be hard to catch him. His ganks are too powerful compared to yours. As mythic item, I recommend Shieldbow. If your team isn't stomped you will outscale hard late, but don't be so aggressive as he can just kick you away.
You can just 2v8 carry with a good Soraka.
Her Ult will be your BFF.
Walking CC
Walking CC
Stun, shield, immunity, heal.
He can speed you up, can put a bomb to your head and his Ult is awesome.
His pull and stun is good. But as you both are going in for kills, his synergy strength is ok.
Offensive synergy, try to get as many kills as you can.
Awesome Ult for you to 2v5, I put him as an ideal synergy because he is a jungler and he is more likely to visit you than supports.
Master Yi + Yuumi = Fun
Her shield is awesome.
You can just 2v8 carry with a good Soraka.
Her Ult will be your BFF.
Walking CC
Walking CC
Stun, shield, immunity, heal.
He can speed you up, can put a bomb to your head and his Ult is awesome.
His pull and stun is good. But as you both are going in for kills, his synergy strength is ok.
Offensive synergy, try to get as many kills as you can.
Awesome Ult for you to 2v5, I put him as an ideal synergy because he is a jungler and he is more likely to visit you than supports.
Note: There are some tips in threats section but they can be laning tips. Ignore them if you are the jungler.
I'm too lazy. This guide (or so-called guide, it is just the build) was made by a lazy person. I want to expand the guide with gameplay section yet I do nothing about it. Still I want to help someone though so I'll just update the build for this season.
I play League since season 5. I became a Master Yi main near the end of the same season. Except 2-3 seasons, I played League a lot to this day. I have rarely played ranked until season 13. I was only playing ranked to get to gold so I could have end-season awards. Now in season 13, I started to play flex games as I like to play League with my friends and currently I'm Platinum at flex. I have several accounts and in total, I guess I have around 700k mastery points with Master Yi.
+ Unmatched damage in late game
+ Good against skillshot based champions thanks to his high MS and Q.
+ Maximum base MS in the game (355).
+ Has a gap closer (Q).
+ Ult for both engaging and escaping
+ High outplay potential
+ Easy to master
+ Can 1v9
+ Can destroy low elo
- Vulnerable against hard CC
- Gets poked easily and can't answer it.
- Relatively weaker early game.
- Relatively squishy.
Passive: Double Strike
After your third AA, you will strike twice. The second strike deals half damage. That's all. You deal more damage and your Q resets faster. If you have Guinsoo's Rageblade, your passive will trigger frequently.
Master Yi becomes untargetable and teleports to rapidly strike enemies near his target, dealing 30 / 60 / 90 / 120 / 150 (+0.5 per attack damage) physical damage to all enemies hit after up to 3 hits.
This ability can strike the same enemy repeatedly if there are no other targets, dealing 7.5 / 15 / 22.5 / 30 / 37.5 (+0.125 per attack damage) damage for subsequent hits, for a maximum single target total of 52.5 / 105 / 157.5 / 210 / 262.5 (+0.875 per attack damage) physical damage.
This skill is your gap closer and it will be best to use it for dodging at least 1 skill. If you have Guinsoo's Rageblade or Navori Flickerblade, you will have frequent Qs. It can deal critical damage, though it has been nerfed. This ability applies on-hit effects like BotRK passive, Sheen passive or your E, %75 for the first hit and %18.75 to the others. Also note that if your Q hits for the same champ three times, it will proc BotRK.
W: Meditate
Cost: 40 Mana + %6 Maximum Mana per Second
Heals: 120/200/280/360/440 (+100% AP) HP over 4 seconds.
Damage Reduction: %90 for 0.5 second, 60/62.5/65/67.5/70% 3.5 seconds after that.
Master Yi channels for 4 seconds. Gains damage reduction and heals himself while channeling. It will heal more when your HP is low. In my opinion, damage reduction is more precious than healing so you can ue this skill while fighting to reduce the damage. Also keep in mind that while channeling, your passive will be stacked over time and pause your ults duration. It also resets your auto attacks, so you can have a little burst especially in early game.
E: Wuju Style
Cost: 0
Your basic attacks deal 30 / 35 / 40 / 45 / 50 (+30% bonus AD) True Damage for 5 seconds.
This skill is for dealing true damage and it is extremely useful for melting anyone. Nothing more. But it's so effective.
R: Highlander
Cost: 100 Mana
Passive: Kills and assists reduce your basic attacks' current cooldown by %70.
Active: Grants 25 / 35 / 45% attack speed and 35 / 45 / 55% MS for 7 seconds. Kills and assists increase Highlander's duration by 7 seconds.
Your engaging and escaping skill. Very powerful for fighting as it gives huge amount of attack speed. More AAs mean more Qs, so you can dodge more skills.
Triumph is the best in its line. It increases your outplay chance and synergizes with your ult.
I personally prefer Legend: Alacrity. You can optionally take Legend: Tenacity. Lifesteal was great before it was nerfed to oblivion but it's just too bad right now.
Last Stand for dealing more damage when you are about to lose the trade and want to turn the tables. Coup de Grace will be the best if you will focus on assassinating enemy carries and it will be useful for jungling. Cut Down sounds like a good choice in the laning phase against tanky champions but I don't prefer it.
For snowballing and more AD. The other runes, especially Sudden Impact can be taken though but my favourite is Eyeball Collection.
For more gold. It is important to have your items early. Master Yi relies on getting items earlier than others to be a monster. Relentless Hunter can be considered if you want another rune. Bonus MS is always nice.
Resolve for more tenacity and/or early game opportunities.
%90 of the time this is why you want to go resolve. A tankier build with this rune combined with Legend: Tenacity and/or Mercury's Treads and/or Quicksilver Sash items will help you to counter your biggest threat: CC. If there isn't much cc that bothers you, you may swap with a viable rune of your choice, like Revitalize.
This is my go-to rune when going Resolve. It is very useful in early skirmishes as you deny some damage which is valuable in early game the most. But if you are a laner and you have powerful poking enemy you can take Second Wind.
What I like most is %20 cooldown reset at level 11. 10 AH isn't too great at all. Can be swapped with any other viable rune if you don't feel having it.
Bonus AD as the game goes on. A must-have if you go Sorcery.
No need to explain; it is useful for chasing, escaping, engaging... DON'T CHANGE THIS Spell. (But you can take Ghost and Ignite vs. Singed actually.)
Good against champs with good sustain and tanks like Dr. Mundo who has huge health regeneration. Also it can secure kills and helps you to get early kills.
For chasing or escaping from champs like Singed or Udyr who are as mobile as you are.
For split pushing, map pressure and minimizing minion loss. Can be useful but in my opinion Ignite or Ghost are more useful.
Removes CC and ignite/exhaust so can be very useful.
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