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Recommended Items
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Chilling Smite
Ability Order
Umbra Blades (PASSIVE)
Nocturne Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Show All
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Champion Build Guide
Hello and welcome to this guide!
I'm Snorkil, a 22 year old streamer for FNATIC
I've been challenger since season 4, and peaked rank 13 in season 8, rank 1 in season 9 and so far challenger in season 10.
I'm a part of the Fnatic Network,this means that i have a personal discount code for SHOP.FNATIC.COM, giving you a 10% discount when you use the code "STYLLEE" during checkout!
I Appreciate your time reading through this guide, if you have any questions, make sure you follow my twitch channel and ask them while im live, so i can give you the answer you are looking for!
Be sure to check out my SOCIALS
I'm Snorkil, a 22 year old streamer for FNATIC
I've been challenger since season 4, and peaked rank 13 in season 8, rank 1 in season 9 and so far challenger in season 10.
I'm a part of the Fnatic Network,this means that i have a personal discount code for SHOP.FNATIC.COM, giving you a 10% discount when you use the code "STYLLEE" during checkout!
I Appreciate your time reading through this guide, if you have any questions, make sure you follow my twitch channel and ask them while im live, so i can give you the answer you are looking for!
Be sure to check out my SOCIALS
Pros and Cons
For runes you have the standard in Precision, and then in domination you go for ultimate hunter, so you will have the lowest CDR on your ultimate, which makes it below 1 minute at lvl 11, which is really really strong and hard to play against
Jungle Pathing
Jungle pathing is pretty simple, Either start Blue - gromp - scuttle - wolves into opposite full clear, or start red - golems - scuttle - raptors and then opposite jungle side full clear.
If you are looking for gangs or contesting stuff, you should be a lvl ahead now, which means you will win most skirmishes, and you will also be lvl 6 really fast.
If you are looking for gangs or contesting stuff, you should be a lvl ahead now, which means you will win most skirmishes, and you will also be lvl 6 really fast.
What else?
Playing Nocturne have both strong and weak sides, you have to get 6 before you have strong impact on the game, and you wanna rush that as fast as possible, which means you would have to give up some early pressure ganging to farm up.
That's why i'm usually starting Red-Golems-Raptors-Scuttle ( oppisite of what enemy jungler took, if he didnt take any, go for the oppisite on the side you are one ) and then into rest full clear. This will mean you are lvl 4, took full clear and can look to gang, if you get a kill you will almost or mby be lvl 5 allready, if not you can reset and go back to farming golems-raptors and rest of jungle, maybe even scuttle if u have prio on your lanes.
That's why i'm usually starting Red-Golems-Raptors-Scuttle ( oppisite of what enemy jungler took, if he didnt take any, go for the oppisite on the side you are one ) and then into rest full clear. This will mean you are lvl 4, took full clear and can look to gang, if you get a kill you will almost or mby be lvl 5 allready, if not you can reset and go back to farming golems-raptors and rest of jungle, maybe even scuttle if u have prio on your lanes.
Thx alot for reading through my guide and getting down here!
Nocturne is a great champion in the game that offers a lot to the team in different ways.
You can pick Nocturne if enemy team has a splitpusher, if you want to dive into their squishy backline and even more reasons, but these 2 are the most obvious good ones that everyone should take in mind, if they are thinking to either pick Xin Zhao or Nocturne as an example.
I would appreciate if you would drop a like if you enjoyed this guide, as it would help me a lot, and you can always check out my stream if you want to see some high elo gameplay or if you got any questions about anything ( i can answer most of the league related ones ;) )
Nocturne is a great champion in the game that offers a lot to the team in different ways.
You can pick Nocturne if enemy team has a splitpusher, if you want to dive into their squishy backline and even more reasons, but these 2 are the most obvious good ones that everyone should take in mind, if they are thinking to either pick Xin Zhao or Nocturne as an example.
I would appreciate if you would drop a like if you enjoyed this guide, as it would help me a lot, and you can always check out my stream if you want to see some high elo gameplay or if you got any questions about anything ( i can answer most of the league related ones ;) )
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