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Table of Contents
Introduction to Myself
Reasons I Began Playing Syndra
Why I BUILD The Way I Do
Reasons For Making a Guide
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Hello! I'm RhiannonRose14, that's what I go by on my League Account and pretty much anywhere else on the internet that I have an Account to.
I'm 15 years old, I will be honest and say I am not a seasoned League player, I've been playing since the summer, August, and I'm just hitting level thirty.
I began playing ADC, Ashe, realized I was awful and wanted to try a new champion, I bought Tristana, mained her for a while until I got to Mastery 5 and then went to the realm of Jungling. I played Kindred Jungle to mastery 4, and on and off played Soraka support but Soraka bored me, didn't feel fun anymore. I recently bought Jinx and Ahri, began playing Jinx ADC as much as possible, and still failing to my surprise. I realized ADC wasn't my cup of tea (I RHYMED) and bought LeBlanc. I enjoyed mid but I still wasn't as good as I wanted to be at my level. So what do I do? I buy Sona, I've been maining her for a wile now and I'm not too bad. But then I realized I like Mid laners WAY MORE than any other champs in the game. I of course, decided to buy Syndra, and keep practicing with her, I wont say I'm a pro, but I do pretty well when my team doesn't feed top like they always do...
I'm 15 years old, I will be honest and say I am not a seasoned League player, I've been playing since the summer, August, and I'm just hitting level thirty.
I began playing ADC, Ashe, realized I was awful and wanted to try a new champion, I bought Tristana, mained her for a while until I got to Mastery 5 and then went to the realm of Jungling. I played Kindred Jungle to mastery 4, and on and off played Soraka support but Soraka bored me, didn't feel fun anymore. I recently bought Jinx and Ahri, began playing Jinx ADC as much as possible, and still failing to my surprise. I realized ADC wasn't my cup of tea (I RHYMED) and bought LeBlanc. I enjoyed mid but I still wasn't as good as I wanted to be at my level. So what do I do? I buy Sona, I've been maining her for a wile now and I'm not too bad. But then I realized I like Mid laners WAY MORE than any other champs in the game. I of course, decided to buy Syndra, and keep practicing with her, I wont say I'm a pro, but I do pretty well when my team doesn't feed top like they always do...
My Friend told me to buy her but, I refused, wanting Kindred instead. So I bought Kindred, got to mastery 4 and haven't played her since. I finally listened and just said "Why not?" I had enough IP so I bought her, no harm no foul. I played one match and I really enjoyed playing her, and I have been since.
I get asked, "Why are you building that, build ____ Instead." Well, my build works for me, it is extremely effective and I don't see a reason why I would build something if I didn't want to. This build is not to TELL you how to play Syndra, but rather, HELP those who want to play her but aren't sure how.
I'm making this, simply to help those who want to try Syndra be able to have a head start and not go into a game blind. I am not the best Syndra player in the world, I might never be, but I have enough knowledge of the Champion to be able to teach those starting how, how to begin the process. I'm not going to tell you not to g a certain thing, hell, if you want to take smite and ghost as summoner spells, be my guest. This guide is how I play her, not how YOU have to. :)
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