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A really annoying lane for shen, your jungler will also have it hard to gank gnar because of his easy escape tool E. take sustain runes, tp always. Try to block his third W passive auto with your W and do not fight him after 6 near walls.
Darius. normal runes and tp
Also a really annoying and tough matchup for shen take sustain runes.
W any q he throws at you, use your passive to block his q or e too.
sett. take standard runes
This one is controversial cuz a good aatrox will always be a huge threat to you but let's be honest if you're into these guides you're gold and below so low elo aatrox players tend to be not so great, always dodge his q knockup spots before you want to trade.
Take standard runes and ignite to prevent her early game healing as much as u can for all ins, but of course to reach that point u either dodge her E or u lost. If you are hit by her E just run away you cant fight her.
Absolute cancer lane, take sustain runes and teleport always. Try to dodge as many of his q poke as possible. I almost always permaban him.
A good fiora is always a problem, standard runes and ignite. your W can block her Q and her passive procs
Rush brumble vest. Her W attack speed slow is too strong for u to keep fighting so dodge it at all cost.
Teemo. sustain runes and tp. play safe most of the laning phase and wait for a gank from your jg, after you're ahead of him even half a full item you can easily 1v1 him early.
Ah ofc ranged top, sustain runes and tp.
Ah ofc another ranged top, sustain runes and tp.
Standard runes and ignite. ur W can block her Qs. Her E can cancel ur E so be careful for that.
Pure skill matchup tbh, if you can block his W with your W well you are almost always going to win, do not fight the crocodile in his ult.
I'd go standard runes and ignite build, your W can pretty much block her autos no matter if they are her passive or not, if she goes for extended trades make sure to W right as she does her third q.
Standard runes and tp. ur W blocks his W.
Standard runes. ur W can stop his Q and his W dmg ONLY his w passive still applies, second W from him will ignore ur W so be careful.
Standard and ignite. just make sure to dodge his Qs, if you see a E from his is impossible to dodge just E away. Or all in if you know you can kill him.
Standard runes and ignite.
Standard runes.
Free lane. literally
you can beat him very easily if you time everything right. Passive shield his Q, W his W+AA, his E can be dangerous, but if you see him using it on wave go all in with ur E.
Standard runes and ignite. very easy trades if you can predict where she will Q and E on her.
Standard runes and tp. You can W his Q.
Standard runes and ignite. Very very good yasuo players will deny your Q pull with their W, but avrage yasuos are meh.
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