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How to play Bard BArDLY
Hi there,
These are quite possibly the worst possible ways to play Bard. As you might know if you're an avid Bard enjoyer like me, though, no combination of items is BAD on Bard - it is simply BArD. People dislike Bard because they think everyone who plays him is a troll, but really they're just jealous they can't stick 6 random items and a random rune set and outperform their M7 Yasuo.
Now, about the guide. First off, I don't play ranked, and each of these builds received little to no testing before I published them. They are literally **** - mathematically incorrect. They will not get you LP. They will do the opposite. But who plays Bard wanting to win, anyway?
Secondly, if you want the true Bard experience, I highly encourage you to find the runes and items that best suits you. You might not like Divine Surrender at 15 Bard, and that's alright - no one does, especially the friends that I play with. If you want to roll down in the deep with Bard, you must become the Bard. Even if it means Bard jungle with Stridebreaker.
In the future I want to include a slightly more serious section on how to actually play Bard and not just what to build on him. But for now, I'm off to int on the rift again with our cosmic pal.
These are quite possibly the worst possible ways to play Bard. As you might know if you're an avid Bard enjoyer like me, though, no combination of items is BAD on Bard - it is simply BArD. People dislike Bard because they think everyone who plays him is a troll, but really they're just jealous they can't stick 6 random items and a random rune set and outperform their M7 Yasuo.
Now, about the guide. First off, I don't play ranked, and each of these builds received little to no testing before I published them. They are literally **** - mathematically incorrect. They will not get you LP. They will do the opposite. But who plays Bard wanting to win, anyway?
Secondly, if you want the true Bard experience, I highly encourage you to find the runes and items that best suits you. You might not like Divine Surrender at 15 Bard, and that's alright - no one does, especially the friends that I play with. If you want to roll down in the deep with Bard, you must become the Bard. Even if it means Bard jungle with Stridebreaker.
In the future I want to include a slightly more serious section on how to actually play Bard and not just what to build on him. But for now, I'm off to int on the rift again with our cosmic pal.
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