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Choose Champion Build:
- Aftershock Skarner
- Predator Skarner
Recommended Items
Ability Order
Threads of Vibration (PASSIVE)
Skarner Passive Ability
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She kites you very hard. Just try to ult her out of her circle and you might have a shot.
Who am i?
Long before people searched in Shurima, Skarner was busy with his biggest adventure, to find the perfect crystal for him. The young creature named Skarner was looking many years for that 1 perfect crystal, as he was afraid of dying cause of the weakness it brings being without a big Crystal. Day and night he has been looking for it and then after a long time he gave up. But the moment when he gave up he felt some magic under the ground, he digged down until the warmth of the earth shred his shell. He heard a voice deep in his head and he wouldn’t give up till he found that crystal his voice was talking about. Then after a few days he found it and it was the biggest crystal he had ever seen. He slept with the crystal for many years because the crystal gives him a lot of power. Skarner feared the humans because they were a danger to him and the sand creatures. Unfortunately there were robbers trying to steal Skarner his Crystal, but fortunately Skarner woke up as the only sand creature of his tribe. A lot of sand creatures already got their crystals taken away as they didn't have much chance to survive without. Skarner protected the crystal and started to fight the robbers. He killed a few of them as the rest fled away. Skarner tried to wake up the other sand creatures but many died and the rest didn’t wake up. Many weeks later Skarner had the choice to protect the still sleeping but living sand creatures or go on with his journey he tried to defend the sand creatures from the humans but he couldn’t anymore as he stopped doing so. Skarner tried to look for the stones as he tried to track them. Skarner was lonely and felt alone. He occasionally heard a lost crystal calling to him, that gave him a feeling that of joy and anguish in equal measure. He focuses his sorrow into unshakable determination, and refuses to rest until he has recovered every last life stone.
+ Very Tanky + Great CC (so great ganks) + Very Fast + Great Damage output for a tank + Map Control with your Crystals + Great clears Skarner is a great Jungler. He has very good gankability because of his Ixtal's Impact + Impale. He also has a very good damage output with his Shattered Earth. The Damage is very nice for quick clearing speed, but his clearing speed gets even better. His Passive makes it that if he stands in the Aura surrounding a Crystal (captured by your team) he gets a massive attack speed and movement speed boost! |
- Kiteable - Relies on follow up - Not the best for a comeback - Long cd ult - Hard cc keeps him from engaging - Unpopular :c If Skarner cannot engage in team fights his potential to carry drops by a lot. Then you have to rely on your team to make an engage and you have to try to defend your backline from incoming threats, such as an incoming Zed or Nocturne. Just make sure you protect the backline well with your Ixtal's Impact and Impale and you will still be able to soft-carry the game to a win. |
In my opinion Trinity Force is the best option for Skarner. Every stat it gives can help Skarner a lot. I also think Skarner has enough stick potential, so he doesn't need the Iceborn active. In the end the Damage and stats Trinity Force gives is worth more then the value of the Iceborn Gauntlet. | The only reason when I would consider Iceborn Gauntlet is when the whole team goes bad and they are going an AD-Heavy Comp. At that point, I will just go full armor and make sure we at least have a Tank on the team. |
Red side Route: | ||
2: Gromp (Don't forget to lure him into your Crystal Area) 3: Wolves 4: Razorbeaks (CHICKENS!) 5: Red 6: Krugs 7: Crystal + back to base | ||
Blue side Route: | ||
2: Krugs 3: Razorbeaks (CHICKENS!) 4: Wolves 5: Blue 6: Gromp (Don't forget to lure him into your Crystal Area) 7: Crystal + back to base |
Of course, ALWAYS try to go for a gank whenever you see someone who is easily gankable, but that is game dependent.
After you have done these 7 steps you have enough gold to buy + ( for Predator). Then you are level 4 and can solo drake. Make good use of it, people often don't expect it. Then try to get level 6 asap and start ganking A LOT. That way you can carry the game very hard.
In the Images beneath you can see how you should gank with Skarner, if you are on the Blue team, look at the Left picture, if you are on the Red team, look at the Right picture. The colors represent the safety of the gank. I'll sort them out from Bad to Good in the list underneath the image. The only one I won't put on the list is all the black lines. You should never take on of those lines.
Red: For this ganking path you really need coordination, vision and you need to be very sure you will win this. You will dive the enemies under the turret. If you have enough damage you will be able to burst them down and flee safely but if something goes wrong there is a high chance the enemies will be able to kill you.
Yellow: This is a little more high risk but also higher reward. You will most likely find the enemy between you and your ally. This means your gank will have a higher chance of succeeding but if the enemy Jungler also comes then they could turn on you.
Green: A very safe way of ganking. Often even when you make a bad decision and they are turning the fight to their advantage you can still leave without consequences.
Blue: The safest and most often best way of ganking. Most of the time you are using blast cone to get the gank started.
To summarize:
If you want the easiest gank go for the Blue line. If you want a low risk gank go for the Green line. If you are sure the enemy Jungler isn't close or you know that you are able to 2 v 2 them go for the Yellow line. If you are ahead and want to force a fight, even tho I still don't recommend doing it, take the Red line.
Red: For this ganking path you really need coordination, vision and you need to be very sure you will win this. You will dive the enemies under the turret. If you have enough damage you will be able to burst them down and flee safely but if something goes wrong there is a high chance the enemies will be able to kill you.
Yellow: This is a little more high risk but also higher reward. You will most likely find the enemy between you and your ally. This means your gank will have a higher chance of succeeding but if the enemy Jungler also comes then they could turn on you.
Green: A very safe way of ganking. Often even when you make a bad decision and they are turning the fight to their advantage you can still leave without consequences.
Blue: The safest and most often best way of ganking. Most of the time you are using blast cone to get the gank started.
To summarize:
If you want the easiest gank go for the Blue line. If you want a low risk gank go for the Green line. If you are sure the enemy Jungler isn't close or you know that you are able to 2 v 2 them go for the Yellow line. If you are ahead and want to force a fight, even tho I still don't recommend doing it, take the Red line.
For Team Fighting you can have one of these 2 Roles: Protecting the ADC/Mid Laner: If you have a fed ADC or Mid Laner who is able to carry Team Fights just protect them as good as you can. You can use your Ixtal's Impact and Impale to pull assassins away from them and just soak up a lot of damage with your Seismic Bastion Attacking their backline: If you don't have a very good ADC or Midlaner or they are just not capable of carrying, or they have a very fed enemy who is carrying them, just go into their backline with and pull them towards your team using Impale and you will most likely be able to carry the Teamfight afterwards. |
-Triforce q timing
-Before the game starts look at their Champions and see who you are going to Camp.
-Never engage with your Impale always first go in with stalkers blade + Ixtal's Impact + Seismic Bastion. If the enemy then uses flash you still can ult him back, also if you kill the enemy without your ult you can still use it for the next gank.
-You can solo drake on LVL 4.
-If you don't have smite and the enemy Jungler is trying to steal it just ult him and let your team get the objective.
-You can afford to die if you make sure their carry also dies because of it.
-If the enemy buys QSS FIRST stun them with your Ixtal's Impact then if they have used their QSS, use Impale, but if you have seen multiple times that they will keep their QSS for your Impale, use it first so that you still have a CC afterwards.
-Triforce q timing
-Before the game starts look at their Champions and see who you are going to Camp.
-Never engage with your Impale always first go in with stalkers blade + Ixtal's Impact + Seismic Bastion. If the enemy then uses flash you still can ult him back, also if you kill the enemy without your ult you can still use it for the next gank.
-You can solo drake on LVL 4.
-If you don't have smite and the enemy Jungler is trying to steal it just ult him and let your team get the objective.
-You can afford to die if you make sure their carry also dies because of it.
-If the enemy buys QSS FIRST stun them with your Ixtal's Impact then if they have used their QSS, use Impale, but if you have seen multiple times that they will keep their QSS for your Impale, use it first so that you still have a CC afterwards.
To summarize everything I have put in here, here is a list:
Runes: or only use predator when your team doesn't have an engage or you want to gank a lot.
Items: and then just go boots and tanky.
Skill order: R>Q>E>W, First go for damage and clear then for CC.
Jungling: Rush through your first camps till you can buy + (Aftershock) or + (Predator). At that point you are level 4 then solo drake. Then farm till 6 and you can start ganking very heavily.
Ganks: Go in from behind and use your ult effectively!
Team Fights: Protect fed Teammate or rush to kill their fed Teammate.
Rating: Gimme a +rating please :3
Runes: or only use predator when your team doesn't have an engage or you want to gank a lot.
Items: and then just go boots and tanky.
Skill order: R>Q>E>W, First go for damage and clear then for CC.
Jungling: Rush through your first camps till you can buy + (Aftershock) or + (Predator). At that point you are level 4 then solo drake. Then farm till 6 and you can start ganking very heavily.
Ganks: Go in from behind and use your ult effectively!
Team Fights: Protect fed Teammate or rush to kill their fed Teammate.
Rating: Gimme a +rating please :3
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