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Recommended Items
Runes: Safe Phase Rush Runepage
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health
Ability Order
Loaded Dice (PASSIVE)
Twisted Fate Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
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Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Extremely difficult matchup. Avoid her dash, and punish her whenever she misses it. Play extremely safe post 6, as she will shred you in ult. Safe exhaust for her ult. Take Phase rush.
Champion Build Guide
My life story (nobody asked for)
Twisted fate toplane is a very odd pick. I will admit that. Bruiser on a ranged champion is even stranger, despite the addition of Zeri. I very frequently get flame and even reported before and after games, because my build is unusual, and if you lose with an unusual build, you are trolling. I still firmy believe however that it has a chance to work, possibly even in high elo, although that is not something i can justify just yet.
However, i can hope. So while i attempt to climb, i might as well share my build with the public, mainly to let my friends understand wtf my thought process is behind trolling their games.
Twisted fate top is a ranged toplaner, yes, and that makes it quite a "cancer" pick, however i find twisted fate way more balanced than the other bunch, as he is immobile, low damage, and squishy. I orignally picked up twisted fate after onetricking gangplank top and mid for a few months, and i instantly fell in love. I currently have 350k mastery, and dont intend on giving up the champion any time soon. Due to my preference of toplane, specifically ad bruiser champions, i got bored of spamming ap tf mid, and so i started to look to off meta. I couldnt find an actual twisted fate tank/bruiser build online, however i did find the popular youtuber HappyChimeNoises, which made me realise that offmeta picks can work quite well. I got to work making my own build, and ended up, after several months of theorycrafting, trial and error, and throwing games, with a rather viable build and playstyle. i sit just above 50% winrate witht his build, which i take as an indicator that it does work, at least to an extent.
Life story aside, Twisted fate toplane plays quite a lot differently than midlane. For one, you want to play extremely selfishly, instead of feeding your team and letting them carry you. Most of the game you will be farming and splitpushing, putting pressure and drawing aggro in a similar way to inting sion, which is one of my favorite builds in the game. After your team starts to flame you, and loses mid, you should begin to join them slightly more. Your goal in teamfights is to draw as much enemy fire as possible, while also taking on the stunbot identity of normal ap twisted fate. Your HP lets you frontline easily, while also winning nearly every 1v1, as you are insanely hard to kill with a stun every 4 seconds.
I will not rant any further, but i will at some point link a spreadsheet with a far more indepth guide to matchups, with champion specific builds and playstyles.
However, i can hope. So while i attempt to climb, i might as well share my build with the public, mainly to let my friends understand wtf my thought process is behind trolling their games.
Twisted fate top is a ranged toplaner, yes, and that makes it quite a "cancer" pick, however i find twisted fate way more balanced than the other bunch, as he is immobile, low damage, and squishy. I orignally picked up twisted fate after onetricking gangplank top and mid for a few months, and i instantly fell in love. I currently have 350k mastery, and dont intend on giving up the champion any time soon. Due to my preference of toplane, specifically ad bruiser champions, i got bored of spamming ap tf mid, and so i started to look to off meta. I couldnt find an actual twisted fate tank/bruiser build online, however i did find the popular youtuber HappyChimeNoises, which made me realise that offmeta picks can work quite well. I got to work making my own build, and ended up, after several months of theorycrafting, trial and error, and throwing games, with a rather viable build and playstyle. i sit just above 50% winrate witht his build, which i take as an indicator that it does work, at least to an extent.
Life story aside, Twisted fate toplane plays quite a lot differently than midlane. For one, you want to play extremely selfishly, instead of feeding your team and letting them carry you. Most of the game you will be farming and splitpushing, putting pressure and drawing aggro in a similar way to inting sion, which is one of my favorite builds in the game. After your team starts to flame you, and loses mid, you should begin to join them slightly more. Your goal in teamfights is to draw as much enemy fire as possible, while also taking on the stunbot identity of normal ap twisted fate. Your HP lets you frontline easily, while also winning nearly every 1v1, as you are insanely hard to kill with a stun every 4 seconds.
I will not rant any further, but i will at some point link a spreadsheet with a far more indepth guide to matchups, with champion specific builds and playstyles.
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