Fun & skill matchup, Camille favoured. You hard outscale him. Early levels you just poke him with W, and if he ever Q-Es you in order to poke you, he has no dash, so you E on him with passive up and go for a trade. Good Aatrox players will W the same place you E into, so you will be bound to take it: you must kite to the sides to get out. Make sure to remove his Bone Plating with your W. If he Es to get out of your W outer cone, you E him and you will always win as long as you dodge his Qs a bit and you have shield up. You can R his Q3 which is his most important source of damage. Consider trading when he just used his passive AA on a minion, as it does %max HP damage and heals him for a decent amount against champs. If he has E and you want to force a trade, you can E on a wall, wait, and most players will just E anywhere and you just follow their movement since you can stick on the walls for 0.75s. Most Aatrox players will Q1 with the tip, then Q2-E, so in order to counter this you brute-force into him and you won't be hit by the knock-up cone. If you struggle in this matchup, Ignite / TP makes it way easier. Also make sure to buy Executioner's after your Sheen, so you don't lose a big part of your damage; Aatrox starts healing a lot at 6, not really before.
Skill matchup, and I would say it is Akali favoured. You scale equally, and Akali (played decently) can contest you in the side lane. Early levels you just try to survive with Second Wind and W to regen a bit of her braindead Q spam poke. You can go only go for quick trades if she has her shroud up, so W-Q-Q should be alright. Try not to get hit by her E, as it has so much base damage it's actually insane. You can bait her shroud by going onto her with W-Q-Q trades, she will panic and press W for safety. If she does that, go back a bit and go for a quick E onto a wall, so she can't react with her E, and you should win the all-in, even though Akalis top often take Ignite. You can go for quick Es when she is behind your minions in relation to the wall your are Eing unto, so she will E a minion and you will hit your E. NEVER extend the trades if she has her shroud (it lasts for 6s, so be careful and wait). Be careful lvl 6 as her ult is mega deadly, even though you can dodge her R2 if you place your cursor next to your champion and annihilate your R key. I advise you to take Ignite, so you actually have an opportunity to kill her if she messes up.
Skill matchup, a bit Camille favoured. I would say you both scale quite equally, but Camille is far more stronger in the side lane. Early levels you just don't trade if he has his passive up, as it is fairly easy for him to proc it. Akshan is a strong early game bully so consider letting some minions in order not to take a huge trade in his favour. Akshans often take Ignite and Bone Plating, so be careful when you all-in him. You can trade when he has no passive up and if he is close enough to a wall (or you are) so he can't react to it with his E. If you miss it, you are likely dead. If you hit it, stick unto him very closely so if he ever tries to E out instantly he will get bodyblocked and die. NEVER go for W-Q-Q trades if you don't have Approach Velocity, Akshan will outtrade you every single time as he will have time to damage you earlier than you to him. Lvl 6 is a huge powerspike for you as Akshan's R is not really a combat ultimate (in close fights), so you can just R him after Eing him and he has no escape. Keep in mind that Akshan is really tanky as for an ADC for some reasons, so you just can't go onto him when he is full HP (in early / mid game, you demolish him with 3 items on side).
Skill matchup. You outscale her as long as you get unto her face. If she has no Bone Plating you can start E and cheese her and you will most likely chunk 70% of her HP bar, as long as you don't overextend too much into her minion wave. Careful when Wing her since you are locked into the animation and she will have a free trade with Q-E. If you manage to get on her face and dodge one or two Qs she is dead. NEVER go for a long range E, she will just W the wall you are Eing into, cancel it and kill you. Keep in mind Cassiopeia with Conqueror does a HUGE amount of damage, even in early game. If you plan on Eing her, just stick the wall so you can do a fast E. Tell your jungler she is extremely easy to gank as she is a battlemage, and you play Camille (insane gank setup). At lvl 6, it's just a question about dodging her R stun, either with your ult or by backstepping it. Good Cassiopeias will fake their R animation by throwing AAs randomly so be sharp.
Easy matchup. You both scale in your own ways, but I don't see a world Camille loses against Cho'Gath on side, as long as you have Divine. Early levels you can abuse the poor guy, but don't overextend too much as his 3 Es and his minion wave will outtrade you. The key to this matchup is to sidestep his Q with your Q mov. speed. You can bait his Q by Eing on a wall and waiting a bit, Cho'Gaths will Q themselves 90% of the time. Try not to get poked too much by his E through minions. Always go for long trades as Cho's passive will regen all the damage you do to him in a short trade. Keep in mind Cho'Gath can't silence your Q2 before lvl 12-13, as his W has 1.8s duration and yours is roughly 2s. Be careful when Cho is lvl 6, don't be around him with 50% hp (~350 true dmg). If you ever see him crunch a minion, you can try to kill him if you have enough damage: proceed to R his W silence and sidestep is Q with your Q mov.speed, just keep your W in case he flees so you can chase him down.
One of the hardest matchup. You outscale him. If Darius starts Q, you can contest him with Q start as long as you don't get hit by the outer thing so he doesn't regen. If he starts W, just farm with W, DON'T FIGHT him. It's easier if he starts Dblade as you can poke him with W. If he grabs you when you W him, Q for a shield which will block his Q damage then E out, and eventually if you have only 2 stacks and is quite close to your tower you can go onto him again, but be very cautious. Keep in mind that Darius is a stud, he is really immobile and therefore very vulnerable to ganks. Try not to get poked by his Q in lane, and if he ever misses you can go for a quick W-Q-Q trade. NEVER E out, as Darius will just E you and cancel you E then run you down. At lvl 6 you can try to juke his grab by Eing on a wall and waiting for him to E. If you succeed, then you can all-in him as long as you hit your E and then R his Q. Darius isn't good at extreme melee range, where he cannot hit his outer Q. Ignite / TP makes all-in easier, but makes you more vulnerable against his no counterplay run down with Ghost, so be aware of what you choose.
Dr. Mundo
Skill matchup. I am pretty sure you outscale him with Divine. Start W lvl 1 and poke him, as you can never ever win his lvl 1 E start, since it gives him so much AD. If the wave is quite close to your tower, you can do a quick E onto him to remove his passive. Mundo without his passive against Camille is SHIT early game. If his passive is down, you can E onto him for a long trade as long as you are in your minion wave. Otherwise just sustain his Q/E poke with some W-Q-Q trades. Try avoiding his cleavers by playing in your minions, it does %current hp damage so you must dodge it. Taking Ignite helps a lot in this matchup, if you prefer Flash then opt for Executioner AFTER he is lvl 6, not before.
Skill matchup, Fiora favoured. She outscales you as she does %max HP true damage. Almost unwinnable if she plays Grasp and has two arms with two hands. If she goes Conqueror or PTA though it's doable. Start Q and contest her Q vital proc with Q-Q trade, dont overextend. Don't take E lvl 2 if you took Q, Fiora will win the 1v1. Use W only if she used Q so she can't dodge it. Bad Fioras will parry your W, so you can go for a long trade as long as you hit your E. You can bait her W by either Eing onto a wall and waiting, or by instant Eing, or even by Eing next to her so you still hit her and get the AS steroid while not getting stunned. If she is low enough and you have anti-heal, you can bruteforce lvl 6 by just Eing onto her, she will most likely parry it, but you can dodge her parry with ult and still get the AS. If she wants to parry your Q2, you can either instant Q2 as soon as it's available, or wait for like 1.7s so she will parry nothing and you'll still have time to Q2. Ignite / TP makes the matchup way easier, but be careful since Fiora remains an outplay champion.
Skill matchup; GP wins early, Camille hard cucks him on side lane. Both are scaling monsters. The Grasp nerf on Gangplank's Q has made the matchup so much bearable. Early levels you just want to survive his braindead Q poke by taking Dshield / Second Wind. Trade with W after he Qs you so you regen a bit of his damage. Keep in mind Gangplank is not a good champ early game, it's really his runes setup that makes the difference (Resolve Tree w. Bone Plating mostly). You can trade with E if you removed his Bone Plating, and he has his passive down (passive is up = sword is glowing). When Eing on him, make sure to destroy his barrels, or even try to fake hitting them if he just placed them. Bait his E by moving up and down, and if he doesn't take the bait try to run at his barrels and Q them since it gives you 50 more range. Your lvl 6 is mega deadly compared to his, if you manage to hit your E with both his Bone Plating and passive down, he's most likely dead as he has no escape. If he takes First Strike, he is a shed early game and has no kill pressure. Also keep in mind that Gangplank is very gankeable as he has no escape but a cleanse on a 22s CD.
Very easy matchup. You hard outscale him. Just a farm lane, trade with W-Q-Q. If he ever tries to Q you, you can take a step back and Q him and you will ALWAYS get the first AA, thus your shield will eat his whole Q damage. Avoid trading when your shield is down, it's the only way Garen can kill you as he has low CDs. Make sure to W spam so he doesn't regen with his passive. Be careful lvl 6 as Garen players often take Ignite to do the infamous Q-E-Ignite-R deadly combo: if he ever gets on you while your shield and E is down, you are dead. The key to this matchup is slowly poking him down, and just farm it up: your champ is better than his in almost every way.
Medium - easy matchup. You outscale him, he should never be able to side against you. If he has no Bone Plating you can cheese him lvl 1 with E as he is really squishy without form. His E has a longer CD than yours, so everytime he Es away when you E him, you have a small window to dash on him right when your CD is up (you can max hookshot in order for you to guarentee a longer window to E). You can stand next to a wall, then instantly E on him and he has no time to react to it. If it hits, you can continue trading and if he ever messes up his double dash, you can just chase him down with your W slow and Q mov. speed.
Hard matchup. You outscale him. Gragas is an anti-snowball champion, his goal is to delay your scaling as hard as possible. Survive his Q poke with Dshield. Try to bait his E by either Wing him so he Es into you, or just running towards him and Q-Q. If he Es you (wait until his Phase Rush goes away if he plays it), you can engage on him with E and you will win the all-in as long as you are not into too much of his minions. A thing you can do is bait you are out of lane, so he will push in order to take the wave under your tower; if he does so by using his W and E, you can hookshot on him and he has no escape. I advise you to take Grasp so you can get some HP stacks and more survivability in lane. Ignite / TP also helps much in this matchup, as you can cut down his passive healing entirely. Be careful to ganks as Gragas has an insane gank setup with E and R. You can ult either his R or E. Gragases will often E-Flash to try to outplay you, you can spam R key between you and him and you will most likely dodge it. You can also buffer your E unto a wall whenever he Es you, so it bypasses his knock-up and allows you to hookshot onto him after.
Skill matchup. You outscale him on side as long as you don't get kited too much. Early levels try not to take too much poke, so you should start W to sustain a bit. Stand behind minions so his AA don't do much damage. If you hit your E, he is most likely dead if he doesn't have lots of E stacks, as it gives him a considerable amount of armor. In order to do so, you can E onto a wall then wait for his dash, and thus follow his dash with your E2. If he doesn't have E stacks and quickly Es to last-hit a minion or to dodge your W, instantly E onto him; as long as you have shield you will 100% win. Consider also doing quick Es by standing next to a wall so he doesn't have time to react with his dash. Matchup is quite obvious: survive early game, punish later; he stacks armour, you do true damage.
Hard matchup. I think she outscales you, but you can beat her on side as long as you kite her damage correctly. Gwen has too much damage and is insanely tanky for absolutely no reason. Early levels you can consider giving up some minions, as her lvl 1 is too strong and you can't contest it EVER, mostly as sometimes you get a physical shield for no reason? and also Gwens often take Ignite and Lethal Tempo. You can start W and try getting the first 3 minions. Try sustaining on her with W after she Es. You can win the all-in if you hit your E: you can either wait when you cast it onto the wall so you follow her dash, or you can do a quick E when standing next to a wall so she can't react to it. If she Ws, you should ALWAYS kite it out as she gains too much armour in order for you to win. Consider stepping forwards and backwards to try dodging her braindead E-Q untradable combo; if she misses you can instantly E on her and she will 100% lose. Be careful at lvl 6 as her R is a combat ultimate unlike yours, so you will lose the 1v1. Later into the game you should play smart in order to win: it's just like playing against Tryndamere, unless you are very fed you just can't E onto him as he will run you down. It's the same against Gwen, you have to dodge her Q, kite her W and R, and ult her 3rd ult cast as it does the most damage. It's a pure stat check champion so you will always lose if you just stand to her and AA her. Also keep in mind she isn't as good as you against ranged champions, and therefore she is hard to play in teamfights.
Skill matchup, Camille favoured. You outscale her. It is always difficult to beat someone who knows his champ, and Illaoi makes the best example: an OTP will literally smash your skull if you don't know how to play this matchup. Early levels you can start W to trade back her Q poke, or you can start Q if you both have Bone Plating or she doesn't, you will win with passive shield. After then you want to stay behind your minions, so she can't steal your soul with E. Remember that if she misses E, she is not a champion anymore, you just hookshot onto her and she is most likely dead. Never E onto her when minions aren't adjacent to her and the walls you are Eing onto: she will just E you and take a huge trade, while you can't trade back. NEVER fight in her E if she proceeds to hit it, you will always lose. Be careful when destroying her tentacles as there is an opening for her to E you, therefore you can bait is by AAing then moving backwards, she will E nothing and you can body slam her. You can ult her R so she doesn't spawn tentacles. You can use your ult to dodge her E too, but you have to kite out her R then since it will heal her for a big amount and you won't win (unless you take Ignite and sidestep her tentacles). Even though she heals for a bit, don't rush Executioner, it's a bait item in this matchup.
Skill matchup, Camille favoured in lane, but it's Irelia so it cancels everything. If the Irelia player is excellent, he will always win against Camille, but you can get her in trouble. Level 1 sadly there is nothing to do because of the Irelia changes (4 stacks passive), she will just Q the first 3 minions and Q you and you will always lose. UNLESS you start Q, stay a bit back and kite towards your tower, she will get the minion aggro and will lose as you have your shield (don't overextend ever). Then it's just the basic trade pattern: 0-1 stack with no minions she can execute around => go in, 4 stacks or 2 with minions she can execute => don't. I advise you to take Ignite and not spending 800g on Executioner early game, as you won't win the 1v1 by then if you don't have Sheen. If you miss E, you are most likely dead unless you are fed and can tank her astronomical damage. Do W-Q-Q trades then back off with E if she counterattacks. If you get hit by her E and you don't have passive shield, it means you are dead; good Irelias will wait until you E onto a wall then follow you with Q. You can ult her E and R, they are both quite easy to react to, remember that the better option is always to sidestep her E with your Q mov. speed and dodge her R with yours. If you have Triforce and she has BotRK, you lose because of the recent nerfs/buffs. Very late game you "should" win if she doesn't have too much stats or Shieldbow, otherwise she will just tank your damage and heal for 500 per Q. Remember that the hardest thing to do in this matchup is not to get brain tumor during the game.
The hardest Camille matchup, should be a permaban every single game if you plan on playing Camille. He wins early game, he wins mid game and he wins late game. The only hope you have before he becomes a huge stat stick champion is early game if he doesn't play very well. Level 1 you start W as you can't autoattack him (lol). Level 2 you take E since he will take his Q, and you must stick to a wall everytime and continue spamming your W on him; he will Q then E into you and then you can do a quick E to stun him and get out. An other option you have is standing in the middle of the lane, and sometimes bad Jacques will Q-E into you, if that's the case just tank his damage then buffer you E onto a wall, you will get stunned but you have enough time to E onto him again, if you hit him and you have your shield you can take the trade, but don't overextend if he's like mid HP or more. You are basically an insect in this matchup, with Jax nibbling you to death. Once he is 6 with above 70 IQ, you will never win until the defeat screen, he will just E your Q2 and stat check you every single time. If you are even, you have a small chance killing him at lvl 6 if you have the level prior. you can instantly E onto him, he will E so you kite it out, but if he's dumb he will go onto you. Which is a very bad choice, as you can ult his E and he will be defenseless.
Hard matchup, Jayce favoured in lane of course as he is ranged. I would say you both scale equally since you will oneshot him, but he will oneshot your entire team. You must start with Dshield and Second Wind so you can survive the laning phase. Early levels consider giving up some minions as his poke is strong, you can get the first 3 melees with W and by some chance he will walk up into it. Avoid getting poked for nothing, always trade it with your W. If during your W he swaps form and Q-E you, he is dead next trade as he will have no disengage (his E is on a 20s CD). Instantly E if he swapped to ranged form as he can't go back to melee to knock you back until 6s. I'm not sure but I think you can buffer your E while he Es you, if it happens you are either lucky or have an insanely high reaction time and you can E onto him and win 100%. At level 6 you can ult his E, if you can do it then he's locked in your slave cage and you will win the all-in. You beat him on side unless he is way ahead. Be careful of his insane damage with the Eclipse and Muramana powerspike.
Very easy matchup early game. The longer the game goes, the harder it becomes. Kayle is a scale monster, she outscales you. Early levels it is the most free lane you will receive. Be careful level 1 against her if she plays Lethal Tempo as she will win, so you should start W to remove her Bone Plating (if she doesn't have it she is a terrorist and you should always E onto her). Once her Bone Plating is down, you can E onto her and you will always win unless you are too overextended (between her minion wave and her tower). You should always spend your time all-in'ing her when possible before 6, zone her out and make her miss the most minions possible. Don't bother zoning her some XP by standing between her wave and tower, she will just poke you with E and you will get rusty with all the minions attacking you. At 6 if she doesn't have too much items you can beat her as long as you have equal HP and you ult her R, it's easy to do, you just have to time it right. The pattern to win is the following on side: E on her then Q her to death, if she Ws out you W her so she gets slowed and can't retaliate. Remember that if she hasn't got much items and can't kite you, you always win by running her down. Feel free to dive her if she has no Bone Plating nor R, it's always worth even if you die to let her miss minions and XP.
Skill matchup, Kennen favoured in lane (and even on side?). You should outscale him? I really don't get his absurd damage, I have bad experiences against Kennens. Start W and get the first 3 minions, and if he doesn't play Bone Plating or something with more than 1 pot you can start E and chunk his HP bar. Your all-in is far better than his if you both have the same HP. Taking Dshield and Second Wind will make you survive the lane. If he is good, you can never E onto him as he will dodge it and never stand close to walls. If you manage to hit him while he E'd, you can chase him down with W and you will most likely win. The key to this matchup is to bait out his E, once it's down (10s CD), you can go for a (long) trade. At 6 your all-in is good with your cage, but his is too. If you don't have your shield, never all-in him, he does too much damage to you. Prevent him from going in teamfights as his are very strong with his ult, so force him on side. Very late game if he has Rabadon's and you don't have Death's Dance or any MR items, he will always win (point and click ult stun into too much damage from him).
Very easy matchup to medium if it's an OTP. You outscale him. Consider taking Bone Plating to counter his all-in. Early levels you can contest him with Q if you both have Bone Plating or he doesn't, you will win with passive shield as long as you don't overextend since some Kleds play with Lethal Tempo. Perma poke him with W and trade whenever you have shield with W-Q-Q. Keep your E for when he gets dismounted so you can follow him and run him down. Level 6 your all-in is very deadly especially once he is dismounted, so you can E onto him then R him once Skaarl cowardly abandonned him. Once you have a few items he stands no chance against you, even if you miss everything: your shield will ignore 80% of his damage and 1k true damage factor. Force him to side as his potential to catch your allies is good with his ult.
Annoying but quite simple matchup. You outscale her on side. Early levels consider giving up some minions as her Q poke is too braindead for you to mentally survive the lane. Try juking her Qs by going back and forth until she misses it. Make sure to W AFTER she Qs you, so you regen a bit of the damage. When you are level 3 and she has Bone Plating down, just E on her and you will take a huge trade as long as you dodge her W, which is super easy to do as the spell is very slow. You can cancel her W with your E stun. As long as you don't get hit by her Q's outer cone, it's fine. I'm not 100% sure but I think you can cancel her R sleep with yours if you ult her with a good timing: if you proceed to do so she is dead. Overall she is really squishy (unless she goes full tank) and you play a duelist so you should always win on sides no matter what.
Hard matchup. You outscale him. Lucian is very powerful on a solo lane because of his extreme early power, so you don't want to trade with him early. You MUST give up some minions. Running Dshield with Second Wind will make you survive this lane. You can dodge his Q with your Q mov. speed by going sideways if you are lucky. Spam W so you regen his damage. If he ever dashes in front of you, you E on him and if you hit he's 100% dead as long as you are not low enough and have passive up. If he is not really good you can bait his E with yours by just waiting on the wall. If he is slow you can also do quick Es but be careful as missing it means instant death. At 6 your all-in is mega deadly so if you hit your E, he can't ever escape you. You can ult his R since it's a channel, so it will stop. Top Lucian is extremely easy to gank with the insane setup Camille has, so try asking your jungle, especially at 6 he stands no chance in a 1v2 since you lock him up in the slave cage. Mid and late game you should never lose unless you play it very bad, he is an ADC and you are a duelist, you just stat check him.
Hard matchup. He just bullies you with rocks. You outscale him as you do true damage, especially with Divine which melts him hard. Dshield and Second Wind will make you survive the lane. Start W so you can retaliate his Q spam. If his shield is down, you can go for a trade with E and you will win it if you have passive and you don't overextend in his minion wave (standard E-Q-Q trade then back off). Then poke him out with W for him not to have shield up (10s CD in early game). Malphite without shield especially in early is a dead rock for Camille. If you didn't take a lead early, then he will just back with some Cloth Armours or Tabis, and you just won't win anymore until Divine, so farm and survive with Dshield and W. At 6 you can ult his R by smashing your key a bit after Camille's feet (between you and Malphite, but like one quarter of the distance between you both), and you will dodge it 90% times. If he doesn't have too much lead you hard win on side with Divine, as long as you don't stand up next to him while he burns you to death with Sunfire; you need to kite him down as he isn't mobile.
No one plays him top and you win by just existing. You hard hard hard outscale him. Be careful of jungle ganks as he has an insane point and click setup. If you want to totally remove his fun just take Ignite and he stands 0 chance. You don't even need to kill him, you can just chill, farm and you will win. The only issue with Maokai is the time you take to kill him, since good players will kite your Q2 with both Q and W, so be wise in your Q recasts.
Hard matchup. You should outscale him. You have to kill him pre-6 to get a lead on him, or you won't do anything until you have some items. Early levels start W so you can poke him back. Do quick Es so he can't cancel them with his E. If he ever misses his E-Q poke, just hookshot him and he is dead if you are both equal HP or he has less than you do, his shield won't save him. Make sure not to engage when he has Bone Plating up. W spam will win you the lane early, as long as you never get hit by his empowered Q, so always stand in your minions. Ignite makes it so you have a greater early potential to take a lead. Once he is 6 you have no realistic chance to kill him, as you can't EVER hookshot on him. If you do he will just ult you and you are dead, don't bother fighting in his kingdom you won't win. Henceforth you should only trade with W-Q-Q and juke his E. If he Rs you in that case you can kite him by using your E, and ulting his empowered Q. If you catch him off guard with him not having ult up, you can kill him if you have items. Later into the game just buy QSS so you can't lose and he cannot ult you to prevent you from teamfighting. If you plan on side laning against him make sure to kite him as he will stat check you otherwise if you just stand still and AA him.
Very easy but boring matchup. Care as you might sleep on your keyboard 5 minutes into the game. He outscales you but very late game, you naturally beat him early, mid and late game as long as he doesn't have +1k stacks. Just like Kayle, you MUST abuse him early game for him not to scale. Perma all-in him, but don't insta push the wave every time. Decent wave management will make you win the lane. If you get a good freeze on him, he can't play the game and needs his jungle in order to break it. Ignite removes his fun, especially once he is 6 and has few items with Divine + his lifesteal passive. Once he is 6, unless you are very ahead in items and XP, don't hookshot on him as he will just run you down, mainly if he runs Ghost. Nasus is one of the few picks that make the game unfun for the 9 other players, and even himself if you make him suffer the price for locking Nasus and make him sit under his tower for 15 minutes. If you are somehow even, be careful to his point & click gank setup with W. Also don't forget investing in some antiheal later into the game.
I never did this matchup. Sorry. Will update once someone plays Ornn.
Counters you at all points of the game, but just as Darius it's still manageable. She hard denies your teamfights, but you can win on sides with Divine. Don't go Dblade, your goal is to survive the lane, so for the runes you should go Second Wind or if confident Conditioning. Grasp helps much in this matchup, but you can take Conqueror if you really plan on avoiding the laning phase and scale. Early levels start W to trade back her passive poke with Grasp. NEVER hookshot onto her because of her W, and NEVER stick next to walls or she will do the 100-0 combo on you and you will lose 60% of your HP bar. If for some reasons you can bait her W (if she is bad, or else...) you can E on her, but be quick as good Poppy players will insta E on you when you hookshot on the wall, thus you will be stunned (but if Poppy is good her W should never be down at the first place). Just perma spam W for sustain once her shield decays, so you don't W for no damage. A trick is to cheese in a bush (when trying to fake a recall for instance), then E onto her as she will have no time to react to it with her W. If you get on top of her with passive up and you manage to dodge her Q, you can try to kill her if she is low enough. Otherwise really just farm the lane up, with Divine you destroy her by poking her down with the basic trading pattern; Q a minion then W-Q2 her. Be careful of her disgusting damage even though she is a tank, so don't ego her. At 6 you can dodge her ult with yours if you time it well. If you are chinese enough you can buffer your E when she ults you, so you will return to the wall you casted hookshot upon once her ult goes off.
Annoying but quite easy matchup. You hard outscale her as she simply can't kite you later on. Dshield with Second Wind will make you survive her early poke. If you manage to survive her laning phase, you won. Her only kill pressure is if she pokes you too much then Ignites you to death. You want to spam W in order to heal her poke, but also to force her E: bad Quinn players will try to dodge your W with their E, and if that's the case just hookshot on her and she is dead as long as you have enough HP. If you have enough HP later on you can do a quick E onto a wall so she can't react to it, then you can follow up her E with your W slow, and normally your passive shield should tank most of her damage. Your hookshot CC bypasses her E, so she will get stunned by it if she tries to. Your level 6 is extremely brutal for her as hers is a roaming ult, and you have a lockdown ult: so just brute force her down. As long as you hit E and you have ult to lock her up, she is dead. Still be careful of her good roaming potential, so ping when she is missing and trade her roams with tower platings.
Very hard matchup when the Renekton knows what he is doing. This could both be the freest lane ever, or the worst. You outscale him. MAKE SURE to play Grasp in this matchup, as you cannot take long trades by any means. Start W and use it after he Qs so your W-AA with Grasp up will remove about 20% of his HP bar. Don't bother AAing him if he has fury as he will win the trade with empowered Q since he will regen the damage if he hits you with it. NEVER overextend the trades. Taking Teleport / Ignite is the only way to kill him if he knows what he is doing. Don't bother trading if he has more than 40 fury. However if he only has a few you can trade against him, either with E-Q-Q then backing off with W, or even with Q a minion then E-Q2 (always with Grasp up or it's pointless). Make sure to do quick Es by standing next to walls so he can't react to them with his E. It is possible to do these micro trades even if he has fury as long as he can't double dash, since you can kite his first dash with your Q mov. speed while going away. If you are good / lucky enough you can cancel his E with yours if timed extremely well. Don't do long Es since just like Darius he can cancel it with his W, as well as you can buffer it: bad Renektons have predictable stuns so you can E when they W you, and then hookshot back onto them (as long as they didn't have 100 fury). I repeat you MUST concede minions if he has fury as he will just double dash to you with minions nearby then 100-0 you. At level 6 it becomes extremely hard for you, as one mistake means he runs you down, which means instant death. It is still winnable if you poked him down enough so he is low, meaning you can Ignite him and kill him with Sheen procs (but DON'T be tempted by the Renekton funny with full fury and 40% HP with ult up). Oh and if he plays PTA / Ignite / BoRK you can't win 1v1 ever before 2 or 3 items.
Skill matchup, favoured for him in laning phase, BUT if played very well you can deny him. You hard outscale him. Early levels you absolutely want to get away from bushes as he wins lvl 1 on extended trades. Go behind your caster minions, close to a wall, and if he ever jumps on you lvl 1 you can start Q, Q-AA-Q and you will always win it with shield up, as long as you don't overextend. Then you basically stand next to walls all laning phase, and if he ever jumps on you, you can E his jump and will ruin his ambitions. If you succeed, you win the trade. Be careful of Rengar's early power, especially with his insane W healing. W him when he just used his empowered W so he can't sustain it back up. Don't miss your hookshot ever, don't make him dodge it for free with bushes. If you play Ignite or have anti-heal, you can try taking advantage on bushes once you are a bit ahead: a Rengar without bushes to play with is a goose without a beak. Once you have Sheen and Ignite / anti-heal, you can't lose unless he is very ahead. Especially at 6, you can brute force him down as long as you hit your E by locking him in the slave cage, his ult won't save him. With items Rengar means nothing to Camille, if you deny his snowball his game is basically over.
Hard matchup, especially since Riven got indirectly hard buffed with the rework of bruisers' items. You have the same mid game power, but you outscale her late because of your true damage. Early levels you can contest her lvl 1 with Q and passive shield with the basic trading pattern Q-AA-Q, or Q-Q if you don't have the time to proc it. Be very careful NOT to extend it, especially once your shield is down, it means instant death or you burn your flash as her lvl 1 is insanely strong. It's useless taking W lvl 2 as she will just shield it, so take E. If she ever randomly throws her Qs into the wave, you can trade her as long as there aren't too much minions by her side; E onto her, if you hit it you will take a huge trade / kill her. A trick to hit your Es are either waiting on the wall so she dodges it and you can follow her dash, or doing a quick E so she can't react to it. Don't ever do long Es into her as she will have time to go out of its range. If you miss hookshot you will take a very very bad trade, and eventually die. Be careful as she can cancel your E with both her W and Q3, so if Riven's good you cannot E out or she will cancel it and run you down. You can buffer your E with both her W and Q3, Q3 of course being easier to do as it's quite telegraphed. You can cancel her Q3 with E if you're fast enough. Her ult is the best 1v1 ultimate at level 6 in the entire game, you will never at equal HP unless you are very ahead or she is very bad. It is manageable to dodge her Q3 and ult cast. It's always better to dodge her ult as it does so much damage, but good players will cast it after their Q3 so you can't ult it. In that case it's better to dodge her Q3 with your R, then sidestep or flash her ult. She's better than you in teamfights with the rework of bruisers' items as Death's Dance makes her invincible to the enemy team, but you have better tools to pick up a mispositioned enemy. Late game you do too much true damage for her to handle, she cannot kill you if you play it smart.
Will update once someone plays Rumble top.
Very easy matchup, you win at every single point of the game unless it's very late game and he is fed. He outscales you very late game but by the time you should already have won the game, he can't kill you on side lane. Early levels poke him out with W and perma E him, especially if he has no Bone Plating. If he ever Ws the wave, just hookshot onto him and he is dead. Even if he plays Phase Rush you will win every trade with passive shield. You can bait him from running into you with Phase Rush by going back, then once he comes down to you you can W him (once PR shades away) and he will get slowed, and you can easily kill him. Level 6 you instantly kill him, he can't escape your ult with his. Basically just run him down all game, it's that simple.
Hard to very hard matchup, considering even chinese Camille OTPs permaban him. You outscale him as you do true damage, but you need to kite well. Grasp is WAY better than Conqueror in this matchup, as his trading pattern is to E you then punch you to death; therefore you only want to take short trades and never extend them. Bone Plating is really good against him. Take W level 1 so you can W-Q-Q him with Grasp, removing a lot of his HP bar. Try Wing him with the very edge of the outer cone so if he Es, he will still get hit by it. NEVER trade when your shield is down, his CDs are lower and he will beat you. Don't do long range hookshots since he can cancel them with his E. You must dodge his W true damage in order to win trades. Your trading pattern is quite basic: prepare Grasp, W-Q2 him with shield up until he is roughly about 25% HP, then you can consider all-in'ing him. If he ever Ws to farm minions, hookshot on him and you will always win as long as you hit it and he doesn't cancel it: physical shield will absorb a lot of his damage, but be careful as it can be a bait for his jungler (good Setts will never W nothing). Otherwise I repeat: you ALWAYS win quick trades as long as you don't get stunned by his E (meaning when he pulls you when he is between you and your minions), since you won't be able to proc shield without him chunking you a bit, and you won't be able to dodge his W true damage. Be careful of his insane CCs and gank setup. At level 6 you can ult his W, it's fairly easy to do. It's always recommended to kite his W shield as it decays quite quickly (3s). Once you have Divine you basically can't really lose if you kite him and avoid his E stun, unless he has Tabis / Bramble and meta slaves the shit out of the meta, meaning he has Hullbreaker. Very late game he can't do ANYTHING to you as you're too tanky and deals too much damage, and he cannot hit his W since you can dodge it with your ultimate; still be careful of his E (stun)-W combo which is undodgeable unless you have tenacity.
Skill matchup, it's a bit Shen favoured since he is a very strong laner and has much more impact than you with Teleport's nerf. You outscale him in a 1v1. Level 1 you can't really contest his Q start since it gives him a shield and buffs his AAs, so start W and poke him AFTER he just used his Q so he won't shield your W damage. Whoever Es first loses the trade. It's basically a farm lane as Shen shouldn't die if played decently, especially if he plays Ignite. However, you can make him have a bad time. Perma poke him with W when his shield is down. Basic trading pattern: W-QQ so he can't react to it with his W and you insta win the trade. A good tip to make him bait his W is to Q a minion then W-Q2; if he doesn't W it you have a free trade, if he does then you can all-in him once your Q is up. When his W is down, make sure not to miss your hookshot: in order to do so you either do a very quick E, or you wait on the wall so you can bait him and follow his dash. Don't overextend trades as he will win with his empowered Q, which doesn't have a long CD. If you manage to dodge his E with yours and his W is on CD, he is dead on the spot. At level 6, make sure to PING HIS LVL 6 / ULT TO YOUR TEAMMATES, so they can mentally be ready. For the sake of your team, you can take a bad trade or even sacrifice yourself by Eing onto him or ulting him, it will stop his R but you will probably need to recall if he is not dumb.
Easy matchup in your favour, but with the new braindead "strategy" aka Singed Predator Ghost he will probably win the game since he will be so much more useful than you. You outscale him as you do true damage, but be very careful of his insane kiting potential. Chunk his HP bar by starting Q, don't overextend because his poison does considerable damage. You can all-in him level 2 with E-Q as long as you aren't too close to his turret so he can't flip you towards it. You can perma all-in him early game with shield up, he doesn't do too much damage so it should be bearable as long as you don't stand in his Q too long: E on him then Q him to get mov.speed, if he flips you you can slow him with your W so you can follow him (be careful... never chase Singed...). If you're good enough you can buffer your E when he flips you, so it cancels it and you can E onto him again: he will probably be very sad. Be careful of his gank setup, and of his W (ground) which can cancel your E if placed well (it's quite hard to do though). ALWAYS PING YOUR TEAMMATES when he is missing. Level 6 you can lock him up but be careful as he can flip you outside your R, so he will be free. You outscale him, but don't bother killing him on sides as he will kite you to death with his W and Rylai's slow, he is really slippery and chasing him is never a good idea, unless you are really fed with a decent amount of MR.
Skill matchup, Camille favoured. You outscale him if he plays tank, since you do true damage, but be careful of the Sion's assassin playstyle / Hullbreaker rush. Look if he starts Q or W, so you can adapt your starting spell: if he takes Q, take W and poke him, if he takes W, take E and all-in him. You can see if he started W if he gains HP when he executes a minion / you can click on him and see if he gained HP from his W passive. You can cancel his Q with your E, but be careful as he can cancel your hookshot if he charged it more than 1s and times it well. CCing him when he's in Q animation will reset a lot of his Q CD, so be careful. Don't W him for free unless you want to regen, he will block the damage with his shield. Dodge his W explosion damage by standing behind minions. You can buffer your E when he Qs. If he used his W and Q (to clear the wave for instance), all-in him and if you dodge his E, he's dead as he cannot run away from you. Be very careful if he plays Phase Rush since when he's dead he can run you down with it in passive mode. At level 6 you can prevent him from running away by ulting him. If you ult him while his ult is facing you, you will dodge it and he will do no damage. On the other hand, if you ult him while he is running away with his ult, you will get damaged by it, so be careful. Your ult cancels his Q. You outscale him on side lane but he outscales you in teamfights especially if he goes tank. If he goes Hullbreaker though, you must prevent him from pushing turrets, as he can do the Baus special to your tier 4 turrets and end the game alone.
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