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Xin Zhao Build Guide by Jeator

Xin Zhao, Too Fast to Die

Xin Zhao, Too Fast to Die

Updated on January 1, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Jeator Build Guide By Jeator 6 1 30,158 Views 8 Comments
6 1 30,158 Views 8 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Jeator Xin Zhao Build Guide By Jeator Updated on January 1, 2012
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Hello and welcome to my guide for Xin Zhao. I will try to show you how I play Xin Zhao, but only for Twisted Treeline (3vs3). Before we start I would like to thank you for reading my guide.
So lets start!
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+Anti-range Champion
+Knock up
+Great Farmer


-Too slow without items
-Cant escape easily like Jax or Katarina
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Every AD Carry (like Xin Zhao) need armor penetration that's why I use Greater Mark of Desolation and Greater Quintessence of Desolation. Also he is a DPS Champions so he need more Attack Speed( Greater Seal of Attack Speed). Finally, I think Xin Zhao needs armor because he will try to steal monster's buffs from the opponents while they jungle and he will stay inside the teamfights.

Additional Runes:



Fleet Footwork

Marks, Seals, Glyph:


Phase Rush
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Summoner Spells

Main Spells:

I recommend Exhaust and Flash. Exhaust to slow them and reduce their damage and Flash to have a way to escape since Xin Zhao cant escape easily without speed or a way to come closer to your enemies.

Additional Spells:

  • Ghost is a good spell for chasing your enemies or for getting away from them.
  • With Cleanse you can remove every CC, so is a good spell for AD Carries like Xin Zhao.

Additional but Not Recommended Spells:

Not Recommended:

  • Clairvoyance is a spell for the supports and I said many times that Xin Zhao is an AD - DPS melee Carry.
  • Xin Zhao's Skills need mana but you dont have to use his skills all the time, use them when you fight a Champion.
  • You are an AP Carry to have Ignite. You will get 5 attack damage more, so? i believe is better to reduce your opponent AD by 70% and Ap by 45% than gain 5 AD and AP for 3minutes
  • PLEASE DONT TAKE THE Promote!!! It makes the tank minion bigger and stronger. So? It will only help you to push your lane but it useless against Champions
  • Revive isUseless. Xin Zhao doesnt need this spell. If you are winning, you will not use it since you are cant die too easily. If you are losing, even you get revived what you can do.
  • Teleport is Useless too. Since Xin Zhao has Attack Speed, he has Movement Speed too and if you xhoose Ghost for one of your spell you can reach a lane really fast.
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I use Summoner's Wrath to imcrease Exhaust for redusing the armor and the magic resistance plus the movement speed and the damage reduction. Even I chase or be chased is very usefull.
I choose Brute Force , Alacrity and Deadliness to increase the stats of AD Champion.
Weapon Expertise , Havoc , Lethality , Sunder and Executioner to increase Xin Zhao's Attack Damage.
Finally I choose Vampirism to increase Xin Zhao's survivability.


I use Resistance and Hardiness to increase Xin Zhao's survivability.
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Skill Sequence

Ability Sequence
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

For the first skill I choose the Audacious Charge because Xin Zhao charges an enemies unit and he deals AOE damage. For the next level I choose the Three Talon Strike to use the knock up. Probable you will tell me why dont you take the Battle Cry at level 2 and 3 and the Three Talon Strike at level 4. Well, the Three Talon Strike is a good skill to take a kill at level 2 because the opponent to have enought skills or Movement Speed to escape, like Xin Zhao, but Xin Zhao has the Audacious Charge to reach the opponent. Even you dont take the kill, your opponent will go back to his base.
I maximize first the Battle Cry to increase Xin Zhao role (AD-DPS Carry). Then I maximize the Audacious Charge always charges an enemy and last the Three Talon Strike. I choose the Crescent Sweep at lvl 6,11 and 16. I would like to add that the Crescent Sweep increase the Magic Resistance and the Armor if he hits an enemy champion. I am telling the last one because I didnt notice that when I started to play with Xin Zhao.
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Item Sequence

Black Cleaver 3000
Phantom Dancer 2650
Infinity Edge 3600
Bloodthirster 3400
Randuin's Omen 2700

I start always with a Doran Blade since it gives Heath, Attack Damage and Lifesteal. Then I make the Berserker's Greaves and i will start to gather gold for a B.F. Sword to make Black Cleaver since this item is the stronger weapon for Xin Zhao because of his Attack Speed and the item's passive. I get a Vampiric Scepter and Warden's Mail to increase Xin Zhao's survivability and then I am ready to increase his Attack Speed. I buy a Phantom Dancer and I am going to make my last two items for damage. For these two items I make first the infinite Edge to increase the damage and the critical chance and critical damage and then Bloodthirster to increase the lifesteal. Finally, I make the Randuin's Omen since Xin Zhao charge in the teamfights.

Well Randuin's Omen is my last item, probable you dont like this item and you want something else.

Item Sequence

Guardian Angel 3200
Phantom Dancer 2650
Madred's Bloodrazor 3800
Frozen Mallet 3100

For an additional last item you can make another Phantom Dancer to increase Xin Zhaos's Attack Speed, Critical Chance and Movement Speed more than before (but remember 2.500 is the maximum Attack Speed Cap in the game). Another item which is usefull to Xin Zhao is the Madred's Bloodrazor if you are fighting a tank with too much HP (like Dr. Mundo or Garen) or you can make a Frozen Mallet to be sure that they will not escape. For last additional item I recomment the Guardian Angel.

An additional good item is the Wriggle's Lantern but after Black Cleaver and not for last, which increase the jungle of Xin Zhao.
My main Build:

Item Sequence

Black Cleaver 3000
Phantom Dancer 2650
Infinity Edge 3600
Bloodthirster 3400
Randuin's Omen 2700
Jungle Build:

Item Sequence

Wriggle's Lantern 1800
Phantom Dancer 2650
Black Cleaver 3000
Infinity Edge 3600
Bloodthirster 3400
OffTank Build:

Item Sequence

Wit's End 2800
Warmog's Armor 3300
Frozen Mallet 3100
Atma's Impaler 2300
Guardian Angel 3200
Too Expensive Build:

Item Sequence

Trinity Force 3333
Black Cleaver 3000
Infinity Edge 3600
Bloodthirster 3400
Madred's Bloodrazor 3800
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At teamfights I charge with Audacious Charge to the weaker opponent (weaker I mean the opponent who is not fed, low level, low armor or low HP) and I use Crescent Sweep to damage all the enemies around me and to increase my Armor and Magic Mesistance. Then I attack their carry (AD or AP) and finally the tank (if the have one).
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I hope you found this guide usefull and it helped you to understand my gameplay of Xin Zhao.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Jeator
Jeator Xin Zhao Guide
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Xin Zhao, Too Fast to Die

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