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What's the deal with Riven?

Creator: Taffy March 2, 2012 5:12pm
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Taffy's Forum Avatar
Feb 22nd, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 2, 2012 5:12pm | Report
Hello people,

I've got a question and a bit of a worry...

What's the deal with Riven?

Is she OP or do I just keep playing people who are ridiculously good with her?
Last 4 games I have played, my team has lost SOLELY because of the enemies Riven. She get's most kills EVERY game. She seems to have the health of a tank, the damage of a AD, the ability power of an AP... I don't get why she's so good?

There may, of course, be something I am totally missing here :) But... I don't get how she annihilates everyone on my team every time I play against her? (The sad thing is, I'm not even exaggerating, it has actually been the last 4 games) It saddened me greatly when I watched earlier (whilst I was dead after she killed me) as she took master Yi on solo, when he was on full health and she wasn't and of course, she owned him.

Should I just stop playing ALL of my characters and use her, because she seems so good and able to tick pretty much EVERY box? I think the only thing she's missing is a ranged attack and I'd easily sacrifice that for all that she DOES have.

Any advice on how to kill her would be VERY much appreciated as this is really starting to bug me now!

Thanks :)

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Jun 24th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 2, 2012 5:20pm | Report
She is damned strong because she has so much mobility and scales so well with AD - including her shield, which is what makes her able to be somewhat tanky without sacrificing damage.

I don't reeaaally think she's OP though. She needs to be fed to really dominate in the way you're describing. She's free this week if you want to try her though.
Rincrow's Forum Avatar
Feb 9th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 2, 2012 5:54pm | Report
Shes a great duelist with a high skill cap. Can weave in and out of combat and harass like crazy. Scales well with ad. Works great with the ever popular Warmogs Atmogs combo. Loads of mobilty and a shield. An utli that buffs her and her ablites. And to top it off she can use her ulti a second time as an AoE ulti. Whats not to love?
Funny thing is most people taught she was UP not too long ago. Before MLG Providence happened. Actually now that I think about it no one really thought about her all that much. I hardly saw her played or mentioned.
Isn't she free this week? try her out in a bot game while you can.
Taffy's Forum Avatar
Feb 22nd, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 2, 2012 6:40pm | Report
Wow, hardly played or mentioned? Damn, what's wrong with these people, lol!
Yeah i'll definitely try her out, she seems 100x times that my poor Ashe, but you're right she was fed in all of those games...

Any tips on what to do if you are against her/laning against her?

I haven't actually had the pleasure of laning against her yet... I ted to meet her mid game or through a gank.


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Jun 24th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 2, 2012 7:29pm | Report
If you're playing Ashe just stay way the hell back from her and kite her if she tries to chase you.

You shouldn't really ever be laning against her on Ashe, but her main weakness is cooldowns. When you see her use her skills they're down for ~10 seconds during which time she is fairly useless. She also has no built-in sustain like many other top lane champions do.
Taffy's Forum Avatar
Feb 22nd, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 2, 2012 7:45pm | Report
True, I have never laned against her, which makes sense her being meant for the top lane.
I have tried to kite, I know she has one move where the bursts forwards a little and gains a shield... I need to practice kiting... a lot, now that you mention it lol.

What is best to do if she activates her ultimate? (I know it's when her sword returns to it's full condition, as opposed to the broken sword she wields normally)

Trying to Become a Hero | Tifa Lockhart > Lara Croft | I <3 Ashe | Uh oh! Luther's being smooth, brb | Hold my beer | MissMaw is a Melon
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Jun 24th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 2, 2012 7:48pm | Report
If she activates her ultimate, run the hell away. Anytime she does she's gonna rush at you and try to hit you with everything she has to kill you quickly. Her ultimate does more damage the lower your health is.

Ashe is pretty much the best champion for kiting because her autoattacks slow. Fire a shot, take a few steps back, fire another shot and so on and it makes it very difficult for many champions to reach you.
Taffy's Forum Avatar
Feb 22nd, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 2, 2012 7:56pm | Report
Haha! Ok, I figured that was the best thing to do, if I remember correctly it boosts an awful lot of her stats when she activates it and she also gains that amazingly powerful ranged attack :(

When kiting (I apologize if this is a total newbish question) what's the most effective way to do it? I find I right click in the direction I want to run, then A-click the ground (in the same place i was running to) which makes Ashe fire at anything in her range, then right click again and so on... is there a better way out of curiosity?

Yeah she's a great kiter! I've managed do perform it against Garen and Cho'Gath fairly effectively... except when Garen activates his speed ability (or maybe it was ghost, if he doesn't have one. I'd best check that actually)

Trying to Become a Hero | Tifa Lockhart > Lara Croft | I <3 Ashe | Uh oh! Luther's being smooth, brb | Hold my beer | MissMaw is a Melon
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Luther3000's Forum Avatar
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Jun 24th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 2, 2012 7:59pm | Report
Alternating between attack move and normal move works if there's no minions or towers in range. I haven't ever bothered to learn attack move myself, so I just click between the ground and the enemy depending on distance.
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Embracing's Forum Avatar
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Feb 2nd, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 2, 2012 9:20pm | Report
Riven goes squishy --> tanky

BT + GA + LW is generally core.

Then Atmogs or w/e you want.
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