Sup guys going to be livestreaming everyday as I grind my way to plat
Adc I will play: Vayne(of course) Ezreal(Striker ez skin) and Lucian
Ign: I SKT Vayne I
Webcam: Yes
Dual monitors: Yes(very interactive with chat)
Do I play with viewers: Yes of course everyone can add me
Pbe new champs stream: Yes I will stream all new champs when they hit pbe
Hope you guys come and check out my stream so we can have fun
[quote=SKT Vayne]Sup guys going to be livestreaming everyday as I grind my way to plat
Adc I will play: Vayne(of course) Ezreal(Striker ez skin) and Lucian
Ign: I SKT Vayne I
Webcam: Yes
Dual monitors: Yes(very interactive with chat)
Do I play with viewers: Yes of course everyone can add me
Pbe new champs stream: Yes I will stream all new champs when they hit pbe
Hope you guys come and check out my stream so we can have fun[/quote]
Adc I will play: Vayne(of course) Ezreal(Striker ez skin) and Lucian
Ign: I SKT Vayne I
Webcam: Yes
Dual monitors: Yes(very interactive with chat)
Do I play with viewers: Yes of course everyone can add me
Pbe new champs stream: Yes I will stream all new champs when they hit pbe
Hope you guys come and check out my stream so we can have fun