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Mintleaves's avatar


Rank: User
Rep: Remarkable (44)
Status: Offline

Mintleaves's Mobafire Blog - Tag: The Lz

02 Aug
Dr. Mundo: Epic Rap Battles of League of Legeeeeeends!!! Garen and Lux! Versus! Draven and Dariuuuuuusss!!! Begin!

Garen: DEMACIA!! My name is Garen and I'm so tough.
With me on your team, no tank is good nuff. I build
my Warmogs and absorb damage outright; My [[Demacian
Justice]] ending fights outright! And with Lux by my
side I won't have to fear, not being back up with a
laser near !

Lux: Hiya! He'll end the fights alright and I'll provide
CC just right! Oh Darius you think you're so bad, but
if you get snared, no true damage for you, how sad!
My friend Garen is...
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