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June Sales Schedule

Creator: PsiGuard May 17, 2018 3:10pm
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Jun 26th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 17, 2018 3:10pm | Report

By Riot Evaelin

Check out all the champs and skins on sale this June! Like previous sales schedules, we're not posting the exact dates for each champ and skin, but they'll all be on sale sometime next month.

Just a heads up-since we're publishing these in advance, we won't offer partial refunds on champs and skins purchased before they go on sale.

Regularly Scheduled Sales:
Champion Sale Price (RP) Skin Sale Price (RP)
Aatrox 487 Amethyst Ashe 487
Azir 487 Arcade Riven 675
Bard 487 Bandito Fiddlesticks 260
Blitzcrank 395 Bioforge Darius 487
Camille 487 Bladecraft Orianna 487
Corki 395 Blood Moon Kennen 487
Elise 440 Blood Moon Yasuo 487
Ezreal 440 Darkforge Jarvan 487
Hecarim 440 Debonair Galio 375
Jinx 487 Djinn Malzahar 260
Kalista 487 Dragonslayer Vayne 487
Karma 395 Dreadknight Nasus 487
Kled 487 El Rayo Volibear 375
Kog'Maw 440 Emumu 260
Leona 440 Full Metal Pantheon 487
Lissandra 487 General Wukong 375
Lucian 487 Harbinger Kassadin 487
Maokai 440 Headhunter Akali 675
Miss Fortune 395 Infernal Mordekaiser 260
Nami 440 Justicar Syndra 487
Nautilus 440 Leprechaun Veigar 260
Nidalee 395 Mad Hatter Shaco 260
Olaf 395 Marquis Vladimir 260
Pantheon 395 Moo Cow Alistar 487
Quinn 487 Order of the Banana Soraka 375
Rakan 487 Piltover Customs Heimerdinger 487
Shen 395 Prehistoric Anivia 375
Sona 395 Renektoy 375
Swain 440 Sandstorm Katarina 487
Trundle 440 Shockblade Zed 487
Twitch 395 Spooky Gangplank 260
Urgot 395 Star Guardian Lulu 675
Vel'Koz 487 Tango Twisted Fate 260
Xayah 487 Void Bringer Illaoi 675
Zac 487 Warmonger Sion 487
Ziggs 440 Wicked LeBlanc 375

Early Sales:
Skin Price (RP) Sale Price (RP)
God Staff Jax 1350 975
Arctic Ops Gragas 1350 975
Thanks to The_Nameless_Bard for the sig!

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