Hey guys. Apparently I am a pretty good Tyrndamere / Irelia. So I thought I'd give it a try. If you need help with any of these champions, any at all do not feel free to reply on this thread or add my Skype: ImBetterThanYouuu
I am on more likely than not. Just leave a message in the invite of who you are and what you need help with.
[quote=ImBetterThanYouu]Hey guys. Apparently I am a pretty good Tyrndamere / Irelia. So I thought I'd give it a try. If you need help with any of these champions, any at all do not feel free to reply on this thread or add my Skype: ImBetterThanYouuu
I am on more likely than not. Just leave a message in the invite of who you are and what you need help with.[/quote]
I am on more likely than not. Just leave a message in the invite of who you are and what you need help with.