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Question about MobaFire Guides & Community

Creator: jamosmith June 27, 2013 7:40pm
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jamosmith's Forum Avatar
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Jun 26th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 27, 2013 7:40pm | Report
Let me tell you a quick story. I started playing Volibear and enjoyed him. I read some guides, made some improvements, ignored some **** that wasn't important and then go undefeated in my lane ~30 games in a row.

So I decide to contribute a guide to MobaFire. I spend an hour or so writing out some tips for anyone who finds them. I come back an hour later and sure enough, the community provided constructive criticism, critique and more tips in response to mine. Oh wait, nope, they just told me how bad I suck, yelled at me for not using BBCode and voted me down. Not a single piece of constructive criticism.

Is this what I should expect from this community?
IShouldGetALife's Forum Avatar
Jan 28th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 27, 2013 8:16pm | Report
It wouldn't be any better anywhere else as everyone is judgemental, BBCoding wouldn't hurt in a guide as walls of text are unappealing, however I see nothing too wrong with the information in the guide and I believe it deserves a higher rating. Also submit your guide to a review shop to see what is wrong.
If I have helped in anyway at all a +rep will be appreciated lots
Thanks to LaCorpse, Hogopogo and JhoiJhoi for the amazing sigs
bcican's Forum Avatar
Jun 23rd, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 27, 2013 8:20pm | Report
Welcome to Mobafire, unfortunately this is exactly what you should expect.
sirell's Forum Avatar
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Apr 30th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 27, 2013 9:08pm | Report
jamosmith wrote:

Let me tell you a quick story. I started playing Volibear and enjoyed him. I read some guides, made some improvements, ignored some **** that wasn't important and then go undefeated in my lane ~30 games in a row.

So let me get this straight. You read some guides and somehow came to the conclusion that you should build Berserker's Greaves, Zephyr and Phantom Dancer on Volibear all as core items? GTFO.

jamosmith wrote:

So I decide to contribute a guide to MobaFire. I spend an hour or so writing out some tips for anyone who finds them. I come back an hour later and sure enough, the community provided constructive criticism, critique and more tips in response to mine. Oh wait, nope, they just told me how bad I suck, yelled at me for not using BBCode and voted me down. Not a single piece of constructive criticism.

I dunno, 4 people suggesting your runes are wrong? THEY MUST BE FLAMING... (wait, what?). Let's take a look at the first three comments and then your replies to them.

First comment gives suggestions for better DPS and you replied that his comment was misdirected.

Second comment is a warning that you add BBcoding to save you a lot of grief on the votes and you reply by implying that he is a complete idiot.

Third comment tells you that your runes are wrong, as well as asking for more detail on the items section and then bringing up BBCoding again, which you then replied with 'Wrong comment' and by telling him to 'go away'. Not to mention he's another guy you imply being a 'complete idiot' for wanting BBcoding.

Then you round it off by telling these three to 'get off their high horse' about aesthetics after having just implied them being complete idiots.

I think you've got it a bit backwards on who's flaming and who's being constructive. Out of all the people who have commented on your 'guide', the only one you should have grief with is me.

Take your sob story elsewhere, you fake.

It wouldn't be any better anywhere else as everyone is judgemental, BBCoding wouldn't hurt in a guide as walls of text are unappealing, however I see nothing too wrong with the information in the guide and I believe it deserves a higher rating. Also submit your guide to a review shop to see what is wrong.

Are you and I reading the same guide? Nothing wrong with the information in the guide? The one that's telling you to play passive and ONLY passive? Who calls Volibear a quasi-tank with only one defensive item, possibly 2 (but he suggests Ravenous Hydra, so technically 1)? The one that tells you to take lifesteal quints? AS and AD seals? The one that doesn't max a skill second?

Yeah, I see nothing wrong with any of that.
bcican's Forum Avatar
Jun 23rd, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 27, 2013 9:22pm | Report
I don't think he deserves an upvote. But chances of him trying again and perhaps making a great guide are probably smashed now ( I know I know, no one cares etc) but this thread is in a way proving his point lol. You dont need to gtfo out dude just look at other guides and see how they are done before trying again. Either way gl hf.
rudyards's Forum Avatar
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Sep 13th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 27, 2013 9:42pm | Report
I'm not really sympathetic towards the whole "People disliked my guide" thing. I realize that everyone has different playstyles, and that yours might work for you. But your attitude towards comments changed my opinion from "That kinda sucks" to "Wow, this guy is a tool". I've had people blow up at me for telling them their guide has issues in the past, and even go so far as rage downvoting my guide and sending me rude messages. The point of putting a guide up for review is to take critique and fix the errors that people perceive. If you aren't interested in that, don't post a guide here. It reminds me of all the people who want their restaurant featured in Gordon Ramsey's show, but then get pissed off when he says that their food has problems. If they were flaming you, of course you'd have a point. But all of them offer legit criticism and you brush them off.

@Bcican: No, you shouldn't expect people auto downvoting because you are missing one thing (except for 1 particular person), you should expect that if your guide doesn't meet the expectations of the crowd, it doesn't receive an upvote and usually gets a downvote. Upvoting a guide pushes it higher, and if enough people do it it can become the top guide. Do you know how many people use Mobafire? Do you realize that if they try out Volibear in one of your games, and want help playing him, they'll look for Mobafire (probably)? You can't just give Reviews upvotes because the author really cares about them (although I've done it on occasion in the past when they get over downvoted), you have to consider if the build actually works, if you'd like someone using it in your games.
bcican's Forum Avatar
Jun 23rd, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 27, 2013 9:46pm | Report
Well put sir, I will agree and disagree with your second text but I appreciate your cordial and respectful attitude.
Meiyjhe's Forum Avatar
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Oct 27th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 28, 2013 3:00am | Report
jamosmith wrote:

Let me tell you a quick story. I started playing Volibear and enjoyed him. I read some guides, made some improvements, ignored some **** that wasn't important and then go undefeated in my lane ~30 games in a row.

So I decide to contribute a guide to MobaFire. I spend an hour or so writing out some tips for anyone who finds them. I come back an hour later and sure enough, the community provided constructive criticism, critique and more tips in response to mine. Oh wait, nope, they just told me how bad I suck, yelled at me for not using BBCode and voted me down. Not a single piece of constructive criticism.

Is this what I should expect from this community?

A good guide is a combination of a good build and a good guide

A good build consists of:
1. Runes
2. Masteries
3. Items (order + overal view)
4. Skill order
5. Summoner spells

A good guide consists of:
1. Good presentation (BBcoding)
2. A well done structure
3. Full build explanation + alternatives
4. Full tactic explanation

So, pretty much everything in your build is highly questionable except your summoner spells, which is already a downer. And the guide thingy, everything is barely explained, a low presentation, a 'k structure, you have to do better if you want to get better comments towards your guide.

Explain everything within your build including the abilities itself (what they are and what they do n stuff) and explain every part of the tactics (Farming, roaming, teamfighting, warding, whatever).

If you finished that, then come back and I am willing to give you more tips, but until then, you just come over as one of the many people out there that have no idea what they are talking about. People will show no respect for that and they will just keep the comments short.
Change is gooooood
Picture by: My valentine; jamespongebob <3
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<Guide Critic>
Vynertje's Forum Avatar
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Jan 10th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 28, 2013 3:07am | Report
Undefeated in lane does not make it a good build nor guide.
Nor does undefeated in game, actually...
jamosmith's Forum Avatar
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Jun 26th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 28, 2013 7:50am | Report
sirell wrote:

The one that tells you to take lifesteal quints? AS and AD seals? The one that doesn't max a skill second?

There are top rated guides that make these same recommendations bro. When I ask for constructive criticism on a guide about that means I'm looking for people saying things like this:

"Volibear is a great tank because of his Chosen of the Storm passive, in situations such as X Y and Z I use my Q, W or E to do A B or C."

as opposed to the **** you spout "EMERGERDERPADERPA U NUB!"
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