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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Pix, Faerie Companion (PASSIVE)
Lulu Passive Ability
Laning phase
Your job is to help peel for your team. Use your q to slow down an oncoming enemy, and shield your carries when necessary. Consider using your ult on the tanky top laner or jungler because their positioning might allow you to get multiple knock-ups on the enemy. Remember that your ult also slows while it is active. If your adc and mid laner are safe, that is probably the best option. Use your whimsy to polymorph the enemy carries if you are in range. As long as you are near your adc and mid laner, you will be doing your job.
When it gets to late game, your tanks might be less capable of peeling for your carries, so try to save your ult for your carries unless you have a good opportunity to knock several enemies up. At this point you will have a lot of cooldown reduction, so make sure to shield, q and whimsy as much as possible. Remember that whimsy also gives movement speed and a large attack speed buff to your adc, which can make a huge difference in late game teamfights. Also keep in mind you are very squishy as you probably won't build any defensive items, so stay back and play safe.
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