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Ability Order
Clockwork Windup (PASSIVE)
Orianna Passive Ability
I personally prefer taking Flash and Exhaust which I will explain in my play style and item explanation section. Though if you are a lower level summoner without many runes or mastery points I recommend taking out Exhaust and putting in Clarity then once you are comfortable playing her change to Exhaust.
Right, the important chapter. First I start off with a Doran's Ring. This purchase allows for early lane dominance and hopefully an early kill. I generally harras my opponent down to just below half hp using a Q + W combo. Then once I am level 6 I let them over extend and push their minions up to my tower as they do this I Flash in and Exhaust them then finish them off with Q + R + W.
Mid game you are going to want to grab blue buff as often as possible allowing you to play the role of ap carry and support as you can speed up and shield team mates quickly and without worrying about mana usage and cooldowns.
I have found myself consistently buying Lich Bane before the void staff but this really comes down to the team your are up against. Also, I have found if they don't not have much magic resist a tanky item such as Guardian Angel instead of a Void staff works very well.
Mid game you are going to want to grab blue buff as often as possible allowing you to play the role of ap carry and support as you can speed up and shield team mates quickly and without worrying about mana usage and cooldowns.
I have found myself consistently buying Lich Bane before the void staff but this really comes down to the team your are up against. Also, I have found if they don't not have much magic resist a tanky item such as Guardian Angel instead of a Void staff works very well.
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