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Poppy Build Guide by Evilfire555

Poppy : From the Jungle *.*

Poppy : From the Jungle *.*

Updated on November 21, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Evilfire555 Build Guide By Evilfire555 2,633 Views 0 Comments
2,633 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Evilfire555 Poppy Build Guide By Evilfire555 Updated on November 21, 2011
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Welcome to my Poppy Jungle Guide

I start at Blue.Buff... try to get a pull from a teammate.
After it i take the classic joungle route : Wolfes --- Ghosts --- Red Buff --- Golem
Try to gank where need in this time
Really important for Poppy is Blue Buff you definitly have to take it till lvl 12 because your mana will be low the whole time.

If you have more answers about jungle Poppy just ask in the comments below
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For me a better choice then Madreds ... because lifesteal and its much cheaper

Sheen is very important for your DMG Burst

Infinity Edge *.* makes you deal a lot of damage after your burst with Q and E Spell

Its THE Trinity Force

Very good tank item against enemy melees and with a great active

Magic Resist , one of the best passive ingame , life and mana
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+ / -


- Not to slow in jungle
- Insane ganks
- Can stay long time in jungle because Armor Bonus of W
- One of the best focus champs in the game (Ulti)
- High Mobility
- Tank Killer


- There are other, faster Junglers in the game
- Not that high damage after burst with Q and E
- Difficult to chase enemies
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Evilfire555
Evilfire555 Poppy Guide
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Poppy : From the Jungle *.*

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