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Ability Order
Deadly Venom (PASSIVE)
Twitch Passive Ability
In early game start by grabbing a doran's blade and head on out to mid. wait by your turret till your opponent in mid over extends to far and ambush in behind them, with the attack speed boost and damage from the doran's + exhaust and ignite should land you n easy first blood and free farm. By the time your opponent comes back to lane you should have 1-2 levels on them, just keep repeating the process till they get wards/find out how to counter you without them (it can be done and is extremely annoying) after you feel that they are getting a bit to smart to fall for your tricks roaming is the best option for twitch.
In my opinion Mid game is all about roaming and getting as fed as you possibly can, after about 4 kills (my personal preference) in mid your going to want to start roaming and ganking those lanes that are having trouble, By now you should have your zeal and be working on your Infinity edge (remember boots of mobility are EXTREMELY vital with this style of game play with twitch) ganking should be a breeze, What with the crit chance from zeal and the damage from B.F sword those pesky ad carrys in lane wont know what hit them.
By now you should be well into your Blood thirstier if not then id suggest farm for it cause you'll need it the life steal you get is just to good to pass up. Late game is all about team fights and with twitch you quickly become the main target to kill (since you have been wreaking havoc on their team through all the ganking you do) you are never going to show up to a team fight first and live longer than a few seconds, Therefore it is always best to show up last and pick off stragglers that are half health or less (remember if you are fed enough and have your ultimate you can help your team tremendously with it from afar.)
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