QQ getting matched against 2k ELO players with my ranked team. We are 4x 1500-1550 and 1x 1700.
DuffTime wrote:
ok ok plz carry me omg
i was only waiting for you to ask
Temzilla wrote:
Too hot to be icecream.
Luther3000 wrote:
He looks like a hair gel advert on legs
Toshabi wrote:
Icecreamy, with hair as slick and smooth as the ocean waves of Cocobana
QQ can't win ranked. I think it's my nerves. I do fine in normals, even against people with 3X more wins than me which is who I usually play with ( I usually have two or three people I know IRL to play with). then I play ranked and I just fail. It's not that I necessarily do bad it's just that I don't do good enough to carry. Maybe I should just start playing ranked and only ranked for a long time and see if that fixes it.
^I hate coming up against a premade 5 when I'm in a premade 5 and we've all picked Yordles for teh lulz, but they're all try-hard training for the Olympics.
MyRepublic wrote:
QQ can't win ranked. I think it's my nerves. I do fine in normals, even against people with 3X more wins than me which is who I usually play with ( I usually have two or three people I know IRL to play with). then I play ranked and I just fail. It's not that I necessarily do bad it's just that I don't do good enough to carry. Maybe I should just start playing ranked and only ranked for a long time and see if that fixes it.
The amount of wins you have in normals mean nothing, it depends on how many losses they have too. Even then you can't judge their skill based on that. People who have that many wins, have that many wins because they probably don't play any other mode.
^I hate coming up against a premade 5 when I'm in a premade 5 and we've all picked Yordles for teh lulz, but they're all try-hard training for the Olympics.
I like coming up against premade 5's.
because when we troll they have no idea what we're about to do so they get caught off guard and lose.
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