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Face of the Mountain on non-supports?

Creator: NicknameMy November 29, 2014 11:24am
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NicknameMy's Forum Avatar
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Apr 27th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 29, 2014 11:24am | Report
Recently I calcualted a bit on this site:

And the interesting thing is, you see face of the mountain included into most builds as super efficient item?

I think, in terms of damage reduction, it offers a huge HP pool with its HP and shield. The damage also isn't that bad either and it grants utility aswell. What do you think about that?

GrandmasterD's Forum Avatar
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Sep 26th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 29, 2014 11:31am | Report
emoriam's Forum Avatar
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Mar 15th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 29, 2014 11:39am | Report
It's not the item's purpose. Sometimes items may work in different spots (just remember SotEL in lane) but it's mostly because there is something to fix with such items then honestly. This website does look really strange, it's bugged on my screen, lel.
Just think of Relic Shield's passive and its value early on. Is it cost efficient? Is this really an item you want to have late game if not being a support and a tank etc. instead? I don't think so ...
Thanks to Ubnoxius for this sig!
GrandmasterD's Forum Avatar
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Sep 26th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 29, 2014 11:41am | Report

emoriam's Forum Avatar
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Mar 15th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 29, 2014 11:43am | Report
I fixed it, pls forgive me :o
Thanks to Emikadon for this sig!
NicknameMy's Forum Avatar
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Apr 27th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 29, 2014 11:48am | Report
Well, obviously, you wouldn't buy the item unless you can upgrade it, means you would go Kindlegem -> face of the mountain.

But I thought about this:

500 HP + 10% of your HP shield. At 3k HP you basically get 800 HP from it (potential for more, think about Spirit of the Ancient Golem in a similar manner), which is the same as Warmog's Armor for 300 gold less and CDR on top of that. You even get some regen from it and it isn't as affected by Blade of the Ruined King as Warmog's Armor. And then, it also has a damage factor and a supportive factor.

The question now is, is Warmog's Armor worth it over that?

Also, later in the game when you get this item, you actually start to group up and the passive is actually usefull as well.

And I also found that:
OTGBionicArm's Forum Avatar
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Jan 8th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 29, 2014 12:19pm | Report

Might be a bit more effective with sound;
NicknameMy's Forum Avatar
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Apr 27th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 29, 2014 12:28pm | Report
Then tell me, why is that item inferior to Warmog's Armor? As like 2.-3. completed item after 1 resistance/HP item and 1 damage item. Basically the time where grouping up and teamfighting starts.

2200 gold vs 2500 gold
500 HP vs 800 HP
100% base health regen vs 1%/3% health regen per 5 based on max HP

Bonuses just for Face of the Mountain:
10% CDR
10% of maximum HP shield (you can count that basically as better HP which isn't affected by % penetration)
100% AD + 30% AP damage
Minion farm sharing and heal for 50+ 1% of your maximum HP

So, the first thing to calculate now is how much HP the shield grants. Well, most of the time on champions you build this item you will have 4000 HP, means it will grant a 400 HP shield. So:

900 HP (more efficient) vs 800 HP

Now, the health regeneration. The health regeneration Face of the Mountain grants will be for most champions around 16 HP/5, while Warmog's Armor at 4000 HP grants 40 HP/5. Out of combat it even grants 120 HP/5. So, this is clearly in advantage of Warmog's Armor. But wait, health regeneration is most valuable in a poking scenario and in this scenario as a group the passive of Face of the Mountain kicks in, granting you additional HP. Based onto the formula 8.33(+0.16% of user maximum health) this means you will get a bonus of 14.73 HP/5 at 4000 HP, which means you nearly even the 40 HP/5. This means, in a poking scenario where you are constantly damaged, there is actually no difference.

Finally stated, the gold shifting, the lesser gold cost, the HP, the utility, the damage and CDR all are in favor of Face of the Mountain which makes Face of the Mountain the superior item.
Jovy's Forum Avatar
Nov 18th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 29, 2014 1:31pm | Report
Nighthawk's Forum Avatar
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Dec 7th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 29, 2014 1:52pm | Report
it's not that it's bad, it's that there are far better items

maybe if you played someone like shen or something and your adc was the only fed person who could carry your team and you had to keep them alive against a veigar or something

or maybe if they buff it to give armor/mr

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