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NicknameMy's avatar


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NicknameMy's Mobafire Blog

23 Nov
I posted a blog post at the wiki and I want to share it:,_some_changes_which_are_needed#WikiaArticleComments

It is about what item and jungle monster changes have to be done in order to stop targon's on anyone. There is also another idea in it to specify more between AoE Clearers and Single Target clearers. Ah, btw, the Wight camp should be a Lizard, cuz Nunu bot wants that.
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26 Jul

If you already read my Udyr guide, you will know, that I posted an experimental build there, because only if you search for new builds, you will find the best. And so many unkown builds (Blue Ezreal, lol) got through testing like this possible and popular, before that, somebody would have flamed you for building that.

So, lets start with my first experimental build. I latelty was thinking about a super tanky top laner which has high base damage and great cc, but isn't really played there. I...
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06 May
First I ask you the queston. Who of you uses atm the utility tree not only on supports? I would bet some are using it on AP-Carries nowadays, but on nothing else. But I would say the utility tree is for what he gives very underrated.

First lets check out the different Masteries:

Tier 1:
Summoner's Insight : Your SS increase, very often used.
Wanderer : A good boost to mobility. Gives you basically a little Mobility Boots.
Meditation : A bit mana regen, nothing special
Improved Recall : Some say it is ****, some say it is great. I would say it adds nice utility...
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04 Mar

Views: 1073 My Build Only Series

Latetly, I started to make a Build Only Series. I think you ask yourself, why I do that if they don't show up in the guide list anyway. Well, they are for people which are interested in uncommon new builds and try out something new I just thought off. These builds got neither big testing or are competetive materiel (basically, like 5 mins thinking about them), but if YOU fill it with some strategy, they could become an usefull secret weapon. Not all ideas will be great, that for sure, but at least, some could have the potential to make it to the top.
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