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League of Legends (LoL) Question: champion recommendations

Posted in Champions 1,304

  • StormAegis

    champion recommendations

    I'm Bronze 4 and i want to get to silver as soon as possible. I can play any role except adc. Any champ( maybe even build) recommendations to carry in soloQ? I like off-metas and anything really. Just share your experience or thoughts on some champ that can help me carry most of the games, I also don't care about difficulty.
  • Answers (1)

    ICannon (8) | April 4, 2020 10:08am
    You don't find the champion.It finds you.Every champion is op,or almost every champion(*cough cough* akali) if you play them right.It also depends on the enemy team's picks.For example if you pick a late game hypercarry but the enemy team is full of op early game picks,you will be useless since the game isn't gonna get past 20 minutes...There is no best champion or build for all situations in my opinion,at least 50% of the game is played already in champion select...
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