League of Legends (LoL) Question: How Do I Get Better In LoL?
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How Do I Get Better In LoL?
Hello! Im Not The TPA Toyz However I Am A Huge Fan Of Toyz and Scarra (Explains The TSM). Especially Coming From Australia. Anyways, Im Having Problems In LoL At the momentw. For Mid Lane, I Main Orianna And Katarina However I Play Orianna More Than Katarina. Here is a preview of my latest matches with Orianna and other champions. Here is the link to my profile - http://www.lolking.net/summoner/oce/395393
As you can see, im pretty decent with Orianna, Especially with a K/D/A of 9/6/9. However im not sure if thats a good K/D/A for Orianna. Even though i played around 50+ games with her, i still cant seem to get out of silver. When i was on NA Servers, i was always in Bronze 5 but that didnt stop me from reaching to my dreams. I Played rank in NA for quite a while, Getting up to Silver 5 before end of season. Once that happened, they added a server called ''Oceania'' and i thought to myself... Maybe i could change and be better. So i did transferred to that server, did my placements and ended up in bronze 5 again... Which kinda sucks... but i kept battling and battling to silver 5 which again.. the season ended, Leading us to Season 4 which is currently on now. I then kept playing rank and battling out to Gold 5 which i was so proud of for a very long time. Sadly, Alot of trolls appeared.. causing me to drop to Silver 3... I want to get to Gold 5 again but so many trolls appeared. Give me tips and hints on How to Carry games with trolls inside them... or atleast passed this Misery Silver Elo. I tried alot of champs but the only champs that actually give me wins are Katarina and Orianna. What should i do?
As you can see, im pretty decent with Orianna, Especially with a K/D/A of 9/6/9. However im not sure if thats a good K/D/A for Orianna. Even though i played around 50+ games with her, i still cant seem to get out of silver. When i was on NA Servers, i was always in Bronze 5 but that didnt stop me from reaching to my dreams. I Played rank in NA for quite a while, Getting up to Silver 5 before end of season. Once that happened, they added a server called ''Oceania'' and i thought to myself... Maybe i could change and be better. So i did transferred to that server, did my placements and ended up in bronze 5 again... Which kinda sucks... but i kept battling and battling to silver 5 which again.. the season ended, Leading us to Season 4 which is currently on now. I then kept playing rank and battling out to Gold 5 which i was so proud of for a very long time. Sadly, Alot of trolls appeared.. causing me to drop to Silver 3... I want to get to Gold 5 again but so many trolls appeared. Give me tips and hints on How to Carry games with trolls inside them... or atleast passed this Misery Silver Elo. I tried alot of champs but the only champs that actually give me wins are Katarina and Orianna. What should i do?
I answered a similar question here. For you specifically, I'd recommend working on being as consistent as possible with Orianna and Katarina while learning support and one other role (jungle or adc preferably) to fall back on if you can't get mid. Winning some more games outside of your main role might help improve your win rate.
You should see it as a learning experience to reach the higher elo. As soon as you deserve a certain higher elo, you should be able to reach gold with a smurf account in 10 to 20 games.
You come from Bronze 5, you already achieved a lot. Playing more against better players will only cause you to improve. If you deserve your gold, you'll stay there and climb even higher eventually.
Take PsiGuard's tips into account and learn to lasthit in a custom game. 100 cs by 10 minutes and you're ready. (max is 113)
p.s.: Yea, Scarra is Dignitas, sorry bro.
Also, depend on one champion to hard-core main with atleast an alternative that you're confident you can manage to win lane/remain neutral
Have one champ for every lane you know how to play and don't go first time just because "that enemy was super op ill prob be as gud"
Improve mechanically, ignore teammates flaming, and when you're on a huge losing spree get off and play some normals then go back to ranked in a week or so.