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League of Legends (LoL) Question: What to do when you have 4 monkeys in team?

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  • RaizenKurogane

    What to do when you have 4 monkeys in team?

    So I'm a main toplane, elo IRON 1, and I often struggle in games because I have 4 monkeys in my team that have no hands and no brain. (I know I may sound tilted, and in fact I am right now). What can I do to carry games as a toplaner when my team ints straight into hell? I usually play Garen, Kled and Fiora. Here is proof of what I am saying:

    Of course I'm not saying I always play well, I can play bad too, but even when I play good I can't win because of these guys. What can I do?
  • Answers (2)

    Wicked Cherry (162) | April 7, 2020 6:53am
    Hey RaizenKurogane,
    first of all, I'd like to say that calling people "monkeys (...) that have no hands and no brain" is a very offensive way. Please realize, that not everyone is a talented player and many of them are only starting to understand the game. We can't all be high elo, otherwise the current system wouldn't be working.

    What you should change to win:
    • Your attitude towards players: We are all individuals with feelings and not robots. So being offensive and harass people for not playing well is something you should stop. Even if you don't flame them verbally in game, you should stop thinking about players as "monkeys". Just because the better half of the league community is salty and flaming doesn't mean you should join in (remember the "when someone tells you to jump from a high rise building, will you do that too?" debate?).
    • Try to bond with people on your team rather than flaming or calling them 'useless': You're stuck with your team for the entire time the game will last. So if you're planning to win, try to be kind, tell them about their mistakes in a kind way (e. g.: "Please spam pings when your mid laner is missing" instead of "ss idiot")
    • Find people you have a nice synergy with and play with them together.

    Hope these advices will help you alone the way to climb. Good luck.

    Cheers, Wicked Cherry.
    orrvaa (41) | April 7, 2020 9:32am
    In addition,
    1) You should always try to critic yourself it is one of the best ways to get better, you never play perfect.
    2) You should take care while you have a killing streak as you would give the enemy team a lot of gold once they kill you.
    3) You should take your lead and bring it to other lanes by ganking them. For example after you push top while the enemy is not there you can roam to mid and try to make big plays.
    4) Help your jungler if he gets invade, and try to be around dragon while it up for your team or save teleport to come to there when needed.
    5) Again attitude is a must in a team you shouldn't flame, if you don't try to give advices or if your team mates doesn't take them you should not write the chat or multi ping them. Stay cool and give good feed back when you can, if they are having fun they will do their best to win the game.
    6) keep in mind that in this game you lose, doesn't matter who you are or how good you play you will lose games. You go up in rank while winning more then 50% of your games, even 51% win rate means you contributes to your team more then other players in your rank. Stay positive and don't play while you mad it will make you play worse.
    Wicked Cherry (162) | April 7, 2020 10:42am
    Awesome additions and great attitude. ♥
    +Rep for you mate, stay positive and healthy. :]
    RaizenKurogane | April 7, 2020 12:04pm
    orrvaa wrote:
    In addition,
    1) You should always try to critic yourself it is one of the best ways to get better, you never play perfect.
    2) You should take care while you have a killing streak as you would give the enemy team a lot of gold once they kill you.
    3) You should take your lead and bring it to other lanes by ganking them. For example after you push top while the enemy is not there you can roam to mid and try to make big plays.
    4) Help your jungler if he gets invade, and try to be around dragon while it up for your team or save teleport to come to there when needed.
    5) Again attitude is a must in a team you shouldn't flame, if you don't try to give advices or if your team mates doesn't take them you should not write the chat or multi ping them. Stay cool and give good feed back when you can, if they are having fun they will do their best to win the game.
    6) keep in mind that in this game you lose, doesn't matter who you are or how good you play you will lose games. You go up in rank while winning more then 50% of your games, even 51% win rate means you contributes to your team more then other players in your rank. Stay positive and don't play while you mad it will make you play worse.

    I know I don't always play perfectly and I'm not saying I do. I ganked, I helped other lanes and even got towers in other lanes. It is just impossible to 1v9 for me. By the way they were ranked games and not draft games, I woudln't get mad for draft games. I never flamed my team until late game, I was trying to encourage them the whole game until I blew up because they were doing nothing. Atleast Annie even if feeding was a bit more usseful than the other 3 bronze players. I didn't multi ping anyone even when I got mad and flamed. I know that I will lose some games, it just bothers me that I lose even the ones where I play good.
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    ak521 (23) | April 10, 2020 11:13am
    If you really feel you are above the elo, then you should feel it in lane as you steamroll it.
    1. Put pressure on enemy early game
    2. Shove lane constantly
    3. Roam mid / bot(TP)
    4. If mid laner is not up, walk around enemy jungle. In low elo people will generally not follow (you should if enemy jg invades).
    You play good dueling champions and you will probably have a level or 2 on the enemy jungler so, yea, just take on the entire responsibility of the team. Just be sure that you care for your team as you will never win a 1v5 e.g. as Garen silence Zed wanting to R on your Ashe.
    If you find it hard because you are getting camped and your jungler is not ganking you I would recommend a champion like Sett who can 1v2 at level 3, or simply freezing.
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