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Blydden's Mobafire Blog - Tag: Blydden

23 Dec
Tier 1 - Vayne, Rammus, Morgana, Tryndamere, Akali, Olaf, Gangplank, Kennen, Kassadin, Graves, Karthus, Skarner, Cassiopeia, Garen, Lee Sin, Xerath, Nocturne, Annie, Nidalee, Ryze
Tier 2 - Caitlyn, Nasus, Renekton, Rumble, Fizz, Sion, Pantheon, Wukong, Riven, Cho'Gath, Udyr, Irelia, Shaco, Sivir, Ezreal, Gragas, Tristana, LeBlanc, Brand, Orianna, Miss Fortune, Lux, Kog'Maw, Twisted...
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30 Nov
"Who am I?" That is a very complex question. How about a question you all care about marginally more.

"In regards to League of Legends, who am I?" That's better.

I am the leader and AD Ranged Carry of my team, The HappyHappy Brigade (THHB).

"What does that mean?"

I am an avid strategist and theorycrafter. I worship Chandro's math as if it were biblical writings. I want my team to succeed. My team, I think, makes up a part of me. We are made up of how we interact and respond to other people. Hence, blah...
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League of Legends Champions:

Teamfight Tactics Guide