Awards Showcase
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Posted a Comment: Oct 14th, 2015
"First, I'm okay with government programs helping people out when they're in need. The issue is that these programs are always set up in a way that they are easily exploitable. Welfare is a great idea but then you have the assholes that cheat it and do things like make babies for the purpose of more "
Posted a Comment: Oct 14th, 2015
"I hope this is a joke. If it isn't then you are either ignorant of the fact that "free shit" isn't free, people who work for a living pay for you to get that, or you are an awful person who doesn't care that working people pay for your stupid Obamaphone."
Posted a Comment: Oct 3rd, 2015
"I'm doing terrible in Pick 'em but I don't even care. The fact that there aren't as many known variables (like the whole Korea wins almost everything deal of last worlds) makes this Worlds sooooo great. Also #FREESM #GITGUD"
Posted a Comment: Oct 2nd, 2015
"I feel so bad for BKT besides the cocky mid laner. "Hey, we're SKT, potentially the team to win this whole shindig. We see you're pretty cocky there G4. Have an olaf. Oh, and our rumble is building a first item Mejai's, trololol.""
Posted a Comment: Oct 2nd, 2015
"So every western team besides FreeSM and H2K have won. This is really odd. Granted 2 were LMS but still. "
Posted a Comment: Oct 2nd, 2015
"Holy shit xPeke. WP"
Posted a Comment: Oct 2nd, 2015
"Holy shit this has sucked. Was 1 win away from promo and botched it in a greedy run for the nexus. Then lost another game because of a whiney, afk lux support. After 1 win I'm back where I started. I'm tired of stupid mistakes losing games when I'm so close :(
Bronze 2 87 LP"
Posted a Comment: Oct 2nd, 2015
"FreeSM is so free. lelz"
Posted a Comment: Sep 30th, 2015
"I'm in :)"