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Posted a Comment: Feb 15th, 2012
"I like the current rating system tbh."
Posted a Comment: Feb 15th, 2012
"Stack Tiamat so hard that when you are farming mid, you are actually also ganking top and doing Baron."
Posted a Comment: Feb 15th, 2012
"I think WW jungle is good, the only problem is the pre-6 ganks which are almost impossible unless your lane is pushed totally to tower and has lots of CC."
Posted a Comment: Feb 15th, 2012
"Why do people even make QQ topics?
It's not like anyone cares.
PS: Advertising is forbidden, so yeah, you can forget about that."
Posted a Comment: Feb 15th, 2012
Because they didn't buff his basic damage on ultimate right?
Posted a Comment: Feb 15th, 2012
"Yeah after looking at comments you actually get some constructive criticism which could help you improve your guide. So they actually had a reason why they downvoted and that doesn't count as troll vote to me. When you'll get downvotes with commnents like "Banana!!!" then talk."
Posted a Comment: Feb 15th, 2012
"What Searz said. And I love these buffs. Faster jungling, pushing and stronger ultimate."
Posted a Comment: Feb 15th, 2012
"I think Ashe is pretty good at the moment except that she has no escape except ulti."
Posted a Comment: Feb 15th, 2012
"And what do you want us to do? Troll votes are part of mobafire and if you're gonna quit after 2 troll votes, you shouldn't even make guides. Like your name, be optimistic and if you're guide is good, people will over vote trolls and it will become successful. "