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Riven Build Guide by Seth346

Top [14.20] Become A Riven God

Top [14.20] Become A Riven God

Updated on October 11, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Seth346 Build Guide By Seth346 2616 202 11,789,519 Views 261 Comments
2616 202 11,789,519 Views 261 Comments
League of Legends Build Guide Author Seth346 Riven Build Guide By Seth346 Updated on October 11, 2024
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Maintained (201) | December 26, 2020 12:49pm
Hello there! You requested a review and I am here to deliver. Hopefully I don't start losing to Riven while playing Garen because of this guide.

click for review

Overall, this is a great guide, and I've learning a great number of new things about Riven, which I will use to my advantage when playing against her >:), with the strong parts of the guide being very impressive. Which is why it's all the more unfortunate that the weaker parts of the guide are holding the amazing parts back.
Seth346 (39) | December 27, 2020 3:21pm
Alright! I've changed the guide drastically! Do you think I have a chance at the guide competition? Also, do they judge on conciseness? I feel like a lot of guides have miles of content when it could be said in a few feet. I've heard they've won in the past but I've put a ton of effort into my Guide making it concise. I feel this way it's easier to keep the reader engaged.

Aesthetics are also important and giant walls of text aren't very attractive. I don't know, it's hard to find the balance between concise and extensive.
Maintained (201) | December 28, 2020 10:49pm
Seth346 wrote:
Do you think I have a chance at the guide competition?

That would depend on the quality of the other top lane guides, which to be honest I am not very familiar with so I can't give you an accurate assessment. I would say your cheat sheet still needs improving, most notably making clear which items are not a core part of your build and can be replaced by the situational items.
Seth346 wrote:
Also, do they judge on conciseness? I feel like a lot of guides have miles of content when it could be said in a few feet. I've heard they've won in the past but I've put a ton of effort into my Guide making it concise. I feel this way it's easier to keep the reader engaged.

Guide length alone is not enough to win you the contest, it just so happens that longer guides tend to win more because they have more information. Guides that are long with poorly presented or low quality information do not tend to win.
Seth346 wrote:
Aesthetics are also important and giant walls of text aren't very attractive. I don't know, it's hard to find the balance between concise and extensive.

That's the beauty of aesthetics, when done correctly they can make walls of text visually pleasing and easier to read and digest. If walls of text are making a guide unattractive, it's not because of the walls of text, it's because of the lack of aesthetics.

Hopefully what I said proved to be helpful, if you have any more questions please let me know :)
Fruxo (328) | September 9, 2020 12:37pm
Hello Seth346 (or RivalofAll), here is the review you requested.

click for review

This is probably what I'd be considering as a solid guide with a few mistakes here and there that can be fixed. You've gone far with the gameplay stuff and it shows that time has been put into it and the basic info is mostly there. Other than some of the potential improvements I suggested in my review, I think the biggest goal here for your guide that I'd recommend to focus on is expanding the depth of gameplay information you have. I feel like there are so many more things that you can maybe talk about when it comes to Riven in my opinion, and if it’s not about the champion then even just general talk about how to play top lane would go a really long way.

I hope you find the review helpful and good luck with the guide!
Seth346 (39) | September 12, 2020 6:21pm
I've addressed most of what you've said! Somethings I wasn't sure about since it seemed like I'm just repeating information in one spot of the next. I don't want people to just stop looking at the guide at the cheat sheet. I want them to read the whole thing. Maybe that's not the way things are right now with other guides, but the way they should be.
Fruxo (328) | September 13, 2020 2:36am
The point I was trying to make with the cheat sheet is the fact that it's mostly used to gather quick information. Most readers likely use guides before they start up a match, they won't have enough time to read through the whole guide before their game starts, this is what the cheat sheet is for. Then likely after the game if they performed well or if they lost but still want to get better at the champion, they'll likely come back and continue reading through the whole guide.

There's absolutely no way to determine if readers want to stop at the cheat sheet or read the entire guide since that's their decision. But most of the time, they will come back if they truly want to improve or learn more about said champion / role.
Katasandra (101) | August 24, 2020 10:27am
Hey there,

You made an application in the guide review thread, so here it is! One note: I do not play Riven at all, so my knowledge on her is limited.

Click for review

The main point of improvement is finishing the basics: you should make a section explaining why you go different items and runes on Riven. This is especially important because you run an off-meta setup some of the time ( Grasp of the Undying). Besides that there seem to be some gaps between what you think you talked about in this guide and what you actually were talking about. Carefully reread your guide to make sure that you touched on all the topics you wanted to cover!

I hope you are able to do something with the feedback, feel free to reply if you have any questions/remarks.
Anyways, good luck with updating & upgrading your guide and have a nice day!
Seth346 (39) | August 25, 2020 2:08am
Thank you so much for all your help! I've addressed all you've mentioned!
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[14.20] Become A Riven God

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