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Ability Order
Essence Theft (PASSIVE)
Ahri Passive Ability
-Ahri is a Squishy Champion so shes not one for initiating fights
-Ahri is quite weak even for an assassin
-Ahri can only really escape from situations sometimes if using your ult and charm correctly
-Ahri is only Semi Difficult to play since she's easily killed or ganked.
-Ahri with enough ability power can make a powerful opposition unlike some other squishy champions
-Ahri should use all her spells to her advantage do to most are multi target spells and can hit more then one enemy
-Ahri's ult makes her a harder target to catch when chasing her use that to your advantage since you can ult over and through walls.
-Ahri is a Squishy Champion so shes not one for initiating fights
-Ahri is quite weak even for an assassin
-Ahri can only really escape from situations sometimes if using your ult and charm correctly
-Ahri is only Semi Difficult to play since she's easily killed or ganked.
-Ahri with enough ability power can make a powerful opposition unlike some other squishy champions
-Ahri should use all her spells to her advantage do to most are multi target spells and can hit more then one enemy
-Ahri's ult makes her a harder target to catch when chasing her use that to your advantage since you can ult over and through walls.
Ahri is well known for sitting in the back of the group firing her spells off at any champion that she can target and do to her spells being mostly of Multiple target nature it makes her a nice addition to spell spamming when you have enough power to dish it out there are some occassions of Ahri initiating team fights like with how i use her i'll ult twice at the enemy most of the time two will engage me then all hell breaks loose when i ult away with the last use of it the teamfight begins with ahri safely in the back of the pack while the tanks take the hits and everyone else is doing what they do best.
Ahri can be good at helping teammates who are being chased do to her charm ability and magic bursting which comes in handy to quickly turn a situation around on the enemy team player.
Ahri can be good at helping teammates who are being chased do to her charm ability and magic bursting which comes in handy to quickly turn a situation around on the enemy team player.
Farming is the biggest key factor you need with Ahri do to with how weak she is in the beginning her farm isn't usually that good and if you get a bad farm up to mid game you will have trailed very far behind to the point you may not recover so make sure to always get those last hits either it be champions minions or monsters since only children complain about Kill stealing this is a war game there is only securing a kill ^_^ the moment people realise that you cant kill steal is the moment when we all truly are good players
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