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Soraka Passive Ability
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The rationale behind the item choices is to maximize your health regen without getting any additional health. Since Soraka's heals costs 10% of her max health, more health would actually increase the cost of her heals; while health regen means she can heal much more over a period of time.
Try to save your silence for a fight as it has a long cooldown. If you are sure that no fights will happen for a while, use it directly on enemies. They will always try to walk out of it, then you can aim your starcall on their path for a sure hit.
As soon as a fight breaks out - e.g. one of your allies engaged on an enemy - use your E on the path of the other 4 approaching enemies. This will render them useless for a few seconds, and so unable to join in the fight while your team rushes in to help. These valuable few seconds of silence can make or break a team fight.
Always keep watch on your allies' abilities. Try to combo your silence with their CC for the snare. A Jarvan ult for example will be the perfect combo with your silence zone.
As soon as a fight breaks out - e.g. one of your allies engaged on an enemy - use your E on the path of the other 4 approaching enemies. This will render them useless for a few seconds, and so unable to join in the fight while your team rushes in to help. These valuable few seconds of silence can make or break a team fight.
Always keep watch on your allies' abilities. Try to combo your silence with their CC for the snare. A Jarvan ult for example will be the perfect combo with your silence zone.
Give priority of heals to allies taking damage, not low health allies in the back. Give priority to squishy allies in half health instead of the tank in half health.
Healing Garen and Mundo is nice but not as urgent since they have superb health regen already. If Mundo/Swain is ignited or suffer from other healing reduction effects, use your ult to save them.
Stop healing your allies if you are low health and taking DoT damage e.g. Teemo shrooms, Singed poison. You might kill yourself.
Healing Garen and Mundo is nice but not as urgent since they have superb health regen already. If Mundo/Swain is ignited or suffer from other healing reduction effects, use your ult to save them.
Stop healing your allies if you are low health and taking DoT damage e.g. Teemo shrooms, Singed poison. You might kill yourself.
Enemy poke will be horrifying at late game. One single Nidalee spear takes more than half of a squishy player's health. You have to constantly heal your allies.
Stay far back and spam your heals on your allies whenever you can. Avoid any enemy harass since you will be <10% health most of the time. Use your starcalls to heal yourself only if it is safe to do so, e.g. enemy is CC'd.
Beware of the Lux lasers and Varus Q's. They can snipe you even if you stay far back. Try not to give enemy vision of yourself, pretend that you are a fountain in the bush.
Stay far back and spam your heals on your allies whenever you can. Avoid any enemy harass since you will be <10% health most of the time. Use your starcalls to heal yourself only if it is safe to do so, e.g. enemy is CC'd.
Beware of the Lux lasers and Varus Q's. They can snipe you even if you stay far back. Try not to give enemy vision of yourself, pretend that you are a fountain in the bush.
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