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Ability Order
A Harmless Scarecrow (PASSIVE)
Fiddlesticks Passive Ability
Thanks to fear you can even kill easily champion with a lot of life .
I think that this build i svery strong and differet from the others Fiddlesticks's builds you and need a few games for learning it.
I hope you will enjoy it.
anyway i am not a good writer so.... for me the only thing to look is the skill,runes,masteries... that appears up but if you like read the most important things about my fiddlesticks guide you are welcome but i don't am a good writer so i warned you
ooooook doran's ring is a good starter item so is ok you can even keep it for all the game as the others
sorcerer's shoes are perfect for fiddle
Will Of The Ancients really good for power up the spell vamp
Morello's evil tome quite usefull this is the only item that you can change if you want :D
Archangel's Staff this is awsome for mana regen and ability power very important item
Rabadon's Deathcap what can i say well....
a lot of ability power = awsomeness
Enjoy drinking enemys
sorcerer's shoes are perfect for fiddle
Will Of The Ancients really good for power up the spell vamp
Morello's evil tome quite usefull this is the only item that you can change if you want :D
Archangel's Staff this is awsome for mana regen and ability power very important item
Rabadon's Deathcap what can i say well....
a lot of ability power = awsomeness
Enjoy drinking enemys
Terrify ok this is very poerfull if used wisely is the sencond after drain to power up to 5 ... it's unusal but thrust me this spell can depend on the result of the battle .... this skill makes you fear the target so your team mates can easily kill opponents and increase team kills...and of course even solo you can drain a lot and i f abbinate a terrify lv 5 to crow storm + drain i guess that is the most awasome combo eve ;D
Drain main skill very powerfull use this after a terrify if is possible and while crowstorm
Dark wind for me dark wind is not nercessary because is used for killing minions but anyway it doesn't so much and giving killing blows by distance but this skill at lv 1 takes enoght damage to deal a killing blow anyway... for me is the last to upgrade (if you think in this way of course)
Crowstorm as i say before use this spell with terrify makes life better and bloody
Drain main skill very powerfull use this after a terrify if is possible and while crowstorm
Dark wind for me dark wind is not nercessary because is used for killing minions but anyway it doesn't so much and giving killing blows by distance but this skill at lv 1 takes enoght damage to deal a killing blow anyway... for me is the last to upgrade (if you think in this way of course)
Crowstorm as i say before use this spell with terrify makes life better and bloody
Great 1 on 1 character. Early or late game.
Low cooldowns helps keep you draining even if you get interrupted.
Great hero for getting assists with Crowstorm.
Great laner. Can survive for as long as your mana lasts
Great ganker. Covers the distance to any hero and keeps them there.
Great for tanking dragon or baron.
Amazing crowd control for getting away, saving a champions life or killing a champion!
Not alot of mana so sometimes you have to be careful how your spending it. Get blue buff!!!
Crowstorm takes awhile to charge so you have to make sure your out of sight when you start casting.
Sometimes Crowstorm can put you right in the middle of a team fight. Sometimes that costs you your life.
Sometimes slow at jungling.
Not a good farmer! Dark Wind only hits 5 targets and using Crowstorm to farm is overkill. Need to be good at last hitting!
The really important thing to being a successful fiddlesticks is knowing your team and knowing your enemy. A lot of fiddlesticks's moves can be interrupted if your not careful. Make sure to allow your team to use their stuns before you fear an enemy because their stun will render your fear mute. Also watch out for heroes on their team that have stuns or crowd control and make sure to fear them first, buying your team those precious extra seconds it needs to triumph in a team fight.
Consider drain your life line, but never enter into a team fight with low health hoping to heal yourself up on another champion. They always take notice when you suck the life out of them and are almost never happy about it. The only exception to this is during a 1 on 1 fight, and you have Terrify on cooldown. Be ready to run however because when team mates see a fight go down they tend to run straight at you, and fiddlesticks and take awhile to bring heroes down.
Dark Wind
Great early game trails off a little late game. Always make sure to use this spell as soon as possible and as often as possible. The second stun that this spell offers is great right in the middle of team fights. Alot of hero's depend on their abilities to survive and to kill.
This is your main initiation and best team fighting spell in your arsenal. Always enter into a team fight with this move if you can and try to aim for the squishy hero's hiding in the back. This spell in combination with flash is an excellent way to close the distance to any position on the map. After getting to the position you want quickly cast Dark Wind, Terrify the main damage source and then Drain someone with a goodly amount of health to fully utilize the 5 seconds of Drain. A lot of times people make the mistake of being greedy and cast Drain on low health champions for the quick kill. These champions will melt away and die inside your Crowstorm so using drain on them are a waste of time and will often get you killed. Drain someone with lots of health to make sure you still have lots of health after the initial scare and initial focus your bound to attract.
The really important thing to being a successful fiddlesticks is knowing your team and knowing your enemy. A lot of fiddlesticks's moves can be interrupted if your not careful. Make sure to allow your team to use their stuns before you fear an enemy because their stun will render your fear mute. Also watch out for heroes on their team that have stuns or crowd control and make sure to fear them first, buying your team those precious extra seconds it needs to triumph in a team fight.
Consider drain your life line, but never enter into a team fight with low health hoping to heal yourself up on another champion. They always take notice when you suck the life out of them and are almost never happy about it. The only exception to this is during a 1 on 1 fight, and you have Terrify on cooldown. Be ready to run however because when team mates see a fight go down they tend to run straight at you, and fiddlesticks and take awhile to bring heroes down.
Dark Wind
Great early game trails off a little late game. Always make sure to use this spell as soon as possible and as often as possible. The second stun that this spell offers is great right in the middle of team fights. Alot of hero's depend on their abilities to survive and to kill.
This is your main initiation and best team fighting spell in your arsenal. Always enter into a team fight with this move if you can and try to aim for the squishy hero's hiding in the back. This spell in combination with flash is an excellent way to close the distance to any position on the map. After getting to the position you want quickly cast Dark Wind, Terrify the main damage source and then Drain someone with a goodly amount of health to fully utilize the 5 seconds of Drain. A lot of times people make the mistake of being greedy and cast Drain on low health champions for the quick kill. These champions will melt away and die inside your Crowstorm so using drain on them are a waste of time and will often get you killed. Drain someone with lots of health to make sure you still have lots of health after the initial scare and initial focus your bound to attract.
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